Chapter 109
Moore exited the elevator and turned right, following the reception's directions. He saw his son pacing outside the ward, frantically running his fingers through his hair. "Son," Moore announced. It was a VIP ward; Cole was alone in the reception area. Cole turned, relief evident as he saw his father. Moore's heart ached; he saw worry and pain in his son's eyes.
"Any news from the doctor?"
Cole sighed, approaching his father. "Not yet. I swear I'll kill Connie if anything happens to Hailey or the baby."
"Please be positive. Hailey and the baby will be fine. But what happened?"
Cole sighed deeply, running a hand over his face. "Today was supposed to be a good day. We had a 2 p.m. doctor's appointment. I was to pick her up at 1 p.m., go to the hospital, then home to get the kids, and finally to your place for dinner."
"I was picking up Hailey when she called. It was a group call with me and Debbie. We heard loud voices, identifying Connie's voice. I called the police, and luckily, we arrived at the same time."
"Connie was in disguise; she locked the receptionist in the bathroom to access Hailey's office."
"She wanted Hailey to withdraw the lawsuit."
"She's incredibly confident for someone who's committed so many crimes," Moore said.
"I want her to suffer a slow, painful death. Guess what? Eric isn't Vanessa's biological father."
Moore stared in shock.
"Connie said that?"
"Yes, and it all makes sense now. She was with Eric for his money. The love, everything else was fake. Eric brought in a gold digger who ruined everything, and that bitch killed Hailey's mother. She was about to do the same to Hailey, but thank God I got there in time."
"And to think I was friends with her. I never knew she was so terrible. I'm so sorry, Son."
"Of course. She was faking friendship to get me away from Vanessa so she could slowly take everything we've worked for."
"I understand, Cole. I'm so sorry for everything. I'm glad the police have her, and I believe Hailey will be fine. She's a strong woman."
"I hope so, because I don't know what I'll do if anything happens to them."
Moore squeezed his son's shoulder. Cole's eyes were brimming with tears.
"I wish I hadn't let Hailey go to work today."
"No. This isn't your fault. If anyone is to blame, it's Connie. I'm happy she's in custody, and I pray Hailey and the baby survive this so you can all live in peace and happiness."
Cole sighed, knowing his father was right, but desperately wanting an update on Hailey and the baby.
Moore was about to speak when Hailey's ward door opened, and the doctor emerged. Cole and Moore rushed to him.
"How is she, Doc?" Cole asked the middle-aged doctor.
"She fainted from shock and pain, but she's conscious now and will need bed rest for the next few days." "What about the baby?" Cole asked, his heart pounding.
"The baby is fine, but extra care is needed as she's still in a crucial period."
Cole breathed a sigh of relief. He wiped a tear away.
"Can can I see her?"
"Yes. She wants to see you too."
"Thanks, Doc," Cole said, entering the ward.
He rushed to Hailey's bedside. She was lying back, the bed raised. Her face was pale, with a bandage on her forehead.
"My love!" Cole sat and pulled her into a hug.
Hailey hugged him back, crying. Cole kissed her forehead, caressing her back. "It's okay, my love. I'm here. Everything will be fine." He whispered comforting words until she calmed down, then wiped her tears.
"I'm sorry I put the baby in danger."
"Don't feel guilty. It wasn't intentional. You and the baby are fine; that's all that matters."
"I was scared."
Cole squeezed her hand. "I was too. I didn't know what I'd do if anything happened to either of you." He kissed her belly.
"I'm glad you called us. Connie is insane."
"Thank you for coming. She would have killed me."
"I'm so happy she's in custody. We're free to live our lives without worrying about Vanessa and Connie."
"And I'm sorry about the revelation."
"If Eric had been happy with his wife, this mess wouldn't have happened."
"I feel so sad for my mom. She sacrificed everything for Eric, and he didn't hesitate to choose someone else. He definitely deserved Connie and Vanessa."
"No doubt he regrets it. Your mom is in a better place, and she'll get justice. I recorded the call; Connie will be sentenced." Hailey nodded, sniffling.
Cole kissed her forehead and caressed her cheek. "The doctor said you need bed rest for the next few days."
"I'll comply. I don't want to endanger my sweet girl anymore."
Cole smiled. "So now you agree it's a girl?"
Hailey shrugged, smiling. "You convinced me."
"I love you."
Hailey smiled, adoringly. "My life wouldn't be complete without you."
"I feel the same, honey." He kissed her softly.