I gasp, my hands flying to my mouth.
His pup—his?
"Oh my god," I murmur, my eyes flashing to Cora's shocked face. But before I can react, Roger leaps forward, grabbing Cora roughly by the arms. She screams, terrified, and I see the genuine shock and fear on her face as he shakes her violently.
"How, Cora!" he yells, his eyes wide—so wide I see the whites all around them. I gasp, realizing Roger is completely losing it, realizing he's…changing.
Sinclair sees it the moment I do and bellows, crossing the room in two strides and tackling Roger to the floor. Roger's body swiftly transforms into his wolf form in the blink of an eye. I move toward Cora, wanting her beside me, but Sinclair and Roger are between us.
Moving quickly, I grab Rafe's carrier and dash along the wall to the back of the room, watching Cora stumble backward toward it. Rafe begins to wail, but we reach the back wall simultaneously with Cora. Snarls rip through the air as I take Cora's hand. As I turn my attention back to our mates, I see them in their wolf forms, snapping and wrestling, vying for dominance.
"Oh my god," Cora murmurs, her trembling hand raised to her mouth, her eyes fixed on her mate fighting mine.
"It's okay," I assure her, taking her hand, hoping I'm right. "He was just…he was just really freaked out, Cora."
She looks at me, scared, but I squeeze her hand, willing her to believe me. I open my mouth to speak, but my words are drowned out by a mighty roar. We both spin around to see Sinclair pinning Roger beneath his paws, Sinclair's mouth open, razor teeth bared.
Next to me, I feel Cora tremble. While she's lived among wolves for a while, and I've become accustomed to this ferocity, this is perhaps her first firsthand experience. And perhaps not the ideal time for it.
Even though Rafe is crying, and despite my maternal instincts, I put down his carrier and ignore him. I wrap my arms around my sister, letting her cry into my shoulder, releasing her fear, grief, shock, and surprise.
As she cries, I look over her head at Sinclair, who's stepping away from Roger, his intensity lessening. "All right?" I ask him mentally.
"Yes," he replies instantly, his fierce wolf eyes on me. "He flipped out—a purely physical reaction to shock, stress, and surprise. Fight or flight, and his body unfortunately picked fight. I needed to pin him down so he could regain control."
I nod, understanding. I feel my mate smirk as he transforms back into his human form. In a flash of light, he's there, that smirk exactly where I expected. Sinclair tucks his hands into his pockets and nudges Roger's wolf with his toe. "He's embarrassed now," he says lightly. "He knows he behaved badly and doesn't want to face you all."
Cora lifts her head, surprised as she watches Roger's wolf rise, his head hung low but his eyes directly on her. Slowly, she stands, looking into his face.
"Come on, Roger," I urge softly, kneeling to attend to Rafe, lifting him into my arms and bouncing him gently. "It'll be all right."
Then there's a flash of light, and he's standing before us, devastated.
"Cora," Roger breathes, shaking his head, his face full of grief. "Cora, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay," she murmurs, her hands still trembling.
He takes a few steps to her, cups her face in his hands, and stares into her eyes. "You're…you're all right? God, Cora, if I hurt you, I'd kill myself."
"I'm okay," she stammers, laughing slightly and looking up at him. With Rafe in my arms, I feel my heart in my throat seeing the love she has for him written on her face. "I'm a little shaken, Roger—you scared me—"
"I'm sorry," he whispers again, his apology evident in every expression. "I'm so sorry, Cora."
He steps back, his hands moving to her shoulders as he looks down at her stomach.
"Is it…" she says, her hands going to her stomach. "Is it really…"
"Yes," he breathes, and they look at each other again. "It is. I can smell it, sense the bloodline—Cora—"
And then delighted laughter bubbles from her, a mixture of shock and relief.
Roger stares at her, then he's laughing too. He sweeps her into his arms, spinning her as they marvel at themselves and their impossible creation. I tear my eyes away for a second, a huge smile on my face as I meet Sinclair's gaze. I see the same expression on his face.
Because whatever this is, however it happened…it's a miracle. And it's good.
I take a step toward Cora as Roger sets her down, but Sinclair nudges me mentally. "Come on, trouble," he urges. "Give them a minute."
"But—" I gasp, pleading with my eyes. Sinclair cocks his head and narrows his eyes. I scowl, realizing he's right. I glance at Cora and Roger, completely lost in each other, whispering—their love, future plans, speculations about everything.
I sigh, wanting to be part of their conversation, but I pout and move to my mate's side instead, my still-crying baby in my arms.
"Give him to me," he says, and I do, settling Rafe into his arms and leaning my head on Sinclair's shoulder as we leave the room and close the door.
"Unfair," I sigh, looking back at the closed door as we walk down the hall. "Cora got to be there for all the drama when I got pregnant. But now she's the human pregnant with a wolf baby, and it's deeply unfair that I have to give her privacy."
"You're right," Sinclair says, not meaning it, but humoring me. I see the smirk on his face. "But hey," he grins, "at least, in recompense, they're giving Rafe a little cousin to play with."
I gasp, looking down at Rafe in my mate's arms, chagrined at how easily he quieted but filled with excitement nonetheless.
"Hear that, baby?" I whisper. "A new cousin to play with!"
But Rafe doesn't seem to care, frowning and turning away from me toward his dad, clearly wanting to sleep.
"He doesn't get it," I say, smiling at my mate.
"He will," Sinclair says. "A new baby, Sinclair. This one as much a miracle as the last."
"But nowhere near as cute," I whisper, grinning. Sinclair doesn't commit, but he winks, and I know he agrees. I kiss him, and we settle in to wait until Cora and Roger are ready.