Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 239 Hypnosis Part 4
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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We've all been elated since yesterday's meeting with the humans. We expected only one attendee, certainly not Sabina Kelly. I anticipated a difficult argument to even secure a hearing, but Moon Valley's exiled mayor did all the work for us.

We later learned our initial outreach was largely ignored. If not for Sabina, no one would have considered our offer. Ironically, Damon's manipulation of Sabina inadvertently paved the way for his downfall. However, this pales in comparison to learning that Sinclair may have prevented worse atrocities by acting against Damon. I know that suggestion meant the world to him.

The meeting wasn't without challenges. Many humans expressed concerns about allying with political unknowns, and others struggled with the idea of fighting fire with fire. Ultimately, the human representatives agreed to review our plans and provide feedback before further discussion. We're scheduled to reconvene next week. I hope they'll follow Sabina's lead, encouraging more allies to attend the next meeting, but for now, it's a waiting game.

I wish we could celebrate; while not a complete victory, it's important to acknowledge our progress. Instead, I'm starting my fourth hypnosis session. Sinclair and I agreed on one final session with Leon before I search for my mother. While I'm glad for my mate's support, I dread uncovering another painful memory.

"How are you feeling, trouble?" Sinclair asks, stroking my hair as I lie on the sitting-room sofa. Faced with my impending departure, his wolf is even more protective and bossy than usual. I've been distraught all morning, but he's done his best to keep me calm. Now, the ether is taking over. My senses are already dulling under the drug's familiar fog; without the sofa cushions, I might think I'm floating.

"Twirly," I answer with a giggle, petting his scruffy jaw and admiring his beautiful green eyes. The edges of his massive form are blurring, the room beyond his shoulders disappearing. His face is the only thing in focus, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Twirly, hmm?" Sinclair grins, catching my wrist and kissing my palm. He's already purring, and I belatedly wonder if I can convince him to lie down with me. There isn't room on the sofa, but I could lie on top of him or sit on his lap. The thought of his arms around me sends my wolf into a fit of longing.

"You're too far away," I complain, ignoring his question.

"I'm right here, little wolf," he reminds me, his deep voice tender. "I've got you, and I'm not going anywhere."

"But I want to cuddle," I pout, forgetting what we're supposed to be doing.

"You'll have all the cuddles your heart desires as soon as we're done," Sinclair promises, tracing his thumb over my lower lip. I nip his digit, catching it between my fangs and licking the salty skin. His wolf rumbles in my head, and my inner animal shivers with delight. She nuzzles and rubs against him, but he remains firm, filled with amused sternness.

"I think you two need more space," Leon advises from behind Sinclair. His voice jolts me; I'd forgotten he was there.

"Focus on your job and leave my mate to me," Sinclair counters in a low growl. He adds, through our bond, "Telling me what to do with my own mate. I've killed men for less."

"Have you really?" I ask, without considering why the idea of violence appeals to me.

"No, but it's tempting," he answers darkly, flashing his fangs, making me giggle again.

"With respect, Alpha, Ella needs to focus on the session," Leon replies calmly. "Right now, she's so preoccupied with you that accessing her memories is impossible."

Sinclair grumbles but retracts his hands. "Alright, sweetheart, you heard the mean man," he says regretfully. "We have to focus." I stretch my neck to see past Sinclair and stick my tongue out at Leon. I know Sinclair wants to laugh and scold me for being naughty.

"Okay, Ella," Leon says, attempting to regain control. "Close your eyes and let the ether take you back. Forget your troubles, the present. Clear your mind and let the memories come." He speaks in his usual soporific tone, but Sinclair's presence and purrs help me enter the altered state faster than ever. Soon, I'm gliding along a river of consciousness—neither dream nor reality—strange images swirling, evoking ungraspable emotions.

Everything feels surreal yet distant, but Sinclair's presence makes me feel safe.

"The last time we met, you recalled meeting a mysterious woman at the orphanage," Leon prompts.

"The Goddess," I correct him, my words slurring.

"The Goddess," he agrees. "How did you feel when you spoke to her?"

"I felt…" I pause. "Safe. Loved… like I had a purpose."

"Is that unusual for you? Having a purpose?" Leon asks, pursuing this lead like a tracker.

I hadn't considered it before, but now… "Yes," I confirm, my voice thick with emotion. "That was the only time in my childhood I felt my life had meaning, a reason for existing… I don't know why; she was just telling a story."

"Because it was your story," Leon assesses gently. "But don't get caught up in logic. Follow that thread… the ether is leading you somewhere, Ella."

"I don't know where," I answer, frustrated. "It wasn't fun feeling that way… there were times…" I trail off, recoiling from the emerging emotions.

"There were times what?" Leon presses. "Keep going."

And just like that, the room dissolves.

I'm sixteen, in the dead of night, standing on a bridge overlooking a frozen river, wondering how cold the water would feel… how long it would take to pull me under… to freeze me. Is my body heavy enough to break the ice?

Would I be crushed against the surface like a bug?

Cora's face appears, and guilt floods me. I can't leave her alone… but what is there to leave her to? Every day brings more pain, hardship, and sorrow. I've become skilled at burying the hurt, but my sister feels every blow. I can't stand it. People only seem to want to harm us, and I see no way out. I just want it to stop.

But if it stops for me, it would be a new beginning for Cora—a bad one. It would plunge her into despair, leaving her vulnerable. I can't inflict that kind of harm… but what if it wasn't intentional…

What if it were an accident? I could try balancing on the railing, leaving the outcome to fate. If I don't fall, it's a sign to keep going; if I do… at least my pain will end.

I'm going to do it. After all… what do I have to lose?

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