Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 449
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Ella felt the poor woman's shoulders shake. Remembering her duty, she took a deep breath. "Come on," she said, trying to keep her voice light as she gently turned the woman and her daughters away. "I'm so sorry about this—let's get somewhere more peaceful." As they walked away, Ella left the matter to Sinclair, trusting him to handle it.

But she hoped to hell the Atalaxians knew what was good for them, because her mate wouldn't hesitate to fight if pushed. And if they did push him? She shook her head, considering how quickly they would lose.

Putting this aside, Ella chatted lightly with the woman, asking her name. The woman introduced herself as Tempest Bowers, a journalist and the wife of an elected official from one of the eastern provinces.

Genuinely pleased to meet her, Ella asked more about their lives as they moved toward the head table, where she knew there was plenty of candy for the girls.

Before they reached the table, someone—a hateful old man, her uncle, of course—hit her hard on the shoulder as he passed, making her stumble. Her ankle twisted in her high heel, and she lost her balance, gasping and clutching Rafe tightly.

Tempest caught her arm just in time.

"Oh my goodness," Tempest said, her eyes wide as she helped Ella regain her balance. Both their eyes then followed the old man, who didn't bother to look back or apologize.

Of course, why would he? He'd done it on purpose.

"He's a hateful old creep, isn't he?" Ella asked, frowning after the man. To her surprise, Tempest burst out laughing.

"He certainly is a piece of work," she said, nodding and releasing Ella's arm.

"Do you know him?"

"He's my uncle," Ella said with a grimace, making Tempest laugh even harder.

"I have some less-pleasant relatives myself," Tempest said, watching the man storm from the room. "So I can empathize."

Ella smiled genuinely, liking Tempest very much. They reached the table where Sinclair and Ella had dined, and Ella gave the girls as many candy bars as she could find, knowing no one would miss them. The girls grinned, excited by their bounty.

"Okay, enough!" Tempest said, laughing and holding out her hands. "Go find Dad, all right?"

"They're beautiful girls," Ella said, watching them run off.

"Thank you," Tempest replied, running a finger across Rafe's sleepy cheek. "Your own is a very handsome little guy himself."

"Oh, he flatters himself," Ella said with a happy sigh, smiling down at her son. "And I agree, but I'm biased." Tempest glanced over her shoulder, seeing Sinclair striding toward them. "I'll leave you to this," she said, gesturing toward him. "But it was very nice to meet you, Your Highness—and thank you very much for your help. I apologize for any trouble—we really didn't know—"

"Please," Ella said, raising her eyebrows. "You did nothing wrong. And please call me Ella."

"After that? We have to be on a first-name basis," Ella added with a grin. Tempest laughed and nodded, waving as she stepped away, just before Sinclair reached Ella's side.

"Are you all right?" he asked, his voice worried. His eyes followed their new friend as she left. "Is she?"

"She seems fine," Ella said, pleased, "though I wish it hadn't happened. I mean, honestly, why would the Atalaxians even come to a party of mixed humans and wolves when they despise the idea so much?"

"I sense," Sinclair replied with a grimace, "that they were looking for a fight. Or, at least Xander was."

"Really?" Ella asked, her eyes widening.

"I'm starting to wonder," Sinclair murmured, watching Xander leave, "if the Atalaxians brought him to pick their fight for them. They had to know he was at the end of his rope and wasn't just going along for the ride."

"Clever," Ella said, stepping closer and looking toward the door. "Bringing someone they knew would force you to show your cards."

"And it may not be over," he sighed. Ella looked up to ask why, but they were both distracted by the arrival of the bride and groom.

"Is everything okay?" Cora asked, stepping close and reaching for the baby. Ella smiled, handing Rafe to her, pleased to see how much Rafe's aunt loved him.

"What was all that?" Roger stood beside Sinclair. Ella turned her fond gaze to him. He wasn't as familiar with human wedding traditions as Cora and she were, but he made a handsome groom, and seemed to be enjoying the party. Even so, as he listened to Sinclair recount the events, he was every bit the king's responsible second, eager to help.

Ella breathed a sigh of gratitude for her family, but was interrupted by Roger's next words.

"I don't know, Dominic," Roger said, hands on his hips, also looking toward the door. "I don't trust this. If he was publicly embarrassed and his new nation didn't stand up for what he believes to be his rights, as you suggest, I'm not sure a man like Xander is going to be content with just going back to his room to pout."

"I have to agree," a voice chimed in. Roger and Sinclair parted to reveal Calvin, his face worried. "I came to let you know that trouble was brewing, but I think you've already figured it out."

"Really?" Ella said, stepping forward, her face falling. "Is he…do you know what he has planned?"

"I don't think he has a plan," Calvin said, his eyes on Ella. "But he believes himself to have been insulted. I don't think he'll take it lightly. And frankly, I think he was egged on by some of our constituents tonight. I think…" he sighed, looking down, ashamed, "honestly, I'm sorry, but I think they wanted to set him off like this."

Ella sighed, worried. She didn't miss Roger and Sinclair carefully assessing Calvin as her mind raced, trying to figure out what to do.

"Let's go," Cora said, nodding toward the door and taking Ella's hand. "There's no point in standing here worried. Let's go back to the room where we're safe, where we can find out what's going on and regroup—"

"Cora," Ella said, frowning. "We're not going to drag you away from your wedding reception—"

"Oh," Cora said, waving a dismissive hand and rolling her eyes. "Don't get me wrong, Ella, this has been amazing, but come on, you know none of this really mattered to me. I'd much rather get the baby back to the room where we can feel safe."

Ella hesitated, but Roger was at her side instantly. "She's right, Ella," he said, glancing around at the party. Ella looked around and saw Sinclair speaking privately with Calvin, thanking him for his help. Her eyes lingered on them, worried, but she sighed and looked away.

"You're sure?" Ella asked, honestly thinking it would make her happiest.

"This party is going on all night with or without us," Roger said with a grin. "Honestly, no one will notice we're gone."

"All right," Ella breathed as Sinclair rejoined them with a sigh. "Everything okay with the prince?"

He nodded and looked at their small group. "To the rooms?"

"War command," Roger said, giving a firm nod. "I'll get Dad and meet you there."

And with that, the four of them left the wedding, ready to face whatever Xander had planned.

Because they all knew—Xander had something up his sleeve. He didn't come to celebrate. He came to take his last shot. And the Atalaxians were letting him.

Please let us know if you find any errors, so we can fix them as soon as possible.