Chapter 726:
Elyse couldn’t stand Edward’s unpredictable personality and shouted through the door, “Are you crazy? The food at the banquet is free!”
Standing before the mirror, Elyse saw how terrible she looked. She meticulously fixed her makeup, losing track of time. Just as she finished, a girl’s voice called from outside the door.
“What are you doing loitering by the women’s restroom? Are you some kind of pervert?”
The voice sounded familiar. Elyse hurriedly finished her makeup and opened the door. “Sorry, he’s with me. He’s just waiting.”
But Elyse froze. Standing before her was Aarya, Jayden’s girlfriend. Aarya’s eyes lit up. “Oh, it’s you! Thanks again for the chocolate cake. It made my day!”
Elyse forced a smile, unsure how to respond. Edward glanced at Aarya, a flicker of disdain crossing his face, but he remained neutral. He turned to Elyse. “You’re done? Let’s go.”
Elyse nodded and followed him. As they reentered the banquet hall, Edward leaned closer. “Do you know that girl?”
Elyse considered her words. “Just a passing acquaintance. She wanted my last piece of chocolate cake, and I let her have it. That’s all.”
Edward sighed with relief and whispered, “The girl’s family is not to be trifled with. Avoid her in the future.”
Puzzled, Elyse asked, “Do you know her?”
“Not personally,” Edward replied seriously. “But her family is infamous, and she has quite a notorious reputation.”
Elyse nodded, a chill running down her spine. She saw Jayden on a nearby sofa, his gaze dark and unyielding. Startled, Elyse shivered.
Unaware of Elyse’s discomfort, Edward pointed to the food. “There’s so much good food here. You’d be crazy not to enjoy it.”
Before she could respond, Edward pulled her to the buffet. As she glanced back, the crowd obscured Jayden’s view. Feeling relieved, Elyse sighed. Being out of Jayden’s sight was a small mercy. The memory of Jayden and Aarya’s closeness made her heart ache, and she clutched her chest.
Edward, sensing her distress, turned back. “Did you cry earlier because you didn’t get the chocolate cake?”
Still lost in thought, Elyse asked, “What?”
Edward’s brow furrowed. “If you wanted to eat it, why did you give it away? Don’t give away the things you love so easily. You deserve chocolate cake too.”
Elyse was taken aback. A profound realization hit her, and much of her frustration melted away. Edward continued, his tone tinged with sarcasm, “You cried over a piece of chocolate cake. How pathetic. But since I’m a good friend, I’ll make sure you get another one.”
Elyse felt warmth from his unexpected gesture. Despite Edward’s unreliability, his words offered comfort. “Get me one?” she asked, bewildered, hurrying to catch up with him. “How?”
“Don’t worry about it. Just eat,” Edward replied with a mischievous grin.
. . .