Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 354
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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"Um, excuse me," Roger said, and Sinclair and I, mutually surprised, snapped our attention to him.

"Obviously," he said, gesturing between himself and his brother, "the question of why Sinclair's blood was desired is the only one with a clear answer—"

"Oh my god, Roger," Sinclair murmured, leaning back and covering his face with a hand, exhausted.

"The quality of these genetics," Roger continued, grinning, "I mean, who wouldn't want these babies—"

"Not me, anymore," Cora quipped, folding her arms and smirking at Roger with a raised eyebrow. "Baby for sale! Highest bidder!"

"You're worth millions," Roger whispered toward Cora's stomach, leaning close to pretend to speak to the baby. "Don't let them undersell you—"

"Enough," Sinclair snapped, though half-heartedly. I couldn't help but laugh. Honestly, considering it, I couldn't disagree. I looked at the proof still curled in Sinclair's arms.

"We did make a stone-cold cutie," I said, leaning over to run a fond finger down my baby's belly. "If mean Uncle Xander was going for good looks, he certainly picked the right stud."

Sinclair pulled his hand away from his face and shook his head, as if disbelieving my joke. But I smiled and shrugged. If we couldn't laugh, what the hell were we doing? I then sent a pulse of love down the bond, letting Sinclair know I appreciated him and was taking things seriously. I just also needed a little lightness to balance the horrible things that had happened. Sinclair nodded, understanding, and sent his own pulse of love back.

"Our best guess," Henry said softly, redirecting the conversation, "is that Xander never meant for Dominic to know you were pregnant, Ella. It was by chance that Dominic was at the clinic that day—that he sensed the child. A wonderful mistake for us, considering the result, but very bad luck for him."

"God," I breathed, looking at my mate and baby. "I can't imagineif I had gone through this thinking I was human, giving birth to a twelve-pound baby before six monthsand then someone trying to steal him away"

"I would have found you," Sinclair promised, brushing his knuckles against my cheek. "There's no way I wouldn't have. This was meant to be. The Goddess had her hand in it as well."

"I know," I said, believing him. "Butif that was Xander's plan"

"Yes," he agreed. "It would have been awful."

"But really," Cora said, sitting forward. "Beyond the desire for genetically blessed, gorgeous kids," she smirked at her mate, "what's the rationale for choosing a powerful werewolf like Sinclair? Why not any other wolf? Why not," she hesitated, looking at Roger, "well, why not Roger? Same genetic package"

Henry interrupted Roger, who opened his mouth to retort but closed it at his father's look. "I think Xander was working toward a dual claim to the throne," Henry said. "He was betting Dominic would beat Damon and take the throne, and that if Xander kidnapped and raised a child with both Xavier's and Dominic's blood"

"It would be very hard to contest," I finished, fascinated by my uncle's apparent thoroughness. "A child of two thrones, uniting them"

"Indeed," Henry agreed, nodding. He looked at Sinclair, apologetic. "I wouldn't be surprised, Dominic, if he even had a hand in your inability to have children with Lydia. I don't know how he would have managed that, but you are clearly capable of fathering children" He shrugged, sighing. "It would have neatly fit his plans for you to take the throne without biological heirs."

"God," I said, slumping back, shaking my head. "He really thought of everything, didn't he?"

My family nodded in confirmation, but Henry held up a hand. "It's important," he said, looking at each of us, "to realize this is a theoretical explanation. We have very little evidence of Xander's involvement. And while the story is compelling"

"It's just a story," I finished, nodding. "Do you think we'll get more evidence?"

"We'll try," Sinclair said, shrugging. "Now that we know Xander's location, we can refocus our attacks from his priests to him, under the theory that he is the master the priest spoke of."

My stomach twisted. "I imagine the master would be well-guarded."

"Yes," Roger confirmed, steadily holding my gaze. "We need to be better prepared. But we also need to move fast."

"Why?" I asked, tense. I didn't want Roger and Sinclair darting out of the bunker again.

"Not immediately, Ella," Sinclair said, reassuring me. "We have a few days. But to find this information…" He looked to his father.

"To find traces of information on the dark web, Ella," Henry explained, "one must leave traces. We were careful, our tracks were faint, but there's a possibility Xander could discover we know where he is and that he's involved. And if he does…" Henry shrugged.

"We lose any advantage," Sinclair finished. "He could disappear and regroup."

I sighed, focusing on my child, letting Rafe center me. He was the most important thing. "All right," I said softly, brushing my son's hair. "Please, tell me how I can help."

"We can't do anything," Cora said firmly, "until we get your men back into shape. That will take a few days. Ella," she said, and I turned, surprised. "I could use your help. You were a wonderful nurse yesterday. And Hank will be sending our soldiers back—we'll need to continue their care."

"Of course," I said, agreeing. If Cora needed me, that's where I'd be. She nodded, and I smiled.

"Good," Henry said, pressing his hands together. "While you're doing that, we'll come up with a plan."

I started to stand, but Henry stopped me. Confused, I settled back.

"Before we break up," Henry said quietly, "there's one last issue we must discuss."

Silence fell before Cora broke it. "What is it?" she asked, worried. Henry turned his gaze sternly, but apologetically, to her. "We have to discuss the problem…that is Dr. Hank."

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