Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Accidental Surrogate For Alpha Novel Free -Chapter 52
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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At the last second, Ella seemed to realize what she was doing and started to pull back. Unfortunately, the scent of her arousal filled the small space, and the desire in her eyes was so intense I couldn't stop myself. I caught her nape before she could move away, claiming her lips in one swift motion.

Ella offered a plaintive moan, then willingly sank into my arms, sliding her arms around my neck and pressing her soft body against mine. I growled in response; my wolf chuckled in my head as she noticeably shivered. She was so beautifully responsive; every touch sent ripples of heat through her small body. It was too tempting to continue exploring her, simply to see how she'd react.

Despite her initial reluctance, Ella showed no hesitation now. I suspected our heated conversation had pushed her past her inhibitions. She was too aroused to think clearly, and though I knew I shouldn't take advantage, I'm no saint. I didn't know any man or wolf who could deny such a sweet offering—and Goddess, was she sweet.

Ella returned my kisses with open fervor, parting her lips for my tongue and shifting until she straddled my lap. Soon, her swollen center was pressed against my hardness, separated only by my slacks and her dress. I wanted to rip the clothes from her body, to expose every inch of her soft skin and finally fulfill my erotic fantasies. I'd been so pent up with sexual tension lately that I'd found myself making mental lists of all the things I'd like to do with her if she ever let me into her bed.

It was practically torture not to escalate our encounter, knowing how close I was to making those dreams a reality. Yet, at the same time, I was overjoyed simply to have Ella in my arms. Her lips were completely addictive, and I could happily have spent hours kissing her. Ella, however, seemed more impatient. She gradually dragged her lips from mine, trailing them across my jaw and down my neck, her nimble fingers undoing the buttons on my shirt.

When I realized her intention, I caught her slender wrists. "Take it easy, gorgeous," I advised, worried she'd regret this if I let it continue. "We're not even home yet."

Ella grunted, continuing to lick and nibble my body even as I held her hands. Then, her teeth sank into my pectoral muscle—not a nibble or a nip, but a true bite. My sweet human clearly didn't appreciate being refused, reacting like a she-wolf whose mate wasn't giving her what she needed. I fisted a hand in her silky hair, pulling her away before I lost control. It took all my willpower not to throw her onto the seat and claim her, but I managed. "Fuck, you can't do that, Ella," I gritted out.

"Why not?" I looked down at her, catching sight of an indignant pout so adorable I had to kiss her again.

"Because only mates bite one another," I sighed when we parted. "It's incredibly intimate; it carries meanings you don't understand."

"So explain," she countered, her brow crinkling in confusion.

Huffing a laugh, I loosened my hold on her hair, stroking my fingers through it. "I can't. It's a wolf thing. It's part of our bond; there's magic that passes between two partners," I continued. "And you biting me is like an open invitation for my wolf to claim you. It isn't easy to hold him back."

I didn't tell her that this shouldn't be the case. A simple bite from any woman wouldn't tempt my wolf; even a bite from a lover wouldn't, unless he already wanted to claim her. But Ella didn't know that, and I didn't want to overwhelm her. My words had the intended effect, however; the idea of my wolf claiming her sobered her more quickly than anything else, and the tension between us lowered to a simmer.

I carefully lifted her from my lap, placing her on the seat beside me. Lust still clouded her eyes, but I could see her coming down from the endorphin high. Her pulse wasn't racing so fast anymore, and I settled my palm on her belly, feeling our pup. He was awake and giving off pulses of happy contentment, no doubt pleased to have us both near. I tenderly stroked Ella's stomach, reveling in our baby's presence. "The pup's influence is strong—you're acting more like a wolf every day," I observed.

"I'm sorry," Ella confessed, looking truly lost. "Not just for the bite for all of it. I don't know what came over me."

"You don't have to apologize," I answered. "I like kissing you."

"But it's not" She shook her head. "I don't want that," Ella insisted, gazing up at me. "Thank you for stopping me. I've never lost control like that. I made such a fuss about us not blurring the lines of our relationship, and then I threw myself at you I really don't know how it happened."

I did. I thought with amusement. I should have expected it, given Ella's mischievous streak and the way she'd been playfully—and seriously—testing me from the beginning. She needed a firm hand; she craved the kind of care only a strong mate could provide—and it didn't matter that she was human.

"It's okay," I repeated. "And I will always do what I can to make sure we don't get carried away." One huge exception loomed in my mind, and after tonight, I knew I couldn't put it off any longer. "But Ella, I really do need to warn you about the Wild Hunt."

"How so?" she asked.

"The Wild Hunt event happens on the second-to-last night of the festival. It's a tradition where male wolves 'hunt' their mates in the forest." I used air quotes, just in case she misunderstood.

"I know," she breathed. "Aileen told me all about it. She said I would have to start the hunt, but it was okay that I couldn't shift because I'd enter the forest in human form anyway."

"Yes," I confirmed, wondering if my beta's wife had told her the rest. "And I assume you know what happens when the she-wolves are caught."

Ella flushed scarlet. "Aileen said you celebrate by 'making new wolves.'" As embarrassed as she seemed, she didn't seem to be taking it seriously. I understood why she might not think there was anything to worry about in our case, but unfortunately, that wasn't the reality.

"Right," I agreed. "But you have to understand that I will be shifted by the time I reach you. My wolf will be in control, and he's not as gentle or patient as I am."

"But you'll shift back, won't you?" she inquired, sounding suddenly anxious.

"Yes, but he'll still be at the forefront, and we'll have been on the hunt." I wondered if she comprehended the implications, then realized she couldn't possibly. Only a shifter could understand. I knew I had to be more direct. "That night brings the dawning of the Solstice, when our magic is strongest. Our wolves will be closer to the surface than on almost any other day of the year. I won't be myself; I won't be able to hold myself back without help from you. My wolf will see the mother of our pup and want to carry out the ritual—to make love to you. If you encourage me, I won't be able to stop myself."

"So I won't encourage you," Ella answered, as if the solution were that simple.

"It might be harder than you think," I warned. "The pup is changing your behavior already, and the event is very heated from the beginning. We can't let what happened tonight happen at the hunt."

Ella grimaced. "Okay," she nodded gravely, clearly taking the matter seriously.

"There's one more thing," I added, my mouth forming a hard line.

"Yes?" she prompted.

"Once I've caught up to you, you have to stop running," I stated, hoping the baby's influence wasn't strong enough to make her do this. A true she-wolf wouldn't give up until her mate pinned her to the ground, but if it got that far, I didn't think I'd be able to hold myself back. "If you keep going, it will trigger my prey drive, and I will chase you down It would be a different kind of encouragement, but every bit as dangerous. So whatever you do—don't run."

Ella gulped. "I promise."

I was relieved to have this conversation, to know we were on the same page. And yet, I'd seen how curious Ella had become tonight about our ways, and I saw that curiosity in her now. I just hoped that curiosity wouldn't be so strong that she decided to test me on the night of the hunt. If she did, we'd both be in big trouble.

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