Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 294
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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"And I'm leaving immediately," Roger added, making us all laugh. "Seriously," he said, "I'm useless until the kid's old enough to throw a ball. Then, it's all Uncle Roger."

I smiled, pleased, and squeezed his hand, letting him know how glad I was he'd come. His eyes softened, and I knew he felt the same.

"All right," I said, sighing and climbing into bed. "Sounds like a plan."

Everyone then went to their tasks. Roger and Hank left the room, while Cora sat next to me to help with the first steps of breastfeeding. Sinclair sat nearby, clearly interested but not interfering as Cora showed me how to help the baby latch. A new wave of emotion washed over me as I felt him begin to suckle and the milk flow.

"There," Cora said softly, and I looked at her, tears in my eyes. "See? You're a natural."

"Where should he sleep?" I asked, looking around, suddenly desperate. We didn't have a basinet, of course.

Cora shrugged. "You'll figure it out. Use your mom instincts. People had babies for thousands of years before hospitals existed to answer these questions for them." She grinned mischievously at Sinclair and me. "I don't think you two are going to get much sleep anyway, butyou'll figure it out."

I chuckled and returned my gaze to my baby, whose eyes were closed as I held him warm against my chest. "That's right, baby," I whispered. "We're going to figure it out."

"Okay," my sister said, standing and kissing my forehead. "You're a marvel, Ella," she whispered. "Call me if you need anything. I'll see you at the hospital tomorrow."

I nodded, but didn't look at her, instead staring at my son—my much-longed-for child, finally here.

I felt Sinclair's weight on the bed beside me as the door clicked shut behind Cora. Without taking my eyes from Rafe, Sinclair wrapped his arms around me.

"Well," Sinclair sighed, kissing my hair. "This is the start of a whole new era. Are you ready for it?"

"Oh," I said, grinning up at my mate. "I'm ready. I've been waiting for this my whole life."

I was exhausted as I pushed through the palace doors, but I also felt oddly complete. It was more than the general happiness I felt after one of my patients safely delivered a healthy child—though that was normal, especially since it was my sister.

But there was something else in the air, more than just a job well done. I reflected that maybe it was the knowledge that I had a new nephew to raise and help discover the world. There was something wonderful in that.

I made eye contact with a guard at the bottom of the steps, ensuring it was safe to leave, and took a step when I heard a voice behind me.

"So," it said. I knew without turning. I turned, meeting Roger's eyes. "I hear we're going to be godparents together."

"Oh?" I asked, watching him walk slowly toward me, hands deep in his pockets. "Well, that's not much of a surprise. The two lone siblings of the father and mother."

"Yes," he said, standing close enough that I could almost feel his breath on my cheek. "But only one of us is the daughter of a deity. I think Rafe's making out better on his mother's side."

I laughed and looked down at my feet. "Well," I said, a little awkwardly. "I suppose that's up for debate, considering I'm a human amongst wolves."

"Cora," Roger said, hesitating, his hand reaching for mine. I flinched away.

"What?" I asked, angry. "What are you even doing here? Weren't you so eager to get home?"

Roger hesitated, pulling his hand back. He shrugged casually, looking out at the newly quiet city. "The troops quelled the riots, but that doesn't mean everyone went home, and no one's lurking in the dark wanting mischief." He looked at me. "I wanted to make sure you got home safe."

"Well, I'm fine," I snapped, turning and heading toward my car. "Thanks for the thought, but I'm fine."

"Cora," he called, his voice full of regret.

"What!" I snapped. "What, Roger! I don't need you to protect me! I don't need this!"

"You don't need what?" he challenged. "You don't need help getting home? Or you don't need me?"

"God damn it, Roger," I growled, shaking my head. "Seriously? Now? You want to dig into this now, after months of silence?"

"What subject, Cora?" he asked, his voice angry. "The absolute nothing that is us?"

I opened my mouth to retort, but he was too quick.

"And even if I wanted to," Roger pushed, "how could I? You're always with him."

"Oh?" I asked sarcastically, my eyes widening. "Is that the great barrier? Have you never heard of a phone?"

"You wanted to have this conversation over a phone, Cora?" Roger asked, closing the distance, his voice hurt and angry. "That's all you think it deserves?"

"What conversation?" I hissed. "Like you said. It's the nothing that is us. There's nothing to say." I gritted my teeth and turned, heading down the stairs quickly, wanting to get away from him, and certainly not wanting him to see the tears in my eyes.

"You killed this, Cora," Roger shouted, apparently not caring who heard. "You did this. Not me."

Anger flared, intensely. I halted, spun, and rushed back toward him, stopping so close that a breath would press my chest against his. I raised a hand, placed my fingers on his chest, and pushed.

He stumbled back, more from surprise than my strength. He was a wolf; I was human.

"Fuck you, Roger," I whispered. "You did this. I was in. And you stopped calling me."

"I was busy—" he protested, "trying to fix the nation—"

I laughed, shaking my head and turning away. "Whatever excuse you want to make," I called over my shoulder, still angry but trying to hide it. "But don't blame me for not waiting around after you ghosted me."

"Cora!" Roger called, and even if there was pain in his voice, I didn't care. Or at least, I acted like I didn't.

I gave him the finger over my shoulder and called, more casually than I felt, "I'll see you at the christening."

I rolled my eyes at his retort: "Werewolves don't have christenings!"

"Whatever!" I responded, getting into my car and sitting heavily. I didn't look in the rearview mirror as I drove away. I didn't want to know if he watched me leave, or see the expression on his face. Because if I saw that he was as devastated as I was…

And I was determined. Determined not to go back.

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