Ella pushed aside her suspicions as she went to Cora's side. Cora explained their plan to Conner, the bright, red-haired young man who'd noticed the men who attacked Ella hadn't transformed into wolves.
"Sure," Conner said, blinking up at them. When Cora asked if he'd let Ella try to heal him with the Goddess power, he hesitated. "Um, does it hurt?"
"Um," Ella replied, rubbing her arm anxiously. "I don't think so? But I've only tried it on myself." She looked to Cora for guidance, but Cora shrugged.
"Consider it a very experimental treatment," Cora said, turning back to Conner. "But I think Ella's right—it never seemed to hurt her, or that one time I used it. But if it works!" She grinned. "You'll be a very happy little guinea pig!"
"Guinea pig?" Conner asked, confused. "Will this transform me into a guinea pig?"
Laughing, Ella sat on the edge of his bed and reached for his arm. He pulled away, anxious. "Seriously!" she said, still laughing. "That's just a common phrase. Maybe it's a human phrase—for a creature who's experimented on first."
Conner relaxed slightly, but remained wary. He nodded, agreeing to the procedure. "Just a lot of strange magic, I guess. Magic we haven't had much exposure to."
"You're telling me," Cora murmured, checking details and running a hand over her stomach, which housed what they considered the first human-wolf hybrid pup ever conceived.
Conner didn't understand, but Ella grinned at Cora, who returned the smile. "Okay," Cora said. "Conner, can we try it on the burn on your arm?" She pointed to the gauze on his forearm. "It's minor enough to be a good test."
"Okay," Conner said, unwrapping the gauze. Ella leaned forward, then recoiled as he revealed an angry, red wound. Grimacing—reminded of why she hadn't become a nurse—she steeled herself and moved closer, looking at Cora. "How do I start?"
Cora shrugged, as lost as Ella. "I don't know, Ella," she said vaguely. "Do yourmeditation thing. Access the gift. Or whatever."
Ella shrugged and hovered her hands over Conner's arm, closing her eyes. Falling into the meditative state was easier this time—perhaps because she wasn't wounded, pregnant, or stressed. Relaxation came quickly, and the light behind her eyes turned a light lavender.
"You've got it, Ella," Cora whispered, excited but trying not to distract her. "You're glowing. Can you direct it?"
Ella took a deep breath and, exhaling, sought the pain. The gift moved, sweeping through her to heal, then pulsed curiously, as if wondering why she'd called upon it.
She gently pushed the gift outward, feeling a little like the time she'd passed it to Cora—though this was easier, as she was stronger. She felt she could direct a portion of the gift, rather than transferring the whole thing.
She felt Conner's pain, radiating toward her hands. She nudged the gift toward it, feeling it flow from her hands.
Cora gasped, and Conner inhaled sharply, but Ella focused, steadily pushing until the pain cooled, ebbed, and vanished. She pulled back her hands, breathed deeply, and let the lavender light fade.
She opened her eyes to find Cora and Conner staring, mouths agape. "Did it work?" she breathed. Seeing their silence, she looked at Conner's arm.
Her own mouth dropped open. The wound was gone—or rather, perfectly healed. New flesh, pink and hairless, covered the burn. It wasn't as if the magic had undone the wound; it had genuinely healed it.
"Oh my god," she breathed, looking at Cora and Conner. Seeing his tearful smile, she burst into laughter. Cora shrieked with joy and hugged her, knocking them both onto the bed.
"It's a miracle!" Cora shouted. "It's incredible! Ella! Think of what you could do!"
"I know!" Ella yelled, hugging her sister. The men in the room turned towards them, smiles spreading as they understood.
"Are you okay?" Ella asked Conner when Cora released her. "Did it hurt?"
"It's fine," he said, marveling at his arm. "It was tingly and a little cold, but it's amazing—it's totally fixed!"
Ella squeezed Cora, excited.
"Thank you," Conner whispered, tears streaming down his face. "Thank you so much, Luna."
"I'm so glad," Ella said, squeezing his hand.
Suddenly, Ella jumped up, almost knocking Cora over.
"What!" Cora shouted, laughing.
"I'm going to tell Sinclair!" Ella shouted, dashing toward the door. "I'll be right back!"
She barely contained her excitement as she sprinted to the conference room, where she knew the others were working on a plan.