"Hey, baby!" I said cheerfully to Sinclair as he appeared in the doorway late that night, leaning against the frame and smiling tiredly. "Do you want some pizza?" I held up the greasy box perched on my bedside table. "There's only half a slice left, but..." I shrugged, "it's really good."
"No, Ella," he replied, laughing and entering the room. He sat on the edge of the bed. "That's your cold, hours-old pizza. You keep that."
"Right answer," I murmured, snapping the box closed. I was saving that half-slice for my inevitable midnight craving. "Is it normal," I asked, turning to him, "to be this hungry during a werewolf pregnancy?"
He nodded, smiling and lying down to bring his face closer to my stomach. He placed a warm hand on it, saying hello to our pup through the bond. "Yes, it's normal," he said, looking up. "There's a notable increase in appetite during a wolf pregnancy. The baby is mostly formed; he just needs to grow. He needs lots of food."
"Good," I murmured, running my fingers through his hair as he gently stroked my stomach, murmuring to our pup. "I didn't want to be a pig." As soon as I said the word, I craved bacon. My stomach grumbled, making Sinclair laugh.
He looked fondly at me. "Can I get you anything, oh hungry one?"
I laughed and swatted him. "No," I said, nodding towards my food reserves on the bedside table. "I'm set for a while. Besides, I just want you." I scooted down, bringing his face level with mine instead of my belly. "I missed you all day," I pouted.
"Did you?" he murmured, wrapping a hand around my back to pull me close. He angled his head, nuzzling my mating mark and licking it gently. A thrill ran up my spine.
"Yes," I murmured, running my fingers through his hair again. "Even though I know you were off being important and powerful," I sighed dramatically, "it was a great sacrifice for me."
He laughed and leaned closer. "Well, I'm so sorry to have put my angel mate through such an ordeal," he teased, brushing his lips against mine. "I'll have to think of a way to make it up to you."
I froze, seeing the look in his eyes. "Dominic," I warned, pushing him away slightly. "You know we can't—"
He laughed, pulling me closer. "I know, little mate," he murmured, "but just because I'm hungry for you doesn't mean I can't control myself. And it doesn't mean we can't be close."
"Oh," I said, relaxing in his arms. I felt guilty for doubting him—his safety was his priority. "Close?" I asked, curious.
"Yes," he whispered, leaning away and tugging at the hem of my pajama shirt. "Sit up, Ella," he ordered. "Take this off."
"Dominic!" I laughed, obeying and helping him remove my shirt, leaving me in my pajama pants and bra. I wondered what he had in mind. "What are you doing? Just because you're confident in your self-control doesn't mean I am."
He pulled off his own shirt, grinning. "Don't worry, trouble," he said, shaking his head. "I'll keep you in line. Besides, this is all innocent."
"Huh?" I wrinkled my nose in confusion. "Dominic, what on earth is going on?"
He stood, unbuckling his pants and dropping them to the floor, but keeping his boxer briefs on. He sat back on the bed and gathered me in his arms. "I'm going to scent mark you," he muttered against my neck, pulling me close.
"What!?" I gasped, pushing him away slightly. "We haven't done that for months—and I'm your mate now, don't I already smell like you?"
"No," he hummed with pleasure, pulling me back eagerly. "You smell like corn chips."
"What!" I shrieked, horrified and laughing. "I smell like corn chips?"
He chuckled, glancing at the two empty bags on the nightstand. "You've been eating them all day—"
"Oh my god," I moaned, covering my face in embarrassment and going limp in his arms. He laughed, letting me fall onto the mattress. "You can smell that?"
"You're pregnant, Ella," he muttered, a little laughter in his voice as he moved lower, removing my pajama pants, leaving me in my bra and panties. I hadn't worn anything sexy—I hadn't expected this. "Beautiful," he murmured, and slowly covered my body with his own.
I grasped his face. "Wait," I protested, glancing towards the bathroom. "Let me brush my teeth—corn chips—oh my god—"
"No," he laughed, pushing me back onto the bed. "It's not your breath—it's in your skin—"
"Eww," I groaned, covering my eyes. "That's it. I'm not eating anything but pineapple for the rest of this pregnancy. I had no idea—"
"It's fine, Ella," he hummed, kissing my throat. "You should eat whatever you want—follow your instincts. Your body is telling you what it needs." He brought his face to mine. "And when it makes you smell like a truck stop...I'll just...set you right."
My laughter erupted. His warm laughter resonated through his body as he began the marking. He moved slowly, caressing me softly, murmuring his praise and love as he imparted his scent. I relaxed under his touch, closing my eyes and feeling him move over me. A smile curled my lips as he planted kisses alongside his scent.
The kisses were new, but so much of the experience was warm and familiar, bringing me back to a time when I was confused and frightened. A time when my body knew it belonged to him, and his to me. But I had been so naïve and afraid.
Now? Tears filled my eyes as I realized how different it was. The marking was the same, but how I felt—so held, so treasured, so sure this was right.
"Hey there," Sinclair murmured, kissing a tear from my cheek. "Everything alright?" He wrapped his arms around me, resting his forehead against mine.
"Yes," I sniffed, smiling and nodding. "It was just...really nice."
"I thought you'd like it," he whispered, stroking my hair. I yawned. "You go to sleep now, little mate. Dream about me."
"No," I muttered, shaking my head. "I'm only going to dream about corn chips. My one true love."
I heard him chuckle as I drifted off. "I'm behind the nest and the corn chips now?" he asked softly. "This competition is rough..."
His voice faded, and soon I was in the forest, dreaming. And I knew precisely what I wanted. So, I called for him and patiently waited.