Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 445
Posted on February 17, 2025 · 1 mins read
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"Ella," Clavin said, his voice thick with emotion. His hand reached for me, his fingers brushing the velvet sleeve of my gown before I could pull away.

"What?" I whispered, taking a few steps back. "What was that?"

"I don't—" Before he could finish, we both turned towards the darkened doorway to the balcony. I instantly recognized my mate's silhouette and breathed a sigh of relief.

It wasn't that I thought Clavin or I had done anything wrong, or that Clavin was going to hurt me, but whatever had passed between us was strange. And suddenly, remembering the pulse from last night when Clavin touched my hand, I wanted my mate at my side.

"Is everything all right out here?" Sinclair growled, his voice low and threatening.

He stepped forward into the darkness as Clavin stepped away from me and bowed—a formality shown to a king and a display of deference to an Alpha who sensed a potential threat to his mate.

"Everything is fine, Dominic," I said, holding out a hand to him, trying to keep my voice light, though I suspected I was failing. "Prince Clavin was just telling me about his children. Did you know he has a son older than Rafe? And his daughter is three?"

"I did not know," Sinclair said, moving to my side, his eyes fixed on the Atalaxian prince. "Your family keeps such information close to their chest, do they not?"

"We do," Clavin confirmed, his voice formal and quiet. "Though we share it with our closest friends. And I very much hope that after this trip, I will be able to tell my children about my new friends in Moon Valley."

"I hope so as well," I said, hoping my words reassured Clavin and persuaded Sinclair that Clavin hadn't harmed me.

"I don't know if this is going to be possible," Sinclair said quietly, his voice grumbling and stern. He stood close, hands in his pockets, looking Clavin up and down. "Especially after the stunts your delegation has been pulling with Xander. He upset Ella very much tonight. Were you aware of this?"

Clavin sighed and looked at me, his face genuinely pained. "I was not. What did he do?"

Sinclair briefly informed Clavin of Xander's behavior—his refusal to look me in the eye. Clavin sighed deeply, rubbing his eyes in frustration and embarrassment.

"I'm sorry," Clavin said, looking at me and then at Sinclair. "There is... please, consider that there is dissent within our nation. While I'm sure some of our delegation encouraged Xander and support his disgusting ideas, some of us want better."

"Well," Sinclair said slowly, "then I'd look forward to speaking further with those persons."

"If you'll allow me to set it up," the prince said quietly, "I will do so."

"Please," Sinclair said. He then fell silent, clearly ending the discussion for the evening.

Clavin bowed again to each of us, said he would put things in motion, and then stepped toward the door. He clasped Conner on the shoulder and bid him good night, a move I appreciated. I like it when people in power acknowledge those in service.

But, knowing that was less important at the moment, I looked at Sinclair.

"Is everything all right?"

"I thought I'd ask you the same," he said, looming over me, clearly displeased.

"What?" I asked, frowning, confused. "What did I do?"

"What are you doing out here, Ella?" Sinclair said, shaking his head. "Having private conversations with a member of our enemies' royal family?"

"You heard him, Dominic!" I said, waving a hand toward the door. "He wants to make a change!"

"Or he's just telling you he wants a change," Sinclair growled, "to get you on his side. He knows you're soft-hearted! He told you about his children, who we don't even know exist—to soften you up!"

"Hey," I snapped, pointing a finger at him. "I may be soft-hearted, Dominic, but that's something you value about me. You can't have it both ways—you can't love that about me and then use it to discredit me when it's convenient."

Sinclair sighed and nodded. "All right, that's fair," he murmured. "But Ella, we agreed you'd let me take the lead on these things—that you would allow me to take care of you, to set our path."

"I still agree to that," I said gently, stepping close to him and dropping my hand, looking up at him with wide, loving eyes. "Dominic, if you tell me never to see him again, I won't. But last night you told me to trust my instincts, and they're telling me to trust him. Prince Clavin...he speaks to me. And if this is an in with the Atalaxians—a way to create an alliance, to avoid war, to perhaps even help some of the women within that nation—wouldn't we want to accept that?"

"He speaks to you," Sinclair growled, "because he's into you."

I burst out laughing, and Sinclair's growl deepened—probably not good, but it made me laugh harder.

"Dominic!" I said, giving him a little shove. "He's not—he has a Luna! And two children! There's absolutely nothing to suggest his interest in me is anything but friendly and political."

"You don't see the way he looks at you, Ella," my mate growled, jealousy in every thrum of his voice. "I'm used to watching Alphas approach a she-wolf they desire—it's distinct—"

"Dominic," I sighed, raising a hand to his cheek. "Just because you're into me doesn't mean everyone is. Some men just want to be friends."

Sinclair laughed roughly, shaking his head. "Ella, my love, every man that meets you wants you. I think you're so used to being looked at with desire that you fail to see the signs."

"Well," I murmured, stepping closer, pressing my body against his, looking up at him from under my lashes. "I don't miss it when you look at me that way."

My mate paused, his breath hitching, then growled, grabbing me and pulling me close, careful not to hurt the baby. "That's not fair, Ella," he murmured. "You can't end every argument by seducing me."

"Says who," I whispered, my voice throaty.

He laughed, dipping his head and kissing me. Considering how much I wanted that kiss, perhaps he couldn't help himself.

"Come on," he murmured, pulling away. "Let's get back inside. We still have guests to greet—it's going to be a long night."

"I know," I said, lifting the baby slightly as he guided me back toward the ballroom. "And then, tomorrow, another big day."

"A wedding," he confirmed, looking down at me. "A big day, and a happy one."

"I know," I said, grinning. "I'm so excited for Cora and Roger. It's going to be lots of fun."