Masked In Nobility: Secrets Of Mrs. Chavez
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Winona and Layla were regulars at this discreet club. Before Winona's true identity was revealed, their frequent visits remained unnoticed.

When Winona arrived, she proceeded directly to her reserved private room to await Layla. She requested a new escort—a muscular, gym-toned man with a rugged, masculine appearance. Winona, secretly drawn to powerfully built men, found conquering them deeply satisfying. Since Victor and Robert weren't her type, she frequented the club to relieve stress and indulge her desires. Following the Smith family's bankruptcy, Winona's visits had increased, along with her penchant for commanding the escorts.

The muscular escort, whose stage name was Jackman, felt uneasy upon seeing Winona's visibly pregnant state. While accustomed to wealthy women with eccentric preferences, he'd never encountered one so far along in her pregnancy. Knowing Winona was a generous tipper, however, he greeted her with a smile.

Jackman wore the club's standard attire: a minimal triangular garment, a small red bell, and a deer antler headband. While perhaps charming on a younger escort, the outfit seemed incongruous on Jackman's muscular frame. Yet, Winona found it uniquely appealing, possessing a wild elegance she adored.

Jackman willingly knelt, massaging Winona's foot. "Ms. Chambers," he inquired, "is this pressure to your liking?" From her elevated position, Winona surveyed him.

A satisfied sigh escaped her lips. She nodded arrogantly, her gaze revealing disdain mingled with lustful longing. "Satisfied, well-trained," she declared, nonchalantly slapping him.

Jackman remained unperturbed, smiling and thanking her for her kindness. He mused inwardly, "In this job, what's a slap?" He recalled a recent incident where a wealthy woman had nearly beaten an escort to death, yet generously compensated him. It was, he reflected, a matter of equal exchange.

Winona's amusement at his tactfulness prompted her to toss thirty thousand dollars at him. Jackman's acceptance restored a sense of self-respect she'd been missing.

Despite her apparent satisfaction, Winona internally deemed him cheap. Jackman, feigning obliviousness, continued his service. When the moment felt right, Winona beckoned him. "Come here, you know what to do, right?"

Jackman hesitated, concerned about the potential risks associated with physical intimacy given Winona's pregnancy. "Ms. Chambers," he began, "with your belly, I'm afraid…"

Winona snorted, crossing her arms. "Didn't the club teach you other techniques? Must I explain?" She wouldn't risk her pregnancy; the baby was her current lifeline.

Jackman understood and complied, proceeding until Layla burst into the room. The sight of them, partially undressed, didn't faze her; she was well-acquainted with Winona's private life and shared partners. However, she was astonished at Winona's brazen disregard for her pregnancy and the potential repercussions of Victor discovering her escapades. Layla questioned Winona's reliance now that the Carters' support had vanished.

Startled, Winona and Jackman quickly composed themselves. Winona dressed and berated Layla for her unceremonious entry. Her interrupted pleasure fueled her anger.

Layla playfully apologized, promising to arrange a session with a newer, potentially superior escort.

The prospect of a better escort instantly improved Winona's mood. Jackman's expression hardened. This job was crucial for his ranking, and the unexpected interference threatened his prospects. Resentful, yet swallowing his pride, he pleaded, "Ms. Chambers, please don't replace me. I'll do whatever you need. I beg you."

Layla found Jackman's gentle demeanor surprising, contrasting with his tough exterior. Winona and Layla exchanged a knowing glance.

Layla mused, "Perhaps we won't replace you, but what about your stamina?"

Jackman eagerly volunteered, assuring them of his professionalism and ability to satisfy both women.

Winona grudgingly conceded, allowing him to remain.

Following the extended session, Jackman lay on the bed, his body bruised and bleeding. A check for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars rested on the nightstand. A satisfied grin spread across his face; it had been a lucrative, albeit brutal, experience.

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