Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 452
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Ella's eyes flicked to Jessica's, finding her gaze already upon her. Hoping Jessica could intuit, hoping she had the courage to flee, Ella took another precise step forward, forcing Xander to take a final step back. As his foot fell, she bared her teeth. "If you think my human sister is a bitch," she said, "then just wait until you really meet me." Xander's foot landed on the edge of a hidden stair. Ella bared her teeth and transformed in a flash.

Xander's foot slipped, sending him tumbling down the stairs. He flung out an arm to steady himself, his hand—as Ella hoped—still clutching the knife held against Jessica's neck. The moment the cold steel left her neck, Jessica screamed and tore herself away. Ella swore she heard Xander's hand rip through Jessica's hair as she leaped for him. In her wolf form, she sailed through the air, teeth bared.

Her paws slammed into Xander's shoulders, throwing him to the ground. A garbled scream escaped his lips as he whipped the knife toward her side, but it was too late. Her teeth closed around his throat, digging deep. The dagger grazed her, then clattered to the ground as Xander's body crashed onto the stone steps. Her jaws clamped shut, instincts taking over as she shook her head, ripping the life from him.

He went still quickly, leaving no time for a last gasp. She had done her job well.

Chest heaving, Ella stood above him for a moment, verifying his eyes were dead. Then, disdainfully, she stepped away, wanting nothing more to do with him or the taste of his putrid blood.

Still standing above him, she transformed back into her human form. Shoulders heaving, she wiped the blood from her mouth with her sleeve. Guards converged, shouting orders. The primal instinct to protect faded, replaced by the reality of her situation: she stood above a dead man on the palace steps.

Her first thought was of Jessica. Turning to look for her, she suddenly saw flashes ahead and, wide-eyed, turned back to the stairs. With horror, she realized that, while concentrating on Xander and Jessica, she had forgotten the large party still in progress. The stairs were crowded with people staring in shock, snapping pictures of their blood-covered queen.

A moment of panic gave way to chaos. An arm grabbed her. Looking up, she saw Conner. Hearing Jessica scream her sister's name, Ella gasped, "I have to get to Sarah!"

"You have to get inside, Luna," Conner said worriedly. Ella tugged at his arm, but he held firm. "Seriously, Ella," he whispered, "you're covered in blood, and the Alpha will flip if he sees you like this." "But she—"

"She's breathing," Conner said, nodding. "She's conscious. Let us take her inside; you can heal her there." Ella blinked, nodded, and agreed. She was panicking, trying to do everything at once, forgetting she was a queen, not a vigilante. Understanding dawned on Conner, who steadied her as she stepped away from Xander. He kept a supportive hand on her arm as they started toward the palace entrance.

"Jessica!" Ella shouted, seeing the girl scared and struggling against the guards restraining her from her sister, where medics were already gathering.

Jessica whipped her head around, eyes wide with fear.

"Come with me!" Ella commanded, extending her free hand. The guards hesitated, then released Jessica upon seeing Ella's serious face. Jessica rushed to her side, wrapping her hand in Ella's, whimpering.

Ella pulled Jessica close to her uninjured side, wrapping an arm around her. "The doctors are bringing Sarah in," she said quietly. "Don't worry, all right? I'll keep you safe."

"Do you," Jessica asked, looking back, "do you promise she's all right?"

"I promise, Jessica," Ella said, meaning every word. "We just need to get inside. Sarah needs help; you and I are too small. The doctors will help bring her in."

Jessica nodded shakily, pressing closer, trusting Ella to guide her to the door. A large figure filled the doorway, and Ella's knees nearly buckled with relief at the sight of her mate, Sinclair. She wanted to throw herself into his arms, but Jessica was with her. Conner removed his hand, knowing she was safe. Sinclair stepped forward, face livid, scared, and breathless.

"Ella," he growled, stepping close, glancing at Jessica and Conner, assessing them as threats.

Ella reached up and placed her hand on his cheek, shaking her head. "I'm fine, it's fine," she said, nodding fervently.

He released a slow, steady breath. Rage and fear still burned in him, but the knowledge that she was okay tempered it. He opened his mouth to speak, but she nodded toward the little girl.

"We need to get her in," she said, raising her eyebrows.

He hesitated, wanting to assess the situation and yell at her for the risk she'd taken, but he mastered himself, glared at her, and nodded, realizing she was right. The King stepped behind Jessica and Ella, escorting them into the palace.

They moved quickly through the halls toward their rooms, where they would be safe, with her mate, baby, and family nearby. Conner came with them, briefing Sinclair as they walked. Ella kept a hand on Jessica's shoulder.

"Sarah needs to be brought to us," she told Sinclair, who still glared but nodded. He nodded to a guard, ordering him to relay the message. They continued toward their room.

They reached it quickly, luckily avoiding many people who might see Jessica's tear-stained face and Ella's bloody appearance. However, Cora's appalled gasp made up for it.

"Ella!" she shouted, rushing over, arms outstretched.

"Cora, no!" Ella gasped, stepping back. Cora hesitated as Ella gestured toward her white sweatsuit. "Cora, you're all in white—"

"Oh my god," Cora muttered, burying her face in her hands. "You're so ridiculous, Ella—I can't believe that's what you're worried about—"

"Jessica," Ella said, kneeling as Sinclair slammed the door shut. "Do you remember Cora?" she asked, pointing to her sister.

Jessica looked at Cora and nodded.

"She's a doctor," Ella said reassuringly. "She'll check you for bumps and bruises. While she does that, I'll change into something cleaner, okay?"

Jessica hesitated, wanting to stay with Ella, but then nodded shakily as Cora reached out a hand.

"Come on, kid," Cora said with a smile, leading Jessica to Roger, who stood with wide, scared eyes. Relief washed over Ella as she saw Rafe sleeping blissfully in his godfather's arms, unaware of the night's events.

Jessica began to speak, and Ella breathed a sigh of relief, glad she was in good hands. Looking up at her livid mate, Ella nodded and headed for the bathroom. Her heart ached to go to her child, but she was covered in blood. She and Sinclair needed to talk. He understood, following her into the bathroom where they could speak privately. He slammed the door behind him.

Please let us know if you find any errors, so we can fix them as soon as possible.