In the darkness of the back room, Regina instructed us to strip to our skins. Then, she handed us two rough robes—little more than bleached potato sacks with cowl necks and long sleeves—that we pulled over our heads.
"Is this part of the ceremony?" I asked, curious and disliking the fabric against my skin. Honestly, given the choice, I'd rather have worn the leggings and shirt I'd arrived in.
"No," Regina answered, her gaze steady, her face devoid of emotion. "It will simply keep you cool in the desert heat. But your nakedness beneath," she added, her eyes traveling down my body, "that is to honor the goddess. When you perform the ceremony, you must be naked before the moon. You can bring nothing from your earthly life."
I lightly traced the claiming mark between my neck and shoulder, suddenly grateful that wolves didn't wear wedding rings. I wasn't sure I could leave this memory of my mate behind, even to bare myself before the Goddess. My fingers moved to my stomach, where I felt the swell of my child.
"Will it matter," I asked, looking up at Regina, "that my child is a boy? Are boys allowed on this trip?"
Regina smiled faintly, stepping closer and placing a hand on my cheek. I stopped mid-sentence, surprised by this display of positive emotion.
"While he is within you, he is part of you, and part of the sacred cycle of womanhood. He will be safe, child, have no fear." Her eyes crinkled as her smile widened. "A boy, then? How wonderful. A blessing for the kingdom."
I smiled and nodded. A blessing indeed, though I hadn't considered his role in the kingdom. But if Sinclair won the war, he would be king, and his son…
Well. Questions for another day. My wolf whimpered inside me, sensing a need to move that I didn't fully understand.
"The sun is setting," Regina declared, removing her hand and walking toward another door. "It is time to go." She opened the door, revealing the golden desert beyond. "Let us begin."
Cora and I exchanged a glance and followed her.
We walked through the white sands, now glowing orange in the setting sun. It was an incredible sight—the entire landscape seemed to reflect the sun's fiery energy. I admired it, wondering if this was the sun's final show before the moon claimed its reign.
I walked at the head of the group. Regina was our leader, but I was the one soul-bonded to the Goddess, to my mother. I shook my head, still marveling at that fact. I'd always wondered about my mother, and this possibility had never crossed my mind. As we walked and the sun dipped below the horizon, my hand drifted to my stomach.
Would my son's life be different, having a goddess as a grandmother?
Would he have powers, too?
And what were mine?
I sighed, knowing answers would come, but wanting them now—now—now, so I could escape this scratchy potato sack, this place, and return to Sinclair. My wolf stirred restlessly, longing to be with him, in his arms, smelling his scent.
"Ella," Regina warned, her voice low. "Pay attention."
I grimaced apologetically and looked around. We had reached the crest of a dune, the desert spread out below. Night had fallen unnoticed, and above us hung a huge, full moon.
"We are lucky," Regina murmured, gazing at it. Cora and I followed her gaze. "The full moon will strengthen the connection."
"This is it," I declared, nodding. I didn't know how I knew, but I did. I felt it in my bones, in my stomach. Inside, my wolf curled up, alert but content. We were where we were meant to be. I turned, marveling at the silvery desert, the shadows of the dunes purple and blue, mirroring the rich velvet sky. It was an incredible sight. I wondered how many had witnessed it. For a moment, I felt blessed.
"What do we do now?" Cora asked, looking around. The place was empty; there was no script.
"Sit," Regina instructed, gracefully removing her robe and spreading it on the ground. She sat cross-legged, patiently waiting.
I wrinkled my nose at the idea of waiting. Though I knew I was where I needed to be, and my wolf was calm, I still longed to be home in Sinclair's arms.
"Ella," Regina warned, giving me a stern look. How did she know my thoughts? "Concentrate."
I sighed and nodded, knowing I had a job to do. I removed my robe, spread it on the ground, and knelt on it. I placed my hands on my thighs, sitting back on my heels. Cora sat beside me, staring at the moon, and I closed my eyes, slowing my breathing. I wasn't a meditator—who had time?—but I knew this was necessary.
"Breathe," Regina instructed, and I took deep breaths, letting my mind quiet, clearing my thoughts to make space for the Goddess.
A minute passed before I noticed a change. Then, slowly, in the darkness behind my eyelids, a small purple light began to glow. It pulsed, then spread. The growth was slow, but eventually, the purple light filled my internal vision.
Then I gasped.
I felt the warmth of my mother's love—a love specifically for me, yet somehow encompassing everyone. I was filled with it—a mother's love for her child, the moon's devotion to the earth.
And then, I knew. I understood. I had everything I needed, within me.
When I opened my eyes, Regina sat quietly, eyes closed. Cora, however, stared at me, dumbfounded.
"Ella," she whispered. "You're…you're glowing."
I smiled and looked at my arms, unsurprised to see the silvery-white light.
"Cool," I murmured, admiring it. "Are you ready to go?"
"Is…is that it?" she asked hesitantly. "Do you know what to do next?"
I nodded, my smile widening. "Yeah, it was way simpler than I thought." I stood, shook out my robe, and pulled it back over my head.
I took a few steps toward Cora, but dizziness overcame me. Cora and Regina rushed to my side, and I stumbled into Cora's arms, gasping for breath.
"Oh my god," I murmured, looking at Regina. "I feel…so weak."
"The ceremony has taxed you," Regina warned. "You must rest." She turned to Cora. "Come, we must get her back to your ship. Time is short."
Regina supported my arm, and Cora supported the other. We began the journey back, each step a struggle.
Worse, I couldn't feel my bond with Rafe. Not anywhere.
My dear readers, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. I'm trying to update as soon as possible. Please check out my other stories and follow my Facebook page [Facebook Page Name] to keep updated on my writing schedule. Yours, Caroline.