Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 415
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Chapter 415 – Three is Better Than Two


I was sobbing uncontrollably when Cora told me her wolf had led her to Roger's wolf, then to her pup. I ugly-cried tears of absolute happiness for my sister, tinged with just a little jealousy.

"Ella!" Cora said, laughing and putting her hands on my shoulders. "Oh my god, I wouldn't have told you if I thought you'd react like this!"

"You'd better tell me!" I gasped between sobs, glaring at her. "You'd better text me every morning after you have a dream with your little pup! I want to hear everything! That's so amazing – what did he look like?"

"Well," she said, biting her lip. "He's still so small, it's hard to tell…"

I started crying again, making Cora roll her eyes and smack my knee.

"Okay, okay," I said, taking a deep breath. "I promise. I'll keep it together."

It was a lie, but I would try.

"He had a little pink nose," Cora said, grinning as I bit my lip. "And dark fur around his muzzle, just like Roger's wolf. He has four little white paws—"

"Okay, stop," I said, holding up a hand and turning away. "That's so cute – I can't even handle it."

She laughed, and I managed to open my eyes again. She was shaking her head. "I can't believe you're reacting like this, Ella," she said, awed. "You told me you were running as your wolf in your dream, and Rafe was there, behind you, in little flashes!"

"Yes, but I didn't get to touch him," I said.

"Yes, you did," she said, frowning. "When you couldn't reach Rafe through the bond, you told me you found him in the forest! A full little baby! You held him in your arms before he was born!"

"Cora," I sighed, tilting my head. "Don't you see how that's different?"

She just stared at me, so I sighed and looked down at my hands.

"Rafe was sick, and we were so worried we'd lose him. What you and Roger experienced last night—you got to meet your baby, so young and healthy! With only happiness in his heart. During my pregnancy with Rafe," I said, glancing at him, guilt washing over me, "he went through so many terrible emotions." I shook my head, remembering. "Sinclair felt them more than I did—because he had his connection to Rafe sooner—but…"

When I looked back at my sister, she was nodding, her face showing pity.

"It's good," I said, taking her hands. "I'm terribly envious. I'd have given anything to have my bond with Rafe as early as you have yours, to have him tell me so early that he feels happy, and to have met him as a little pup!"

I took a deep breath as Cora nodded, finally understanding.

"But," I said, leaning forward and smiling, "I'm so glad you got to have all of that, Cora. That's amazing. I want you to do it every night and tell me all about it every day."

"Done," she said, happily, lying down and propping herself up on her elbow. She studied me for a second before grinning wickedly. "You know, Ella," she said, "you could have it all—a second chance."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Stop breastfeeding," she said, nodding to Rafe. "Get pregnant. You'll have the chance to meet the little baby in the dream state, have a happy, healthy pregnancy—share it all with Sinclair, like you weren't able to do with the first one."

My breath hitched as I looked at Rafe, then into the distance. I contemplated how much I wanted that. But there were so many reasons to hesitate…

"Not yet," I said faintly, staring off and considering everything weighing on my little family.

"Why not?" Cora breathed, and I jumped as she tapped my knee. I smiled, realizing she'd kicked me. "Come on, we can be pregnant together. Torture the Sinclair brothers even more. It'll be a blast."

"Because," I said, sighing, "I can't be pregnant again with all this uncertainty. I did it once, and it almost killed me—"

"Literally," Cora pointed out, and I shrugged.

"I want it, Cora," I said, remembering the vision our mother's priest gave me—a family of four, two girls and two boys. The second-oldest child was a little girl with long rose-gold hair, just like mine…

"But not until this is sorted," she finished, nodding, remembering the vision too, I think.

"Not until Rafe is safe," I agreed, grinning. "Then! We can get me good and pregnant."

"Well, don't wait too long," she said. "I want our first three to be close in age, so they can all take care of each other."

"Why can't they do that with just two?" I asked, glancing at her stomach, where she carried the child destined to be Rafe's best friend.

"Because," she grinned, "these two boys are going to need a girl to keep things spicy."

I laughed, leaning forward. "You're right," I said. "Imagine how bored Dominic and Roger would be without us."

And then, as if on cue, the door opened and our mates entered, frowning—and certainly not bored. Seeing their faces, Cora and I burst into laughter.

"What is this?" Roger asked, trying to look stern but failing to hide his smile. "I don't trust you two when you're cackling like this."

"Good choice," I said, smiling at him and reaching for my mate, who surprised me by lifting me off the bed and holding me close. "Oh!" I said, genuinely shocked but pleased.

"Trouble," Sinclair growled, nuzzling me and inhaling my scent. Feeling his worry through the bond, I pressed close, sending apologies. "Living up to your name today," he murmured.

"I'm sorry, Dominic," I whispered. "I got freaked out. But I really think it was the right thing—bringing them here, making them comfortable."

"You did right," he said, kissing me and sitting down with me in his arms. "It was just a big surprise, is all."

"For us too," I said, looking to Cora for confirmation. She raised her eyebrows and nodded as Roger cleared the trays and sat next to his mate.

"How are they?" I asked. "Did you find anything else out?"

"They're very comfortable," Roger replied, pulling Cora close. "We made sure they have everything they could want. The suite is nice, if heavily guarded. But no, we didn't find much else out, and we won't until tomorrow. We're having Dad come; we know he'll want to be in on the conversation."

"Oh, good," I replied, leaning into Sinclair. "What do you think?"

"Overall?" he said, looking down at me. "I think Sarah is who she says she is. And if that's true, then…" he sighed, shaking his head, "I think we're going to hear a very sad story tomorrow. I can't imagine what life must have been like for two human girls raised in Xander's home."

My heart sank. The world from which they escaped—a world where it's logical to let your niece live in an orphanage her whole life and then, when the time is right, swap sperm samples at her sister's clinic and try to steal the resulting baby. If I have suffered so much at the hands of a man I've never met…

What must they have suffered as two humans serving in his home?

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