Accidental Surrogate, Chapter 377: Roles Reversed – Ella
The gift burned through me, and the ice stripped away faster than I thought possible. Water slid to the floor as I pushed myself up, freed my legs, and ran.
I grabbed the doorframe as I flew into the hall, using it to pivot around the corner and continue running toward the lobby. Scared humans and wolves pressed against the walls, whispering as nurses treated the worst wounded. A rogue priestess had apparently attacked anyone in her path.
I ignored them; I couldn't afford any distractions. My focus was on finding my son. I tore through the lobby, hurled open the clinic's front door, and bolted outside. Already running, my head swiveled, searching for the priestess, when I heard my name.
I spun around, finally spotting Hank on the ground. His hand pressed against his head; his jaw was painfully swollen. Before I could speak, he pointed to the distance.
"That way!" he shouted. "Roger—Sinclair—"
Relief washed over me, quickly replaced by fear. I had no idea what he meant.
I sprinted, using all my senses to find them.
Soon, I saw Roger stumbling toward me, covered in blood, a small blue bundle in his arms. A cry escaped my throat as I surged forward, reaching for my baby boy. Tears streamed down my face as Roger stopped, holding him out to me.
"Is he—" I gasped, grabbing my baby, simultaneously holding him close and examining him.
"He's fine, Ella," Roger said, taking my shoulders. But I didn't look up, sobbing instead as my baby wailed. I scanned him through my tears, but saw nothing wrong. I closed my eyes, seeking my bond with my child, hoping it would tell me more, but I couldn't reach it. Roger shook me again.
"Ella!" he shouted, his hands firm on my shoulders. "I'm serious! Rafe, I think, is okay, but…Dominic…" He looked back toward the clearing behind the clinic.
I snapped my head up at the mention of my mate's name. His grave, worried expression drained the blood from me. I felt frozen again, encased in ice.
I followed his gaze to two dark forms lying close together in the darkness. One was draped in a priestess's robes; the other…
I set off instantly, running as fast as I could—but I couldn't run fast with the baby in my arms.
Someone tugged at Rafe, and my instincts kicked in. I snapped toward them with a terrible snarl, my teeth elongating.
Roger's eyes widened in shock; he raised his hands, showing he meant no harm. He spoke quickly. "Ella, the gift—you have to get to him now. Please, give me the baby."
Handing Rafe to his uncle broke my heart. Every molecule screamed to hold him close, never to let him go again. But one more glance at those forms in the darkness made my decision. I hastily handed my crying child to his godfather. Roger would take care of him. Without a word, I sprinted toward my fallen mate.
I blinked open my eyes in the forest, wincing as the bright white light stung them. "Fuck," I thought, covering my face. Was it morning already?
Then I realized…I didn't remember going to bed.
I sat up, wary, trying to understand. I wasn't in my bed. Or inside at all.
Confused, I looked around the bright forest and at the soft bed on which I sat, running my hands over the crisp white linens. Where the hell was I?
"Hey, handsome," a soft voice said. I whipped my head up to see a beautiful woman standing before me. I blinked, trying to clear my wide eyes. She was stunning. She had to be…
"Are you an angel?" I asked, my voice awed. She didn't answer with the soft smile I expected, instead bursting into laughter.
"No, Dominic," she said, shaking her head and approaching, taking my face in her hands and smiling down at me. "You've been asleep for a while. You're confused. Think about it—you know me."
"Am I…am I dead?"
She smiled, slowly shaking her head. "No, baby," she murmured. "And I'd be worried about these questions, except Dr. Hank says your brain scan is fine. You're just really, really exhausted."
"What?" I asked, frowning. She smiled again and stepped closer, sitting in my lap. My arms wrapped around her instinctively, as if they belonged there, as if I'd done it a thousand times before.
"I've been trying for a long time," she said, ignoring my question, "to get you to meet me here."
I chuckled. "I can't think of a reason to protest," I murmured, looking down at her as she rested her head against my chest and idly dragged her fingers up and down my shirt. She was just…so beautiful.
"You weren't ready," she sighed. "We were really worried about you, Dominic. The baby especially."
"The baby?" I asked, confused. She lifted her head and frowned.
"Rafe," she replied.
I stared at her, confused. She shook her head, raising her hand to my cheek. "You need to come back to me, Dominic," she murmured. "To both of us."
"I—I'm not…trying not to…" I protested, horrified to disappoint her, but I didn't know what to do.
"It's okay," she sighed, cocking her head. "Maybe you just need more…time."
"More time?" I asked, growing frustrated. I looked around, growing worried. Where the hell was I? Was I dead? Imprisoned? What on earth was happening?
"Calm down, Dominic," she murmured, sitting up and adjusting herself so her legs straddled mine, her hands linked behind my neck. When I turned to protest—I had no idea what was going on—I found her face close to mine, her eyes warm and kind.
"It's okay, baby," she murmured, nudging me with her nose. "You just need to…remember who you are. So that you can come back to me."
She leaned closer, pressing her mouth to mine. Everything I was collapsed at her touch. As her lips parted, and my arms tightened around her…
I felt myself begin to reform.
And my identity snapped into place.