Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 496
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Chapter 496: First Night

My mate, Sinclair, listened carefully as I recounted, in detail, everything that happened when the Dark God took me outside of time and bestowed our daughter with her gift. I mostly looked down at her, wondering how this perfect, tiny angel could possess even an ounce of darkness.

Even so, I considered the Dark God's words: not everything in darkness is bad. But was that a distraction, meant to make me accept his "gift"? Was it, as I suspected, a curse?

"And then I was back," I said, looking up at Sinclair's attentive face. "Obviously, distracted by the insane pain of childbirth."

A smirk touched his lips, though my attempt at humor clearly didn't fully distract him. He was quiet for a long moment, gazing toward Rafe, but seemingly lost in thought.

I gave him time, but finally interrupted. "So?" I asked quietly. "What do you think?"

Sinclair sighed, turning his attention back to me and our little girl, who ate hungrily, her appetite undaunted by her dramatic entrance. "I certainly wish the Dark God had simply sent a flower arrangement or a toy," he said. "But…I honestly don't know. We need more information before we can plan any action."

"Action?" I asked, confused. "What on earth can we do? It's done, Dominic. Whatever the gift is," I gestured at our daughter, "she has it."

"Yes," Sinclair said, nodding as he lay back against the bed, resting his head on my knee and looking up at me. "But we can learn more. We can ask Dad to research this, see if there's any precedent, if you're comfortable with him knowing. And ask Cora to contact your mother for insights."

"Of course Henry can know," I replied quietly. "And that's a good idea, with Cora." I sighed, frustrated with myself for not thinking of it first, but Sinclair sent a wave of peace through our bond, encouraging me to forgive my scatterbrained state. I'd been through a lot, and even though I was healed thanks to Mom's gift, I was still exhausted.

"We'll work through it, Ella," Sinclair said softly, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"My instinct tells me it's not all wicked, Dominic," I said sincerely. "And with these gods, gut feelings…they tend to be important."

"I believe you," he said, raising an eyebrow. "I'd just like all the intel we can get."

"Me too," I said, smiling. But despite my determination, my eyelids fluttered. I blinked hard, fighting to stay awake.

"Oh, baby," Sinclair murmured, sitting up and kissing my forehead. "You're asleep on your feet. Or, well, your bottom—what's the difference?"

I laughed. "I need to stay awake until she's finished feeding," I yawned. "But then, yes, after that…we both need a nap. Right, baby girl?"

Ariel, of course, ignored me, continuing to eat. I grinned, stroking her soft blonde hair.

"Well, you concentrate on that," Sinclair said, placing a panini and water bottle on the bedside table. "And eat if you can. While you do that, I'll settle Rafe."

I nodded, feeling the adrenaline fade. I took a bite of my sandwich, barely tasting it as I switched breasts. Fifteen minutes later, after Sinclair had settled Rafe in his playpen with toys and books and moved Ariel's bassinet closer, I could barely keep my eyes open.

I protested softly when he took Ariel from my arms, but Sinclair laughed and murmured she'd be right beside me. I took one last look at Ariel's face—she, like me, was almost asleep.

Then I yawned, settled down, and passed out.

Of course, I barely slept, as the baby woke me every couple of hours for feeding. The next day was a blur of sleep and tending to Ariel. I wasn't in a total fog—I spent time with my son, talked to my mate, and admired my baby—but mostly, Ariel and I slept.

Sinclair was a dream that first night, taking complete charge of my baby boy and giving Ariel and me the space we needed to adjust. He spent time with her too, holding and talking to her, but I could tell he was exhausted as well.

Not as exhausted as me—I definitely held that title. But that first night…it's not exactly easy on dads either, is it? Especially with another toddler, barely a year old.

Which is why I was surprised when Cora, Roger, Jesse, and Henry arrived that evening.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, laughing. "Did…did I know you were coming?"

"Oh my god," Sinclair said, turning to me. "Did I seriously forget to tell you?"

I burst into laughter as he slapped a hand to his face, joined by Roger and Henry.

"Always a rare pleasure to see you mess up, brother," Roger said, hugging Sinclair. "Though I guess you're forgiven. That first night is…a lot."

"It certainly is," Henry agreed, hugging his son as Cora kissed me, a perky Jesse babbling excitedly in her arms.

"Hey Cora," I said, grinning. "Hey, chatty!" I poked Jesse's belly, Ariel in my arms. Rafe toddled over, reaching for Cora or Jesse—it wasn't clear which.

After greetings, I looked around curiously. "So, what did I miss? Why are we all here?"

"To talk about your new weird God encounter," Roger grinned. "And our kids' weird bond. Life's been so fun since you joined the family, Ella—seriously, I don't think I express my gratitude enough."

"Always happy to keep it spicy, especially for you, Roger," I winked, standing with Ariel. Roger nodded. "Do we have…new information?" I asked, pushing my hair back.

"We do," Henry said. "Shall we go to the living room? It's not bad news, but it's best we chat."

Anxiety washed over me as I gestured toward the living room, my apprehension pulsing to Sinclair.

"He's not placating you," Sinclair said, kissing my cheek and lifting Rafe from Cora's leg, tossing him playfully as we headed to the living room. Rafe squealed with delight. My little thrill-seeker.

"All right," I sighed, holding Ariel close as I followed my family. I curled up on the couch, Dominic behind me, and turned my attention to Henry. He'd been up all night gathering information, and he wouldn't be here if he wasn't ready to share.

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