Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Accidental Surrogate For Alpha Novel Free -Chapter 82
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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When I arrived at Ella's former employer's home, it took all my strength to suppress my wolf. Murdering a human was the last thing I needed, no matter how tempting.

"She deserves it," my wolf growled mutinously. "Think how easy it would be. Then she'd never hurt Ella again."

"Maybe," I conceded, "but Ella wouldn't like it." I recalled how she'd worried about the children, even when her own safety and happiness were at stake.

"She's got you wrapped around her little finger," my wolf accused.

"Oh, like she doesn't have you in the same position?" I scoffed. "Try resisting her beautiful eyes, begging you not to orphan innocent children."

"Please, it was a phone call!" he reminded me, his voice trailing off into growls of longing. "You couldn't see her eyes, or her lips, or the sweet swell of her belly. You couldn't smell her delectable scent…"

"And I'm the whipped one?" I rolled my eyes and knocked on the heavy rosewood door.

To my surprise, Jake and Millie answered, tilting their blonde heads up with excited grins. "Mr. Sinclair!"

My wolf calmed at the sight of the children, softening like the big teddy bear he was. "Well, hello!" I dropped to their level, unable to resist their adorable smiles. "I haven't seen you two in ages. What have you been up to?"

"We have a new nanny," Millie whispered conspiratorially, touching my tie.

"She never takes us on walks," Jake explained, clearly blaming her for our infrequent meetings. "She's too lazy and hates being outside."

"That's too bad," I commiserated, scooping Millie into my arms and ruffling Jake's hair. "Doesn't she know growing children need to explore?"

"I don't think so," Millie frowned. "She's not very smart."

"I miss Ella," Jake added miserably. "Mommy's been saying mean things about her, but we don't believe her. Ella was the best nanny ever."

"I know Ella misses you too," I confided. "She's living with me now."

"She is?" Jake gaped. "You mean you get to play with her all day?"

"Whenever you want?" Millie added in awe.

"Well, not whenever I want," I confessed. "My job keeps me busy, but she's there in the mornings and when I get home. She says she misses you."

"Maybe you can convince Mommy to let her visit?" Jake suggested hopefully.

"I can try," I promised, patting his shoulder. "And you're welcome at my home anytime."

Maybe we should get rid of their mother, my wolf insinuated. Think how happy Ella would be.

"I'm not stealing children to make Ella smile," I argued, tempting as it was.

"Spoilsport." His objection was cut short by Jake and Millie's mother appearing at the top of the stairs. She stopped dead, her face paling before she plastered on a phony smile. "Mr. Sinclair, to what do we owe this honor?"

"You and I need to speak," I answered coldly, surprising the children. I set Millie down, smiling widely to reassure them. "Mommy and I need a few minutes alone, but I'll say goodbye before I leave, I promise."

Their mother called for the nanny, her voice shrill. The children were swept away by a grim-faced woman who seemed uninterested in them, not even speaking as she led them from the room.

"Well, Mr. Sinclair, what can I help you with?" Ella's blackmailer asked, as if unaware of my purpose. She gestured towards a plush couch. "Please, have a seat."

"No," I declared firmly. "I don't think false politeness is appropriate when you're threatening my family."

Her eyes widened, her heart racing. "I–I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me," I growled, letting my wolf's ferocity surface. The woman recoiled, shivering. Even humans sense a lethal predator.

"Please, it wasn't what you think!" she lied, her voice unsteady.

"Oh, I'd like to hear this," I stated ominously, approaching her. "What twisted logic made you think blackmailing the most powerful man on the continent was wise?"

"But I wasn't blackmailing you!" she objected, too stupid to realize my anger stemmed from her actions against Ella. "I only wanted people to see that grasping little gold digger—"

"If you have any brains, you'll stop," I interrupted, clenching my fists. "You may have no loyalty, but where I come from, threatening one member of the family threatens them all. Insulting one insults them all."

"But that isn't—"

"Let me tell you your situation," I cut her off, my voice deep. "You fired my fiancée for no reason. You deprived your children of a loving caregiver. You spread rumors to ensure Ella couldn't find another job." The woman cowered against the wall.

I showed her no mercy, towering over her. "If it were up to me, I would have destroyed you for that alone, but not Ella. She's too good. So I let you live your life without interference."

I smelled her fear – sour and acrid. "But then you learned of Ella's happiness with me. I don't know if your bitterness made you unable to stand her success, or if you saw my fortune and tried to steal it. Either way, you came into my home and called the mother of my child a cheap whore. You threatened to spread lies in the tabloids. You tried to extort a man who could ruin you with a snap of my fingers, and you hurt the woman I love."

My wolf's presence was evident. The scent of urine filled the air. My adrenaline surged as I saw the liquid running down her stockings. "You alienated the only person protecting you from my wrath."

"I'm sorry!" she sobbed, shaking. "I was a fool! I'll do anything, just don't hurt me."

"Shut up, you stupid cow," I bit out. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not even going to ruin your life, because Ella still loves your children. But if I ever see you near my family again, I will destroy you."

I spoke with absolute conviction. "If your lies ever reach a tabloid—whether you're the source or not—I will take away everything you care about."

She nodded, sobbing. "I-I promise. You have my word."

"Good," I growled, turning away. "And for the record, I own stock in every press outlet from here to the coast. No one publishes a story about me without my permission. Think about that before you try to use your story against me."

She sank to the ground, and I left her. I kept my promise, said goodbye to the children, and went home to tell Ella the news.

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