Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 231
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Cora's eyes followed her sister's retreating back as the delegation left. Ella kept glancing back, concern and apology etched on her beautiful face. She clearly wanted to stay, to discuss what had happened and offer comfort, but her responsibility was to remain with the group. Just before disappearing around the corner, she mouthed, "I love you." Cora could only manage a tremulous smile in response.

She wrapped her arms around herself, acutely aware of Roger's presence. He stood so close she felt the heat radiating from his powerful frame in waves; the thought of his arms around her was intensely tempting. She didn't know why she'd confided her hurt feelings, but suspected it stemmed from the same reason she found his proximity so comforting. "You should go," she began, "they must need you."

"I'm not leaving you like this," Roger replied firmly, moving closer until Cora's shoulder blades brushed against his chest.

"I have work to do," Cora answered hoarsely, attempting to pull away.

Before she could take a step, a strong arm encircled her waist. "Talk to me," Roger urged, his voice a tender purr. He pulled her close, and Cora saw his handsome face in her peripheral vision, watching her intently. "You're clearly upset, little one."

Cora desperately tried to ignore the feeling of being enveloped by him like a security blanket, and she hated the nickname's effect on her. Compared to tiny Ella, Cora had always felt gangly, even though she was of average height and weight. She'd never considered herself "little" compared to her sister, but she certainly was next to most wolves. It was often intimidating, but with Roger, she secretly loved feeling small and safe. "I already have a support system," she said dismissively, but her voice shook, her lower lip trembling. "I don't need you."

"Maybe not, but I'm here and I care," he replied gently, cupping her cheek and turning her face toward him. The angle—sideways, backward, and upward—was undeniably effective. His dark eyes bored into hers from inches away, and Cora felt seen through. "Tell me how to make it better, Cora."

He couldn't have predicted the impact of those simple words, but tears welled in her eyes. Heartbreakingly vulnerable, Cora admitted, "I don't know. I don't know what I need right now."

Roger tsked and turned her to face him. "That's okay," he assured her. "Because I do." Wrapping her in a hug, he nestled her tear-stained face against his neck. He stroked her spine, purring, and pressed soft kisses to her hair. Cora's sobs intensified as his purring continued. "That's it, sweetheart," Roger encouraged. "Just let it all out." He swayed gently. While his wolf focused on comforting her, his own thoughts were darker.

He was already plotting revenge against Kieran for his cruelty. It was best to do so now, while his wolf was distracted. Once the irate beast was no longer occupied with Cora, his aggression would be so intense that it would take all the Beta's strength to prevent him from tearing the other wolf apart—which would hardly aid their diplomatic mission. He needed to decide on an appropriate revenge while he could still think logically.

"I'm s-s-sorry," Cora wept, her words muffled against his shoulder. "I d-don't know why I'm being such a b-baby."

"Don't ever apologize for crying," Roger scolded, holding her tighter. "You have every reason to be upset. That mongrel was unconscionably cruel to you, and trust me, he's going to pay."

"He was r-right," Cora cried. "As far as shifters are c-concerned, I'm n-nothing more than a pet. I w-wouldn't even b-be here if it wasn't for Ella."

A growl cut through Roger's purrs. "He wasn't right, and if you ever suggest such a thing again, I swear to the Goddess I will put you over my knee."

Cora shuddered, her pulse quickening. Though she tried to sound affronted, she couldn't hide the curiosity in her voice. "You can't do that."

"Watch me," Roger rumbled in her ear, sending another shiver down her spine. His wolf howled in triumph, enjoying her responsiveness. Holding Cora felt incredibly right, and she clearly responded to his dominance. "He wasn't right. No one thinks of you that way, Cora. Kieran is a vulgar little maggot with no redeeming qualities. Don't give his opinion a second thought."

"You don't really believe he was the only one who felt that way, do you?" Cora asked. "The others might not have agreed, but they didn't object either." She shook her head, frustration replacing her tears. "I hate how I freeze up! Why can't I break myself of this? I'm not a little girl anymore."

"You didn't freeze; you spoke up beautifully," Roger argued.

"That's not how it felt," Cora confessed. "I felt like a mouse facing a lion. Ella and Gabriel were the ones who stopped him. And I just stood there and let them defend me. I probably wouldn't have been able to say what I did if" She trailed off, her cheeks flushing.

"If what?" Roger asked, sensing her sudden nervousness.

It took Cora a moment to answer; her voice was barely audible. "If I'd been alone, if I hadn't had all of you beside me." Her phrasing was awkward, and Roger understood she'd been about to say, "if you hadn't been beside me." She was trying to deflect.

"I see," Roger said, smiling and inhaling her scent. "And is there a reason you think you should have to go it alone?"

"Because I never have before," Cora explained, sniffling. Her tears slowed, but she remained in Roger's arms, leaning against him, eyes closed. "I know I don't have to be an island—I know everyone needs help sometimes. But just once, I'd like to know I'm capable of saving myself."

"So why do you think you freeze up?" Roger inquired, still purring.

"I know why," Cora said sadly. "Because I'm afraid that if I do or say the wrong thing, if I react at all, I might provoke an even worse attack it's a survival strategy from the orphanage."

Roger growled, but Cora didn't mind. His growls never felt threatening, only "Well, maybe we can work on that together. I could teach you to fight, or we could start running together—so you have a flight option as well," he teased, remembering her difficulty with a short run the previous day.

"No running," Cora grumbled sulkily, earning a chuckle from Roger. The sound warmed Cora, and she smiled.

"There now," Roger praised, stroking her hair. "Goddess, you have a beautiful smile."

His compliment snapped Cora back to reality. Panic surged, and she desperately tried to regain control.

Attempting to withdraw, she said, "Thank you for comforting me, but I should get to work, and you should catch up with the group."

"That might be difficult if you don't let me go, little one," Roger teased. Cora realized he was right. Her arms were still around his waist, and she couldn't release him. Mildly alarmed, she looked up at him; his face was inches from hers. She gasped, her heart pounding faster at his hungry expression. His eyes drifted to her lips, and for a moment, she was certain he was going to kiss her. Worse, she wanted him to—and that was terrifying.

Something flickered in his gaze, and just as Cora thought he would kiss her, he released her. "I'll let you off this once, Cora," Roger promised, stroking her cheek. "Because you've been through a lot today, and I know you're confused. But be warned, the next time I get you in my arms, I'm not letting go."

Cora gulped. Oh God, she thought, butterflies erupting in her stomach, I'm in big trouble.

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