Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 274
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Chapter 274 – Bonded


My head felt so heavy. I groaned, trying to lift my hands to my temples, but I couldn't move them.

"Easy," I heard Sinclair say beside me, and instinctively I turned toward his voice. Where—

"Easy, Ella," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "It's all right…"

I peeled open my eyelids, confused by the effort. It felt like I hadn't opened my eyes in weeks.

My vision returned slowly, the room coming into focus with effort. I blinked rapidly, taking in Sinclair, Cora, and Roger standing around me, their faces etched with worry. I felt like Dorothy waking up from her trip to Oz.

"What?" I murmured, my voice thick and my throat scratchy. Suddenly anxious, I tried to sit up, pushing against the bed, but—

What the hell were all those wires attached to my arms?

"Easy, trouble," Sinclair whispered, pressing his hand to my shoulder, holding me down. My body relaxed back against the bed as I looked up at him. But…

"Where am I?" I asked, staring at him, then closed my eyes. It was all too much.

"You're in the hospital," my sister explained. "After the gift, at the temple…"

But her voice faded, as if I couldn't quite hear it. My heart pounded, my breath hitched as memories returned. Of being on the temple steps with Cora, of what we learned about each other, of Sinclair's warm arms around me—

And then nothing—then clouds—then Sinclair again, and my baby—

Oh my god, where was my baby?

"Rafe?" I gasped, spinning toward Sinclair, my eyes wide with desperation. "Where is Rafe?" I looked around frantically, searching for him—he had to be here; I remembered him, my little baby, wrapped in white swaddling, held in my arms.

"A dream," Sinclair said hurriedly. "It was a dream, Ella—we met him in the dream—"

He placed his hand on my swollen stomach, drawing my attention to it, reminding me that he was here—of course he was here; I hadn't given birth yet.

"Oh," I breathed, placing my hands on either side of my baby. I closed my eyes, resting my head back on the pillow, searching for him. It was hard, distant, but…

There. Yes, there. I felt him, our connection, my bond with my baby. I reached out to him, sending all my love down our bond, feeling a faint pulse in return. He heard me. He knew. He was holding on.

"Oh," I said again, feeling my body relax. I opened my eyes, a rush of unexpected joy flooding me. I looked up at Sinclair and nodded. "Okay. Yes. He's here."

Sinclair let out a huge breath, taking my hand and lowering his head until our foreheads touched. We remained like that for a long moment as tears streamed down my cheeks, unbidden and unstoppable. It was…a lot to process in a few minutes. To return to reality after such a hard few weeks, after days of struggling in the dream state to get here. It was hard on me, on my mind.

But there was nowhere else I'd rather be.

"I'll get the doctor," Roger murmured, his footsteps receding toward the door.

"Cora," I called, opening my eyes and reaching for her hand. Sinclair straightened, allowing us our moment as I took Cora's hand. "Are you all right?"

"Am I all right?" she huffed, laughing through her own tears. "Are you?"

I smiled, unable to help myself, then glanced down at my battered body. "Um, I think so?" I felt weak, but there was also…a warmth, a stillness… I frowned, looking up at her. "Did you…do something to me?"

"Um," she said, laughing and running a hand through her hair. "Yeah? I gave you back Mom's—the Goddess's—the gift. I gave it back to you," she stammered, unsure how to explain it.

I gasped, sitting up straighter. "Cora! Why?! I gave it to you—it's yours!"

"Ella," she chided, "you're being ridiculous—you were dying—of course I gave it back to you! I didn't even want it!"

"You didn't want it?!" I almost shouted, frantic and angry. "It's a gift from a Goddess—from our mother—I worked so hard to get it here, the least you could do is take it!"

"Enough," Sinclair growled, and my eyes snapped to him. I felt guilty and childish, arguing with my sister like this in front of him, especially while so ill. I looked at him apologetically, and his face softened. "Please, Ella," he pleaded. "You're so weak—and she saved you with it—it can't possibly matter—"

"Okay," I whispered, nodding. Then, turning to Cora, I repeated, "Okay. But as soon as I'm better, you're taking it back."

"Okay," she laughed, agreeing. "Whatever you say, sis."

I was still smiling at my sister, holding my mate's hand, when the doctor entered, Rafe close behind. He was a man I'd never seen before, certainly not one of my regular doctors, but he seemed to know me.

"Ella," he said quickly, rushing to my side, almost bumping into Cora. He scanned my face, his expression worried. "I have to say, I'm shocked to see you awake—" He grasped my wrist, checking my pulse and turning to the monitors behind him. "It shouldn't be possible…" he muttered, his brow furrowed. "Earlier today…"

"It was…" I hesitated, looking at Sinclair. "Not precisely a medical intervention."

He turned, confused, and I shrugged. Sinclair stood stoically beside me, still holding my hand. "An intervention from the Goddess, if you will," he observed, a hint of humor in his voice. The doctor's face contorted further with confusion, but he exhaled, shook his head, and moved on.

"Okay," he said, turning back to the monitors. "Whatever it was, it's a remarkable recovery."

"Is the baby all right?" I asked, sitting up further and wincing as a sharp pain shot through my back. Sinclair reacted to my grimace, leaning closer, scenting me, clearly trying to assess the problem.

"The baby is…" the doctor said, looking at a small monitor. "He's fine," he mumbled, almost to himself. "Better, if anything, than he was the last time I was in here."

"Good," I said, relieved. My baby and I…we were going to make it. "Can I go home?"

"Certainly not," the doctor scolded, frowning. "You're still incredibly weak. You have days yet in this hospital—tests, monitoring…"

I looked at Sinclair pleadingly. I knew that if I asked, if I wanted it badly enough, he'd carry me out of the hospital right now. But he slowly shook his head, agreeing with the doctor. "I want you home too, baby," he murmured, "both of you. But he's been good," Sinclair said, glancing at the doctor. "We go when he says we can, and not a moment sooner."

I was a little shocked to hear Sinclair deferring to someone else. I looked at the doctor again. He really must be good.

"Your mate is right," the doctor murmured, writing on my chart. "I'm the best. And I'm not letting you go until you're ready." He glanced at me, raising an eyebrow.

Overruled, I chuckled and raised my hands. "All right," I agreed. "If you both say so, then I'm sticking around. For as long as it takes. But um," I hesitated, looking at Sinclair, "in the meantime?"

He frowned, worried. "What?" he asked urgently. "What is it? What do you need?"

"Is there any possibility…" I grimaced, embarrassed, twining my fingers awkwardly. "Of some chocolate cake?"

Sinclair froze, then burst into laughter, touching his forehead. "Seriously? You come back from the brink of death, and the first thing you want is chocolate cake?"

"And ice cream?" I pleaded, giving him my best smile.

"She should eat, if she can," the doctor said, smiling.

"We'll get it," Roger said, taking Cora's hand at the door. "We'll go down to the cafeteria—we'll be back in a second."

They left, followed by the doctor, who paused at the door. "I'm going to order a series of tests, Ella. You rest, but know that your day is not over yet. All right?"

I nodded happily as he closed the door, then looked up at Sinclair, sighing contentedly. "Chocolate cake?" he teased, smirking, his eyes bright and happy. "Really?"

"It's for the babyyyy," I whined playfully, laughing and raising my arms to him. Sinclair sat on the bed next to me, leaning back, resting his head on the pillow. The bed groaned under his weight.

We sat quietly for a moment, a happy smile on my face as I stared at him, letting his presence ease the aches in my muscles and joints.

"You gave us a scare for a minute there, trouble," he whispered, stroking my face.

I narrowed my eyes. "Come on, Sinclair," I teased. "Did you expect anything less from me?"

"From you?" he smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Never."

And then he kissed me, gently pulling my face closer. In that moment, I felt my future life open before me—warm, bright, and sweet. After all, we had a baby on the way. And I couldn't wait to meet him.

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