Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 373
Posted on February 10, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Chapter 373: Burn Out

Less time passed than it felt like. Hours it felt like, seared by the Priest's spells. It wasn't just fire—first flames, then slicing spells, wind, ice, and something like acid, creeping into our lungs, making us cough.

Slowly, he burned himself out. Our men fell, screaming. But in the end, I prowled toward him in my wolf form, ignoring the pain with each step. I stepped over my brother's limp body, trying to ignore Dominic's shallow breaths, his closed eyes, and the burned swathes of his skin.

I focused only on the cornered Priest. It was over. I had him trapped.

To be understood, I shifted back into human form, wincing as the pain reformed in my hands and legs.

"Tell me," I commanded, standing before him, cowering in his corner.

"I will tell you noth—"

I roared, extending my nails into claws, slashing his face. Four deep wounds opened across his cheeks, nose, and lips. He shrieked, covering his face before looking up.

"You will tell me," I continued, crouching, my determination and fury unwavering. "Because while you may be prepared to die for your god," I said, showing him my claws, "I doubt your order prepared you for days, weeks, or months of torture. Little priest."

His eyes shifted to my claws, the blood dripping down his face. He realized what I meant: he was going to die. But when? That was up to me.

"Tell me," I said, gentler this time.

"I already did," the Priest ground out, finding courage and hate. He winced as his face shifted, adding to his pain. "I told you the master is gone—"

Before he could see me move, I raked my claws across his face again, deepening the existing wounds and adding new ones.

He screamed, his hands flying to his wounds. I slashed at his hands, severing several fingers and slicing deep into the tendons, rendering them useless.

He screamed again, falling beside his severed fingers, staring at his mangled hands.

"TELL ME!" I roared, leaning over him. "Or by your God's own name, I will do it AGAIN! And I will keep doing it until you are nothing but SHREDS OF WHAT YOU ONCE WERE!"

He trembled, the shaking in his voice a mix of shock, fear, or something else. But I believed him—he had no reason to lie.

"He's gone, he has the child—"

"Where?" I commanded. He cried out, covering his face, blood staining him.

"I don't know!" he cried. "He didn't tell us!"

"What does he have!?" I demanded, shoving his hands away. "More priests? More defenses!?"

"Nothing," he moaned, shaking his head. "We were—we were the last. We were supposed to hold you here—" He gritted his teeth, frustrated, disbelieving we'd broken his spells. "I don't know how you got through it—"

I didn't let him finish. I raised my fist and smashed it repeatedly into his clenched teeth, reducing his face to bloody pulp. To ensure the job was done, I used my claws to cut his throat, watching the blood flow. Then, I opened the veins at his wrists to hasten his death.

I wanted no more time with this wretch, who dedicated his life to darkness. For what? To wield spells? To feel powerful stealing a helpless child?

Disgusted, I turned to the hall filled with our men. I sensed the priest's death—an audible click as the magic left the house. Wards? Protections? It didn't matter. It was just a house again.

At the hall's end, Conor staggered to his feet.

"Sir," he said, limping, holding his left arm. "Orders?"

I nodded, gratitude surging for his dedication. "Sweep the rooms," I commanded, my eyes on Dominic. "The priest claimed his master was gone. We need to ensure it's true. Take…whoever you can," I said, moving to Dominic.

"Yes, Sir," Conor replied, saluting and moving toward the few men rising. It was fewer than I'd hoped, but I had no time for that.

I knelt over Dominic, who lay on his side. When I turned him onto his back, he groaned. His face was sliced and burned—horrific.

"Dominic," I murmured, leaning close. "Dominic—come on—"

To my relief, his eyes fluttered open.

"Ella," he muttered, trying to sit up. I rolled my eyes; I was thinking of Cora, but obviously I couldn't get Dominic to Ella until I assessed his injuries. I soothed him and pressed him back down.

"Easy," I murmured. "Let me check you out, all right?"

He nodded, groaning in pain. I began my examination, my battlefield medic training kicking in. It was bad. Really, really bad.