Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 209
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Chapter 209 – Ella Breaks Out

Isabel stared after me, her mouth gaping open in shock. She remained motionless on the bed. I didn't pause to dress or put on shoes; instead, I sprinted to my door and pressed my ear against the wood. After a moment, Isabel recovered and joined me. "What are you doing?" she whispered, her eyes wide.

I pulled her away from the door, pressing a finger to my lips. The feeling of my mate intensified with each second, and his voice called out again: Ella!

"I hear you!" I sent back through our bond, praying he could hear me. "I'm coming, Dominic." The baby fluttered excitedly in my belly. I sensed that when Sinclair wasn't calling to me, he was calling to Rafe. However, when his voice sounded again, it was only my name: Ella! Through the distance, I sensed his exhaustion and worry, the nearly unhinged determination of his wolf. There was pain too, and I knew he must be injured. He was trying to get back to us, but he was too worn down to communicate beyond these simple calls.

"I have to get out of here," I told Isabel quietly. "Dominic… I can feel him, he's calling me. But he's hurt; I have to reach him."

Isabel blinked. "Are you sure?"

I met her gaze. "Of course I'm sure. I know my mate better than I know myself."

"Alright, I'm sorry," Isabel replied. "I was just surprised. What can I do?"

"Can you distract my guards?" I asked, unsure if she would agree. This felt like the first true test of our friendship. Isabel simply set her jaw and nodded.

"I'll go this way," she said, pointing to the bedroom door. "You exit through the sitting room. I'll keep them occupied as long as I can."

I nodded eagerly and dashed to the far door, watching as Isabel slipped outside. Her voice echoed down the hallway: "Excuse me, could you all help me? The Princess requires some items from the kitchen, but our phone doesn't seem to be working. Would you mind terribly going down to fetch a few things for us?"

I rolled my eyes at her use of my title, but I opened the door quietly, peeking my head out as the guards gathered around Isabel exchanged uncertain glances. "We can't leave our post, Miss. Philippe's orders."

"Well, I promised the King I wouldn't leave her side," Isabel fretted, wringing her hands. "Perhaps just one of you could go? I'm sure you're all more than strong enough to carry even the heaviest tray."

I tiptoed away while the guards puffed up their chests and debated who should be her knight in shining armor. I stifled a laugh as I saw Isabel batting her eyelashes at them. I disappeared around the corner, trying to remember which of Gabriel's secret passages was closest. I knew there was one on the floor below, but I worried someone might see me before I reached it.

Ella, Ella, Ella. Sinclair chanted through our bond, filling me with courage.

"I'm coming, my love," I sent back, moving as swiftly as possible. I immediately regretted leaving the room without pausing. I drew attention to myself on the best of days, and scampering through the palace in my current state was hardly discreet. I imagined how I must look: barefoot, in only a long silk nightdress, with unwashed, disheveled hair.

Thankfully, I reached the passage entrance without difficulty, though I had to hide behind a large statue until a pair of servants with a laundry cart passed by. For a split second, I considered asking them for help, but I didn't want them to risk their jobs by defying Gabriel's order to keep me in the palace. I knew the King worried about my well-being, not to mention outside threats like the bomb that intercepted Sinclair's delegation. Still, I didn't appreciate his high-handed orders. So I continued through the passages alone, following the scent of the outdoors.

By the time I reached the outside, Sinclair felt as though he might be just around the next corner. His calls had grown loud and constant, but I couldn't see him. Ella, Ella, Ella. I opened my heart to him and followed the path our bond illuminated, throwing caution to the wind as I reached the palace gates. The guards' backs were to me as they searched for outside threats, focused on keeping unwanted guests out, not holding anyone inside.

I darted past them, ignoring their cries of surprise, and ran into the city. Within moments, I heard footsteps pounding the pavement behind me, and I smelled Philippe's familiar scent. I cursed inwardly; there was no way I could outrun the guards—I could barely manage a jog, cradling my belly and wincing as my swollen breasts bounced. People stopped and stared, but I ignored them.

I knew I was caught a second before it happened, when Philippe's voice growled in my ear and his footsteps were right behind me. He practically tackled me, gripping me as gently as possible, mindful of my condition. His arms went under mine as he stopped me, and I went limp, hoping my weight would drag him down.

It didn't. He easily supported me, then scooped me into his arms.

A crowd had gathered, but the other guards kept them at bay. I wasn't sure if it was for my safety or to prevent them from witnessing what followed, but I didn't care. They could all watch—as long as I got to Sinclair, they could do whatever they liked.

"Let me go, Philippe!" I commanded, raising my voice and kicking my legs as he carried me closer to the palace. I thrashed and fought, wrenching his arm close enough to sink my fangs into his wrist. He hissed and recoiled, but he didn't let go.

Philippe snarled impatiently. "Dammit, Ella, this has to stop!"

"You will never stop me from going after him!" I cried, returning his snarl. "I will never give up. As long as he's out there, I will always try to find him."

"He's not out there!" Philippe insisted, shaking me slightly. "You've got to accept it, Ella!"

"You're wrong!" I countered, thrusting my elbow into his ribs. "You don't know! None of you can feel him like I can."

"You think we weren't bonded with him too?" Philippe demanded angrily, lifting me into his arms despite my frantic struggles. "That we didn't love him?"

"It's not the same!" I countered furiously, willing my wolf to shift. She was at the surface, as desperate and outraged as I was. However, I was weak from the sedatives and lack of food, and I suspected the doctor's anti-anxiety medication was preventing her from surfacing. "I can hear him! He's calling me, he needs me!"

Philippe sighed, sounding resigned. "You're delirious. You've got to get some rest, or you'll make yourself sick."

"I'm not!" I exploded, throwing my head back and slamming my skull into Philippe's chin. I instantly regretted it as pain shot through my head. "Just because you all have no hope left doesn't mean I'll let you steal mine!" I moaned weakly.

"That's it!" Philippe grumbled, pain evident in his voice. "I've had enough. You are coming with me now, whether you like it or not!"

"You can't make me!" I challenged, adrenaline overriding my pain. I threw myself against his arms, but I couldn't break free. Philippe held me fast, and then his fingers dug into my neck, triggering a pressure point I didn't know existed. My vision began to black out, but at the last moment, Philippe pulled back. I didn't understand why until I realized that the sound of Sinclair's voice was gone… but I could smell him, as strong as if he were beside me. I looked around, my heart soaring, but I didn't see him.

Suddenly, a deafening growl sounded behind us, and my heart leaped. "Take your hands off my mate."

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