Chapter 51
"You should change your outfit to something sexy and don't forget to seduce him when he comes," Connie said to her daughter, who was wearing baggy shirts and leggings.
"Sure, see you soon." Vanessa kissed her mother on the cheek and exited the room.
Cole knew it was probably a bad idea to be pulling up in front of Eric Summers' mansion when he should be avoiding them. But he knew a final confrontation was needed, especially after what he'd heard. His driver pulled into the driveway and parked. Cole got out and entered the mansion. He found Vanessa and her parents in the living room.
Vanessa rose when she saw him. "Baby, where have you been?" She started toward him, but he glared, stopping her in her tracks.
Connie and Eric sat on one couch in the spacious living room; Vanessa sat on a single couch, so Cole sat on the opposite couch.
"What's with that attitude, Cole? You were gone for a full week, you missed your baby's appointment, and here you are acting like someone without any responsibility?" Vanessa wondered if it was her hormones, but she was furious that Cole initially ignored her after she'd been anticipating seeing him.
Cole ignored her and sat down.
Vanessa fumed. She stormed over to the double couch and sat beside him, maintaining a reasonable distance.
"I am here to give you an official warning as a family."
"So you aren't here to apologize?" Connie stared in shock.
"What for?" Cole countered.
"For being a nuisance last time. For almost killing me and your child, for hitting my mother, and being rude to my father. Isn't this where you ask for our forgiveness and officially ask for my hand in marriage?" Vanessa exclaimed, incredulous that she'd worn one of her most expensive dresses, done her makeup, and styled her hair in anticipation of a proposal, only to have him do the opposite.
"You act like a saint, and yet you are the real devil!" Cole retorted.
"What? You abandoned me and the child, and here you are, saying vile words to me."
"Cole, please don't cause any more trouble. You called, and we were happy you were coming. We thought this would be peaceful," Eric interrupted.
"Yes, it will be. I requested to see you all together so I wouldn't have to repeat myself."
Cole's driver entered with a large white envelope. He bowed, handed it to Cole, and left.
All eyes were on Cole as he placed the envelope on the table between him and Vanessa's parents.
"That's the restraining order."
Vanessa chuckled incredulously. "You must be kidding me."
"No, I'm not. My lawyer could have delivered it, but I know the importance of this, so I'm here to give you all a final warning. Especially you, Vanessa."
"If you ever accuse me of being the father of the child you're carrying, I will sue you for defamation."
"Why are you doing this? Why are you abandoning your child? Is it because of that gold digger, Hailey? You were with her all week, weren't you?" Vanessa accused.
"What the hell is wrong with you, Cole? She's agreed to a DNA test once the baby is born. What else do you want?" Connie said angrily.
Cole chuckled, disbelieving their self-righteousness. He stood and addressed Eric. "You have no idea these two women are ruining your life." Connie stood. "What the hell do you mean? You're a coward who won't accept responsibility, and suddenly you know everything about us?"
Cole turned to Eric. "Did Vanessa ever tell you Hailey was pregnant before she disappeared?"
Eric looked shocked.
Vanessa frowned. "What are you talking about?"
"You knew Hailey was pregnant; you beat her up and left her bleeding."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Vanessa answered.
"Is that so?" Eric's angry voice filled the room.
"Of course not, Dad. I don't know what he's talking about. He's saying this to avoid responsibility."
Cole glared at Vanessa, pointing. "I'll never forgive you for what you did to the woman I loved. You humiliated her, almost killed her, and still had the guts to tell me you loved me?"
"Come on, Cole, why would you let Hailey feed you lies? You shouldn't be near her. You should be with me and your baby."
"Why would you think Vanessa would do that to her stepsister?" Connie defended her daughter.
"You can fool Eric with your fake tears and innocent act, but not me."
Cole turned to Eric. "They came into your life to destroy you, and they succeeded. If you and Hailey cross paths again, apologize to her because you made your daughter the enemy when these are your real enemies." He pointed at Vanessa and Connie.
"See what Hailey is trying to do, Daddy. She knows I'm about to have a happy future with Cole, but she's seeing him behind our backs and feeding him lies," Vanessa said, feigning tears.
"I should have killed you when I had the chance."
"What's gotten into you, Cole? Why would you say something like that?" Connie asked.
"You think I don't know you were involved in Hailey's accident?"
Cole saw the shock on Connie's face, which she quickly hid.
"Enough, Cole," Eric said, standing.
Cole ignored him and faced Vanessa, who was still crying. "I would never say vile words to a woman, but you are the most terrible human I've ever met. You claim to love me, but you're a beast!"
"Don't you dare talk to her that way!" Connie warned, but Cole ignored her.
"Fine, I admit you and Hailey have different mothers. But why let your mother fill you with so much hate for your sister?"
"I don't understand how you can sleep at night after accusing me of fathering another man's child."
"Even if you were the last woman on Earth, Vanessa, I'd rather remain single and die unhappy than be with you."
"What values will you teach my children if I marry you? Lying, being bitchy, and doing evil?"
"You and your mother have always been jealous of Hailey, but she's a better person than both of you. You don't have half her amazing qualities, and you know what?" He glared at Vanessa. "I'd choose Hailey over you again and again."
Vanessa sniffled. "Please don't do this to me, Cole. I promise I'll change. I'll meet the standards of your ideal wife. I'll do better. Please don't leave me." She reached for him, but he shrugged her off.
"I came here to serve the restraining orders and give a final warning. I don't want to see any of your family near me, my home, or my office. Stay away from Hailey, or you'll spend the rest of your lives in prison."
"No, I'm not going to let you give up on me." Vanessa clung to Cole's arm as he was leaving. He pushed her against the couch and stormed out.
"Where the hell were you?" Jess frowned as Cole entered his office. She sat opposite his desk.
"I had to put those shitty people in their place before coming here," Cole answered, sitting down.
"I wonder what I ever saw in her that I wanted to marry her."
"Sometimes you have to go through shitty stuff to realize things. If you weren't into Vanessa, you'd never have met Hailey."
"As hurtful as it sounds, if Vanessa hadn't drugged you and Hailey, you wouldn't have discovered your feelings for each other."
"I agree, but I still needed to tell her what a bitch she'd been. Guess what?"
"You ended her life this time around," Jess said.
"I wish I could, but I want to be a good role model for my sons."
"Hailey told me Vanessa knew she was pregnant the day she left. They fought, and Hailey started bleeding. She almost lost the baby. I can't believe Vanessa was cruel enough not to tell me!"
"I'm sorry she did that to Hailey. She wouldn't have told you because she wanted the baby for herself. She still does."
Cole sighed. "I think I did well threatening them. I hope they'll abide by the order."
"They should, or they'll face the law."
"All hands on deck. I suggest hiring guards for Hailey and the twins. Nothing serious, just someone to watch them from afar. I don't trust Vanessa and her mother. I want no stone unturned."
Cole nodded. "I'll discuss it with Hailey."
"She's worried about the kids' safety. I wish I could get rid of Vanessa and her mother."
"I understand, but don't dwell on it. Karma's coming. You, Hailey, and the kids will be fine."
"I'm glad Enzo's getting better, and you're bonding with your family."
Cole smiled. "I have a family. Isn't that crazy?"
Jessica chuckled. "It's hard to believe, but you earned it."
"No, I'm not there yet. Hailey's still giving me the cold shoulder. She's not as open with me as I want her to be."
"You expect her to embrace you immediately? Guy, you're going to work your ass off for all the heartache you caused her."
"You don't have to be brutal. I'm paying for my sins."
"That's why I called you. What can I do to make her smile and like me again? I want my wife back, and I'm ready to learn."
Jessica smiled, loving the conversation. She'd never seen her best friend so eager to make amends with a woman.
"I sent her flowers and a gift this morning. I feel it's not enough. What can I do to make her proud of me? It's hard pleasing a woman wealthier than me, right?"
Jessica chuckled.