Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 441
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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A king, a queen, and Ella

The aides paled as they saw me hurry back to the door, their eyes widening. This was not protocol. "Ella!" Cora gasped, her eyes darting over me as she bounced Rafe in her arms, trying to calm him. "What are you doing?"

"He wants me, Cora," I breathed, hurrying to her side and reaching for my baby.

Cora didn't hesitate, handing him over, even though she rolled her eyes.

"He's going to be fine!"

"Well, he is now!" I said, already turning back to the door. My baby was beginning to calm, though his face was still red and a few tears remained on his cheeks.

The aides waved frantically, and I nodded, mouthing my apologies as I hurried through the door and toward the aisle.

The crowd, which had fallen silent in confusion, suddenly erupted in the loudest cheer yet, their noise filled with laughter and joy. I laughed with them as I walked down the aisle, shrugging apologetically and hoping they understood. Because as much as I'd love to be their dignified queen, I'm always going to be a mother first.

A huge smile spread across my face as the crowd cheered for Rafe and me. I cooed to him, wiped the tears from his face, and watched him look around in wonder and surprise. He wasn't scared anymore—not with me holding him.

Someone in the crowd shouted his name, and I swear he turned when he heard it, making me laugh.

Then, halfway down the aisle, I finally glanced toward the throne and saw my mate standing at the end, waiting for us. My smile deepened as a thrill ran through me. I swear, my feet moved faster, eager to carry me to his side. And, even though I hadn't intended for them to see it, the crowd loved it and cheered louder. I laughed, reaching for Sinclair as I reached the end of the aisle and climbed the three short steps up to him.

"I'm sorry," I said, still laughing as he took my hand and pulled me to his side. "I tried to be dignified—it didn't work."

"It's all right, trouble," he murmured, kissing my hair. "This was better. It was you." I almost purred with happiness, pressing my face briefly to his chest and letting him hug me before taking a deep breath and standing straight at his side.

Because he was right—as much as I thought the people of this nation wanted me to be their dignified queen, they'd just have to make do with regular old me. And maybe that's all they really wanted anyway.

Smiling, warm and happy, I watched my sister and her mate come down the aisle, walking slowly behind Henry, who truly did manage to look strong and dignified as he made his way toward us. When he reached the end, Henry took a short detour up the small ramp we had built for him, as Cora and Roger came up to stand beside us—Cora next to me, and Roger next to his brother, presenting a united front.

The next part went as quickly as the previous meeting had been slow.

The mayor of our city—a human—came forward along with the head of the largest pack—a wolf—to perform the ceremony. Sinclair and I turned toward them, and he knelt, reciting an oath dedicating his life to protecting the nation and its people.

I smiled, watching him make his vow, especially the words we had changed, which explicitly promised to protect and serve both wolf and humankind.

The mayor handed Sinclair a scepter that marked his sovereignty, and then the pack leader reverently placed a crown on his head, declaring him king.

When Sinclair stood, the crowd roared its approval. He faced them, smiling and nodding deeply to acknowledge his new position with the gravity it deserved. The cheering continued for a long time, and I sent Sinclair a little pulse of joy. He turned to me, taking my hand and beaming his own happiness.

After a few moments, when the crowd quieted, Sinclair turned toward the throne, accepting another crown from one of the aides, atop a blue velvet pillow.

My face became serious as I saw it, finally, in his hands. Because while I'd joked about wanting to wear this crown, and it truly was very pretty, I was well aware that it wasn't a piece of costume jewelry. It was a real promise I was making to the people—to care for them, protect them, and fight for them. And I intended to live the rest of my life keeping that promise. I tilted my chin up to my love, my mate, holding his gaze as he lifted the crown above my head with both hands.

"I crown you, Ella Sinclair," he said, his voice booming through the room. "As my mate and my queen. You are my whole heart, my conscience, my peace, and my will. You are the greatest joy of my life, and the best gift I can give my people is to have you by my side. Do you accept?"

Slowly, I lowered my head and bent my knees slightly, impulsively pressing a hand to my heart to show how much his words meant to me. Then, as I bowed to my king, my mate, and before my people, I felt the crown rest on my rose-gold hair. And the crowd cheered again.

I stood, beaming at the people who shouted my name, a few tears welling in my eyes as I realized their support was genuine—that maybe… maybe they were starting to see how much I loved them, and they loved me back.

Overwhelmed, I wrapped an arm around my mate's waist, leaning into him.

"A little more, trouble," he murmured into my ear, and I looked up at him, surprised. Because whenever we'd practiced this before, that was the end. Just a little procession back down the aisle and then the party.

"What?" I asked.

"A surprise," he murmured, and then his face broke into a grin as he turned away from me. I followed his gaze, turning backward to see… and I gasped when I saw another velvet pillow, and on top of it, a teeny tiny golden crown, a precious little circlet unadorned by jewels, just big enough for a baby's head.

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