Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 313: Sister Support
Posted on February 17, 2025 · 1 mins read
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"Ella!" My sister's voice cried out the moment the front door opened. I quickly rose from my seat in Sinclair's office, Rafe asleep peacefully in my arms, and went to the doorway.

"Cora!" I called. She spun from the living room, where she'd been looking for me, and jogged down the hall. Roger closed the door behind him as he entered. Cora immediately grasped my shoulders.

"Are you—are you all right?" she gasped, examining me and then the baby. Relief washed over her face as she saw us both unharmed.

"We're okay," I said, smiling faintly. "For now, we're okay. Thank you for coming so late."

My sister's eyes snapped up, a frown creasing her brow.

"What?" I asked.

"I just…" she said, confused, glancing at Roger, "I didn't expect you to be so calm."

"Well, it happened eleven hours ago," I replied, raising an eyebrow. "We've had time to process and plan."

Suddenly, she scowled, turning to glare at Roger as he approached. "The way this one was pounding on my door, flying around like a bat out of hell—"

"More like a bat into hell," he muttered, his frustrated expression mirroring Cora's. "It wasn't exactly peaceful barging into your apartment, which smelled like wonton soup and—"

"Oh, shut up," Cora huffed, narrowing her eyes at Roger before turning back to me. Roger opened his mouth to retort, but I gently shoved him and turned to my sister. Clearly irritated, Roger simply shook his head and went into the office, where Sinclair was still speaking with investigators.

"Ella," Cora continued once he was gone, "why didn't you text me earlier? My phone showed nothing when I woke from my nap at 9:00, and then suddenly Roger was pounding on my door—"

"It's complicated," I said, hesitantly linking my arm with hers. I pulled her close, knowing what I was about to say would anger her. "Sinclair's team—the ones who investigated the switched sperm sample before the war—wanted to clear you before I could text."

"Clear me?" Cora asked, bewildered.

"Yeah," I said, grimacing. "As a suspect."

"WHAT!?" My sister shouted, her voice echoing through the house. Rafe flinched and cried, nestled in my arm. I sighed, giving her an exasperated look as I worked to soothe the baby, bobbing him gently. "Obviously Sinclair and I don't suspect you! But his team needed to be thorough, and you were the last person known to have the sample. It made sense, investigatively!"

"I can't believe I was a suspect! After everything!" Cora said, her voice softer, but no less angry.

"You were a suspect for, like, three hours," I replied, rolling my eyes, wishing to mollify her (it was closer to six). "And obviously you were cleared! So!" I shrugged pleadingly. "Maybe move on from it!"

My sister covered her face with her hands, taking a deep breath. Then, slowly, she lowered her hands, tucking them under her chin—a gesture I recognized from our childhood, signifying genuine upset.

"You know I would never hurt you, Ella," Cora said, her voice both pleading and insistent.

"Cora," I said, shaking my head, my eyes wide with apology. "You know I know you had nothing to do with this. Just…please, let it pass."

"It's true, Cora," Sinclair said, appearing from the office. "Forgive my investigators—they were just following procedure."

Cora sighed, understanding dawning on her face. "Okay," she said, nodding. "I get it. But what can I do now?"

"We need to revisit that day," Sinclair said, hands in his pockets as he walked toward us. "You have more knowledge than the rest of us—you were there. We'd like to see if you remember anything that could help."

"I mean," Cora said, running a hand through her hair. "Of course—I'll tell you everything. But don't your investigators have the notes from the last time we talked? I told you everything I know."

I gave my sister a wide, overly eager smile. "Well…" I said, my voice wheedling as I passed the baby to Sinclair and took Cora's hands. The baby calmed instantly in Sinclair's arms. "How do you feel about…trying a recreational drug common in Vanara?"

Cora's jaw dropped. "Are you serious? Ether?" she asked, awestruck. "Do you—you want me to do hypnosis?"

"It's not bad!" I insisted, the wide smile plastered on my face. "It just helps you remember! And you're just a little hungry afterward, that's all!"

Cora opened her mouth, but a knock interrupted. I looked at Sinclair, who nodded, handing me the baby back and answering the door himself. After all, anyone trying to take our baby would think twice about confronting my enormous mate.

And they probably wouldn't knock politely.

Cora and I watched as Sinclair opened the door and then welcomed someone in. "Leon!" Sinclair said warmly, shaking the man's hand. "Thank you so much."

"You brought the hypnotist in?" Cora whispered, awed. "From Vanara?"

"He was already here," I said dismissively, waving my hand. "Sinclair had him flown in weeks ago; he's on call."

"For what!"

"Whatever hypnosis needs arise," I said, surprised by the question. Isn't it obvious?

Cora crossed her arms. "Do you seriously think that's necessary?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well," I said, gesturing around at the house, "aren't you glad he is?!"

Cora groaned and sighed. "Well, sure," she said, "I'm glad you'll get your answers, Ella, but I'm not looking forward to taking drugs. You know I don't like mind-altering things."

"It's okay," I replied, moving closer and nudging her with my shoulder. "It's not so bad. You know I appreciate this, right?" I looked into her eyes, needing her to understand I wouldn't ask unless necessary.

"Duh, Ella," she said, crossing her arms and sighing. "Obviously I'll do it—anything for you. But I'm allowed to wish other methods were possible."

"Thank you," I said, kissing her and taking her arm. "Now come on, let's get some snacks. I have some really good ones…"