Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 316: Safe?
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Forty-five minutes later, I backed out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I stood, closed my eyes, and exhaled a long breath.

"Is she all right?" a voice hissed from behind me.

I leaped a foot in the air, muffling a shriek as I spun around. My mate stood six inches away, looking down with a worried expression. I smacked him hard against the chest—more to release adrenaline than to hurt him—and glared, furious at being startled. Sinclair blinked, unfazed by my blow.

"Back up," I whispered, pushing him backward with my hands on his chest. "She's finally asleep. Where's the baby?"

"He's here," Roger said, appearing at the hall's end with my godson in his arms. I smiled, moving forward with open arms. Roger gently handed me my baby, and a wave of relief washed over me as I gazed down at my son.

"Seriously, Ella," Sinclair said, glancing toward the closed guest room door. "Is Cora okay?"

"I don't know," I said anxiously. "Leon returned about ten minutes later with a sedative to help her sleep. I told him to give it to her as long as it wouldn't cause bad dreams—or any dreams."

"Did she…say anything?" Sinclair asked, still facing the door.

Annoyed by his singular focus, I snapped, "You know she's your sister now, Dominic. Show some concern for her well-being, not just treat her as an information source."

Sinclair swiftly turned, anger flashing across his face, then softening. "I'm sorry, Ella," he said sincerely. "I didn't mean it that way. Her health and safety are my top priority. I was just curious if you learned anything new."

I sighed, stepping closer and leaning against him. "I'm sorry," I murmured.

"You're tired and stressed," he murmured against my hair. "You haven't slept in about forty-eight hours…"

"I'm going in with her," Roger said, striding toward the guest room door.

"What—" I began, but his fierce look silenced me as he placed his hand on the knob.

"I'm not going to do anything, Ella," Roger said sternly, his voice laced with emotion. "I'm just going to…be there, all right? In case she needs anything. You two go get some sleep," he said, his face softening. "The house is guarded—Cora will be all right with me. You need sleep. She needs someone to sit with her. It makes sense. Okay?"

Tears welled in my eyes at my brother-in-law's kindness. Sinclair wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Come on, trouble," he murmured, nodding to Roger—who disappeared into the bedroom—and guiding me toward our room. "You're overwrought—let's get you to nap."

"How can I sleep?" I gasped, my voice shaky, wiping a tear. "How can I sleep when someone is coming for my baby—when my sister—"

"You have to sleep," Sinclair murmured, ushering me and Rafe into the room and closing the door. He took me by the shoulders, moved me toward the bed, took the sleeping baby from my arms, and placed him in his bassinet beside me.

I cried out as my baby left my arms. "Just for a moment," Sinclair murmured, undressing me, removing my shirt and leggings. He left briefly, returning with a nightgown, which he gently slipped over my head. Then he quickly picked up Rafe and returned him to my arms.

"There," he said, kneeling, his head nearly level with mine. "You trust me, right?" he asked. Sniffling, I nodded vigorously.

"And you know I'd never let anyone hurt or take Rafe, yes?"

Again, I nodded.

"Then sleep, darling," he said, cupping my cheek. "Sleep so you can be strong for them."

Overwhelmed with exhaustion, I felt a flicker of resentment at being treated like a child, but mostly, I needed his simple reassurance, the warm feeling of being cared for and safe.

Sending a burst of gratitude through our bond, I tucked my feet under the blankets, taking the baby with me. "Tonight he sleeps in the bed with us, okay?" I murmured, arranging pillows and blankets around him. "I want him close."

"Excellent idea," Sinclair murmured, stripping to his underwear and climbing into bed. He kissed Rafe softly on the head before resting his own head on the pillow.

I almost fell asleep when fear caused me to open my eyes. Sinclair's eyes met mine calmly. "You're safe, Ella," he whispered. "We all are. Go to sleep." Comforted, I obeyed.


My body flinched awake, and I sat bolt upright in the strange bed, looking around frantically.

I heard a noise beside me and flinched, spinning around. To my surprise, it was Roger, waking in an armchair beside my bed.

"Cora," he gasped, his voice thick with sleep. "You scared me. Are you—"

Panting, a hand pressed to my heart, I remembered last night's events—the strange, half-waking dream where I remembered…

I scrambled backward, pressing my back against something, searching for him—the priest in black robes.

My breath came fast, my heart racing despite having been asleep moments before.

"Cora!" Roger exclaimed, rushing to my side, taking my hand. I clung to his fingers, my hand still pressed to my chest. "It's all right," he said soothingly, moving closer. He slid an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close.

"You're all right, Cora," Roger murmured reassuringly, holding me tight. "You're all right. I've got you."

Slowly, I began to believe him. I closed my eyes, trusting him, letting my heart rate slow. I took a deep breath, reminding myself I was in my sister's heavily guarded house. No one could get in. Roger was here. I was safe.

"Roger," I said softly a minute later. "Roger, I remember everything…"

"Tell me, Cora," he murmured, his lips soft against my hair. "Tell me everything."

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