“Dominic?” My beta, Hugo, stood behind me, watching with a worried expression. “We need you in the war room.”
“I want to be here when she wakes up,” I insisted, keeping my gaze locked on Ella. She slept in my bed, her small body curled beneath the covers. Her arms were bandaged from shoulder to fingertip, and bruises dotted her fair skin—too many to count.
Guilt knotted my insides. Some of those bruises were my doing, the result of my efforts to restrain her. Ella had remained unconscious while I carried her from the forest, but upon waking, she fought me fiercely. The doctor had given her a strong sleeping draught to treat her wounds, though he promised it would also help alleviate her shock.
“I understand, but we’re still cleaning up the scene, and we need to ensure no one discovers this,” Hugo sighed. Ella’s quick thinking and endurance had kept the attack deep within the forest—far deeper than other couples hunting in the area would venture.
I’d evacuated her from the opposite side of the park, away from the pack and the media, and my men had immediately disposed of the bodies. “Until we can prove the prince was behind it, these rogue attacks will only make you look weak.”
“I am weak,” I stated hoarsely, wallowing in self-pity and loathing. “It’s my fault. I didn’t see them coming. I knew the prince was plotting against us, and I still didn’t see them coming.”
“That’s not fair, Dom,” Hugo growled sternly. “You can only prepare so much; none of us can foresee the future. I’m sure Ella doesn’t blame you.”
“She should,” I retorted, emotion clogging my throat. “She was so traumatized she couldn’t even recognize me! Our baby was beside itself after witnessing her fear.”
“I know,” Hugo confirmed grimly. “But she’s heavily sedated. It will be some time before she wakes, and if you want to keep her safe, the best thing you can do is come to the war room and deal with the fallout. Help us strategize against the prince. We’ll post extra guards at her door.”
“Not at her door,” I corrected, seeing the logic even though I hated it. “I want them posted inside with her. I’ll come to the war room, but I have something to do first.”
“If anyone has inside information on the prince’s plans, it’s my brother,” I interrupted, scrubbing a hand over my face. “We need intel to strategize effectively—and he has it.”
“Alright,” Hugo agreed. “Just try not to lose your temper. Murdering your brother isn’t the kind of PR we need right now.”
I offered a humorless laugh. “Spoilsport.”
The sun rose over the mountains as I pulled into Roger’s driveway, taking measured breaths and silently counting to stay calm. In my current mood, little provocation would be needed to kill anyone who crossed my path, and Roger was more infuriating than most.
I slid from the car and strode up the garden path, urging my wolf to settle. No violence. Violence is bad. Just think how disappointed Ella would be. It was ironic that I was urging myself against violence after last night’s slaughter, but that had been different. I’d had no choice then; I did now.
The door swung open after I knocked, revealing Roger’s surprised face. His genuine shock made me contemplate his possible innocence. Then again, my brother had always been a good actor.
“Dominic, to what do I owe the pleasure?” he drawled, making it clear my visit was unwelcome.
I pushed past him, knocking him off balance, and entered. “Were you involved?” I demanded, my voice a growl. “Did you know what he was planning?”
Roger blinked. “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t play dumb, Roger,” I scowled. “I know you’ve been working with the prince.”
He offered a humorless laugh. “You’re being paranoid, Dom.”
“Bullshit,” I snapped. “You expect me to believe you just happened to be in the same alley where Ella was attacked in the middle of the night? Or that the prince mysteriously discovered I hadn’t claimed Ella when you’re the only one with that information?”
“I think you’re forgetting all your staff—your guards, your doctors, Hugo, and Aileen,” Roger countered smoothly.
“My people are loyal; you’re the only one who knew and has a vendetta against me,” I countered.
“That you know of,” he intoned ominously.
“Ella was almost killed last night,” I thundered. “I understand you hating me, but how could you be so cruel to an innocent she-wolf?”
“Wait,” Roger protested, visibly paling. “What happened last night?”
“Stop pretending you don’t know!” The words burst from me in a vicious snarl. I barely controlled my temper. Use your words, Dominic! “I suppose you ran in to protect her the first time to earn her trust, but when that failed, you sacrificed her to the rogues.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Roger shouted, losing his temper. “On my life, Dominic, I had no idea there’d been a second attack!”
“Why should I believe you?” I grumbled, clenching and unclenching my fists.
Roger raised his hands, his mouth a thin line. To my surprise, he seemed genuinely shaken, and I wondered if I’d underestimated his interest in Ella. “Look, I admit I knew about the first attack. The prince planned to kill her outright, but I thought saving her might give me leverage. I… I thought if she trusted me, I could convince her to leave you.”
“What, so you could have her for yourself?” I bit out, fighting the urge to recoil. Roger had never admitted his misdeeds before. He must truly like Ella.
“No,” Roger rolled his eyes. “Just so you’d lose the campaign. And yes, I told the prince she hadn’t been claimed, but I swear on my life, I was never going to let him hurt her. I didn’t know about last night.”
“Do you really despise me so much?” I ground out. “That you’d rather a tyrant take over the realm just to spite me? Do you have no concept of the damage he’ll do? The atrocities he’ll inflict?” Roger’s face closed off, and I wondered if his resentment had blinded him to the consequences. “I just wanted to hurt you, Dom. I admit I was being selfish.”
“Well, I’ve got news for you,” I declared ferociously. “I plan on winning this campaign, and you can be with me or against me. But you need to decide, because if you continue to be my enemy, I’m going to treat you as complicit in the prince’s crimes.” Pacing, I let my wolf flash in my eyes. “Further, if anything happens to Ella, I will hold you personally responsible—and I’m not talking exile, brother.”
“Is she okay?” he gulped.
“Physically, she’ll heal,” I responded, trying to keep my voice even. “I’m not so sure about mentally.”
He flinched, and I wondered if he truly cared for her. “Are you going to tell her what I did?”
“I should,” I answered gruffly. “But she’s been through enough already.” I started to turn away, then whirled back. “You know she actually defended you to me? She feels for you, even though you’ve done nothing but try to hurt and manipulate her.”
Roger’s face tightened, and I saw a glimmer of shame. “I didn’t know.”
“That’s how good she is. She’d be your ally if you let her,” I explained. “And instead, you chose to terrorize her.”
“I’m sorry,” Roger professed, ashen-faced. “I know she’s good. I saw that from the beginning. I think that’s why I was so angry when you found her. You don’t deserve someone so pure.”
“It’s not my fault I was born stronger, Roger!” I stated simply, disgusted by our broken relationship. “Or that Mom sacrificed herself for me.”
He cleared his throat, looking down. “It felt better to blame you… than to believe it was all for nothing,” he confessed slowly.
I was both grief-stricken and amazed. We’d never connected like this before, and I knew Ella was the reason. “Well, if you want to make it up to us, you can go back to the prince and find out what he’s planning next.”
Roger raised his chin, thoughtful. “You want me to be a double agent?”
“It’s not about what I want. It’s about whether you want a madman to take over the kingdom. It’s about whether you want Ella and your nephew to live or die.”
“Alright,” he nodded. “I’ll do it.”