If I thought the dress my dishonest friends designed was dazzling on the hanger, it's nothing compared to how it looks on me. I've never seen anything like it. The pearly fabric hugs my curves, the plunging neckline dips between my breasts, and thin straps leave my back and flanks almost bare. The skirt ripples in a cascade of shimmering chiffon, with a modest train flowing behind me as I walk.
Of course, my threat to spoil my makeup with tears is quickly fulfilled. My eyes fill with tears, and I reach out to Cora and Elizabeth, babbling thanks and declarations of love. Then they calm me down for a few minutes before my sister puts a stop to it.
"Enough," Cora says after my third outpouring of thanks. "Let's not waste all this beauty on us. Your companion is waiting."
My heart pounds as we leave the suite, and I stroke my amazed belly. "Your daddy did it again," I tell my puppy. "Pay close attention to his romantic instincts as he grows up, and Mom's too." You definitely want to follow his example when it's time to choose a mate. Even as I think the words, I realize how deeply I believe them. I couldn't ask for a better example for my son, and I almost start crying again just thinking about the kind of man we're going to raise together.
I don't even care about walking into the unknown anymore, knowing Sinclair is orchestrating it all. I lift my skirts as we leave my room, smiling insanely at the white lace peeking beneath my belly. I expected Cora and Elizabeth to take me to the ballroom, but instead, I found myself following them toward the palace gardens, gasping for breath as we approached. When the balcony doors opened, I had a moment of startled panic, fearing my knees might give way—the last thing I wanted was to fall before even taking a step. Still, if anyone is to blame for my vertigo, it's surely the palace elves working their magic. It must have taken days, but the neatly landscaped flower beds and topiary were concealed by a vision straight from a fairy tale. An enchanted forest spread where once there was only a labyrinth of hedges, shrouded in fairy lights and wildflowers. Lanterns cast a bright amber light upon the petal-strewn path at my feet, which descended into an arch of tall trees. And in the center:
All the Alpha delegations, the Vanaran courtiers, and dozens of refugees were lined up between the trees. I feel your manifestation of support and affection as a tangible hug, and I can only laugh and smile with incandescent happiness. The nursery puppies are all dressed in formal dresses and tiny tuxedos, and Elizabeth leads them down the hallway, scattering more flower petals.
Ethereal music floats in the air, though I can't decipher its origin. As the music changes, my sister turns to me. "Are you ready?" she asks, cackling and wiping away a tear that escaped my cheek. "Are you handing me over?" I sob, wondering how I can remain serene enough to get through my vows.
"Of course not," Cora laughs. "That's a human tradition. Wolves believe nothing can break family ties, and finding your mate certainly doesn't mean giving up on your family. I'm just here to show you the way."
"What if I want you to walk with me?" I ask, feeling strangely vulnerable. It's not like Sinclair hasn't already claimed me, or that this is changing anything. However, I can't help but feel the magnitude of this ceremony. Maybe it's because so much of our relationship has been shrouded in secrets, and now everything is open. Maybe it's because dedicating ourselves to each other feels so intimate and meaningful, but to do so before the whole world confers an inevitable gravity to the occasion. Maybe it's simply the visceral magic in the air, an electric current pulsing around and within us—making me wonder if the Goddess is watching over us.
"Well, only a monster would refuse such a request," Cora smiles, moving to my side and wrapping her arm around mine. "I've got you, little sister."
My vision blurs, and I look at my sister with trembling lips. "I love you."
Cora lowers her forehead, resting it against mine and meeting my gaze. "I love you too." A wave of Alpha power hits us as we share this moment, and I understand my companion is growing impatient.
"We'd better go," Cora laughs, "before he comes here and decides to escort us personally." As we begin our descent, Sinclair's expression shifts from devotion to voracious possessiveness, then back again at least three times. I can't take my eyes off him, and I feel his passion as intensely as my own desire.
I'm amazed to feel so much joy, even with so many challenges ahead and our impending parting in a matter of days. And yet I am. I feel like we've stolen a moment in time—like this night and the celebration of our love will go on forever, even if only in our hearts. And I suppose it will, because no matter what happens in the future, we'll always have that moment together; we will always be able to look back and remember, finding strength and consolation in our scandalous joy. It's an amazing gift, and I want nothing more than to savor every second.
I think Sinclair can feel the direction of my thoughts, that his patience has finally run out. He walks to greet us at the end of the tree-lined path, pure love radiating from his face.
"You built a forest for me," I say foolishly, smiling at him. He knows how much I missed the landscape of our homelands, how desperately my animal self yearned for Vanara.
"I would build a thousand if I could, little wolf," he tells me reverently, caressing my cheek.
I shake my head, fighting back tears. "I don't know what I did to deserve you."
"Well, it helps that you're the sweetest creature that has ever walked the earth," Sinclair jokes. "It is only right that you be rewarded with my perfection."
I can't help but laugh, knowing how critically my companion views himself. "At least you're finally starting to recognize how wonderful you are," I joke in response, leaning in to kiss him.
"Oh—ah," he scolds, "not yet, problem. We have to do the ceremony first."
"Are you really going to make me wait?" I pout, looking as miserable as possible.
He chuckles warmly, giving me a final squeeze before positioning us to finish the procession. "Trust me, mate, it'll be worth it." Sinclair's arm snakes around me in a protective embrace as we continue across the tender grass. Cora has gone ahead and is now standing next to Elizabeth at the altar.
When we finally reach the end of the pathway, we say our vows under the full moon and stars, reaffirming our commitment to love and cherish each other for the rest of our days. Part of me wants to complain that Sinclair had time to write an essay for his speech, but when I open my mouth, the words come on their own.
"Dominic, until you found me, I didn't even know I was lost," I begin, looking into his bright green eyes. "I thought I knew who I was and what I wanted out of life… I thought I was at the end of a chapter, until you showed me it was only the beginning." I pause to steady my trembling voice. "When I was young, I dreamed of a life free of fear. But now I see that such an existence must also be free of meaning—because there can only be fear if we have nothing to lose. Now, there are so many things I don't worry about since I met you. I don't mind losing my way, because I know you'll always find me—even in my dreams… I don't mind being hurt, because I know you'll protect me as you can, and share my pain when it can't be avoided. I don't even mind facing the unknown, because no matter where life takes me, as long as you're there, that's where I'm supposed to be."
"But I'm also terrified, because of how much you've given me. How much you and this puppy have added to my life. I never knew it was possible to be so happy while being afraid, but I am." I sob. "I'm so thrilled to have so much to lose, and I promise never to take a single moment with you for granted. I may be scared, but I know deep in my soul that no matter what challenges may separate us, we will always find our way back to each other." I take a deep breath, gathering strength for the finalization. "You may be my destiny, but you are also my choice. I swear to always do everything in my power to make your life as full and glorious as you made mine; to always love and support you, share your burdens and ease them whenever I can. I promise to be a true partner and friend in good times and bad, and in any title I may win in the future—be it Luna, Queen, or even Empress—the only one who matters to me is my companion."
"My Ella," Sinclair purrs in response, holding my cheek in his hand. "You're not the only one who's gotten lost, little wolf. And you're not the only one who's scared. Every day I wake up in fear that the last few months have been a miraculous dream. And, as much as I desperately pray to be wrong, I'd rather dream of you for a thousand years than live without you." Your wolf blinks behind your eyes, and I know he speaks the truth. "But you're better than any dream, Ella. So much so that sometimes I find it hard to believe you're real—not because you don't have flaws, not because I mistook you for a fantasy—but because you make the fantasies I once held for a mate sound shallow and empty in comparison." Sinclair admits with a wry smile. "When I was a boy, I imagined that love was one-dimensional, that it was only sunshine, rainbows, and destiny. I thought I wanted nothing more than passion and adventure, preferably with someone handsome and intelligent." He reveals shyly.
"But life isn't one-dimensional, and now I know I don't just want passion, I also want compassion. I don't just want adventure, I want an anchor in the stormiest seas, to remind me of what is truly important in life… I don't just want intelligence, I want friendship and support. And as far as beauty is concerned, I much prefer good humor and a brave spirit," Sinclair continues, his voice hoarse. "You are all that, and more—my greatest weakness and my greatest strength. I am a much better man with you than without you, and you make the worst moments of my life a blessing—because at least if I'm fighting, I'm fighting with you. So, I swear to honor you and protect you forever. I promise to keep growing and learning, to always be by your side and for our puppies. I swear I'll always find you, no matter how much distance is between us, or what trials we face. I swear each kiss will be filled with more love than the last, and that our days together will only grow in love and devotion."
We're kissing before anyone can declare our vows complete, and when Sinclair finally sinks his fangs into my neck, a deafening joy ascends to the heavens. The stars themselves begin to fall, triggering a wave of oohs and ahs from the crowd as they look up at the sky. I can't drag myself away from my mate to look, but everyone seems to come to the same conclusion as Sinclair and I remain locked in each other's arms—the Goddess is watching over us, after all.