"Hello, Ella, I'm Leon." I stared skeptically at the strange man, distrustful. He didn't flinch, continuing as if I weren't watching him like a wary rabbit.
"King Gabriel tells me you're looking for a hypno-therapist."
I remained silent, still assessing him. I'd never liked doctors, and for good reason. After discovering that the OB/GYN who'd sent me to the sperm bank was a fraud, my suspicion of the medical field had intensified. Frankly, the idea of lying back and closing my eyes while a stranger delved into my deepest, darkest memories made me nauseous. If my mate were here, it would be different; he'd provide the safety I needed to let my guard down. But he wasn't, and my wolf was on high alert. A low growl escaped my lips, and I felt my fangs bared.
Leon shot a nervous glance at Gabriel, who remained impassive. He gestured for the therapist to continue, so Leon pressed on: "I understand hypnosis can seem daunting. We're searching for things your mind has hidden for your own protection, but I assure you I've been doing this a very long time, and you're in good hands. I will guide you through every step, and I'll be able to bring you out of the dream state if it becomes overwhelming. You can have someone stay with you if you like, but ensure it's someone with whom you're comfortable sharing these memories."
"Like you?" I scoffed, knowing I was being unnecessarily rude but not caring. "A random man who's done nothing to earn my trust, yet expects me to lay myself bare at your whim?"
Gabriel started to speak, but Leon raised a hand. "She's right. Normally, this would be part of a broader therapy regimen, allowing time to build trust. I'd be concerned if you weren't anxious, Ella, but time is a luxury we don't have."
"How about I get Cora? I'm sure she'd be happy to stay with you," Gabriel suggested, his voice low and soothing.
"I want Dominic," I replied sharply, my arms crossed defensively.
Gabriel sighed. "I know, but he isn't here, Ella. You'll have to choose someone else."
My lip trembled. For a second, I was furious with Sinclair for leaving me to do this alone. A moment later, I berated myself for being selfish, tears welling in my eyes. I blinked them away, hating my weakness. "We could just attack him," my wolf suggested slyly. "He doesn't look so tough. We could take him. There can't be hypnosis without a hypnotist."
"You make a good point," I replied, liking the idea and marveling at my own bloodlust. I'd never contemplated attacking anyone before, and now I practically salivated at the thought of pouncing on the unsuspecting therapist. Of course, I then imagined telling Sinclair I'd bitten the hypnotist Gabriel had vetted, and dismissed the idea. "We can't," I told my wolf reluctantly. "Dominic would be disappointed."
"Fine," she grumbled, but I felt her violent inclinations pulsing through me, sparking adrenaline and racing my heart. "Ella?"
Gabriel prompted, a warning in his tone. I think he sensed the direction of my thoughts, but I sent him a withering glare.
"Henry," I decided. "If he's free and willing." The King was right; Cora would be most comfortable, but I was painfully aware this session might unearth childhood horrors I didn't want her to relive. Gabriel didn't move. "If I leave you alone here, are you going to try to harm Leon?"
"Now there's a thought," my wolf piped up. "If Gabriel isn't here, we could get rid of him before King Nosey returns. Then there'd be nothing to tell Dominic."
"I don't know," I answered, sniffing. "Why don't you try and find out?"
"I'll send a guard," the King decided wisely, giving me a scolding stare.
"Why don't you have a seat, Ella?" Leon advised, seemingly unfazed by my aggression. Perhaps he was used to shifters battling their wolves' instincts.
A little later, I was stretched out on the couch, one hand on my belly, the other clasped in Henry's large hand. "Don't worry, Ella. I've got you," he said warmly. "If he steps out of line, I'll sic my guards on him."
"Thank you," I replied, squeezing his hand. "Will you wake me if you do? I want to watch."
"Of course," Henry chuckled, reminding me so much of Sinclair that my heart ached. My mate might not let me lash out at an innocent man, but he'd certainly enjoy vanquishing anyone who crossed me.
"You two are being ridiculous," Gabriel muttered under his breath.
"Hey, I'm pregnant!" I retorted, thoroughly affronted.
"And I'm disabled," Henry added, equally offended, making me stifle a giggle.
"Neither condition excuses irrationality," Gabriel declared. "Leon is here to help."
Henry and I exchanged a mutinous glance, silently agreeing to have the guards deal with the King as well, should Leon cross a line. I could practically hear Gabriel rolling his eyes, but Leon quickly took control. "Okay, so what I'm hearing is a lot of anxiety, and that's okay," he announced inanely. "Ella, I'll explain the process. First, a small injection of a drug called Ether. It will help you relax and open your mind, breaking down barriers that lock away memories or sensations. It's completely safe—comparable to human psychedelic-guided therapies."
I heard him open plastic packaging, and my fear spiked. No one mentioned an injection. I'm fine with needles, but my distrust of this man made my wolf recoil at the thought of him injecting me with something unknown.
Maybe I should have asked for Cora after all, since she has medical knowledge I don't. "It's okay, Ella," Henry said softly, sensing my anxiety. "It's a common drug in Vanara; people use it recreationally, and it's safe."
"Exactly," Leon confirmed. "I'll check in with you as it kicks in, then we'll talk. I'll ask about your earliest memories, your life growing up. I won't control or manipulate you, just guide you through your memories with the Ether's help. If it's too much, I have another injection to counteract the first. Otherwise, we'll let the drug take its course. Afterward, we'll discuss everything, and I'll suggest tools to help you process your feelings. We'll go over anything we missed, challenges, and focus for next time." He finished preparing the shot as I watched from the corner of my eye. "We'll be working together. Henry will care for you and help me gauge your reactions and mental state since he knows you better. How does that sound?"
Terrible. Not fun. Bad. Stop this! I thought miserably.
This quack didn't understand what remembering my childhood would be like. He didn't realize even simple questions were painful and difficult because of how messed up things were. But I'd promised my mate, and we needed to know where I came from. Still, considering the horrible things I did remember, I didn't want to imagine how bad something would have to be for me to repress it. "Is there a chance we won't find anything? That there isn't anything I've blocked out?" I asked, knowing there probably was. I'd shut out bad memories for two decades, so I likely repressed others too.
"There is," Leon confirmed. "But in my experience, you always learn something new about yourself. Your brain connects existing knowledge in new ways, or allows you to drill down on realizations about your life or experiences. Therapy is always a journey, so I can't predict what we'll find, but you will be changed by the end of it."
I drew in a shaky breath, almost hearing Sinclair's voice: You can do this. You're stronger than you know, little wolf.
Clamping my eyes shut, I nodded to Gabriel, prompting him and the guards to leave.