"No. I'm too old to tell lies," Cole said.
Cole sighed deeply, and Jessica saw that he was trying hard to hold back tears. "Are you okay?" she asked.
"I honestly thought I lost her. Things were starting to go well, and then this happened."
"I understand. I was scared too. But Hailey isn't about to let anyone mess with her man. She's willing to protect you, even from her bloody stepsister."
Cole's expression soured. "Please tell me she didn't go to her family house?"
Jessica shrugged. "I tried warning her, but I was too late. She was on her way when I called."
"Hailey!" Cole sighed, massaging his temple. "She could get hurt! Vanessa is a witch! She might frame Hailey. I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to Hailey because of me."
Jessica chuckled. "You have no idea what kind of woman you're in love with, do you?"
Cole stared, confused.
"Hailey's the kind who goes the extra mile for those she loves. You're her man, and she's doing what any woman in love would do to mark her territory. Besides, she needs to speak to her family, especially Vanessa. Vanessa will keep trampling on her if she stays quiet."
"She's doing the right thing. You need to trust her."
"I know you're worried about her safety, but Hailey will be fine. She's strong and fierce. I believe her."
"If you're still worried, I'll call her if she's not here in an hour. How about that?"
Cole nodded.
"Did you hear from my dad? He must be worried."
Jessica shook her head. "But I think he's aware. The news is all over. He spoke to me before you called. He was worried you were acting strangely."
"Yeah, we finished a meeting, and he followed me to my office, asking questions. I can't believe Vanessa stalked me and Hailey. Now my father suspects I have kids."
"Vanessa is a psycho. She needs to be in a mental home. I used to pity her, thinking she was genuinely in love with you, but this is an obsession."
"Not after today. Love is patient, love is kind, and it's not selfish. You can't claim you love someone and ruin them."
"I'm definitely going to deal with her. I'll make sure she gets punished for what she put you through."
"I feel like I'll never enjoy my life if she's still around. I want her to disappear forever."
"She will, I promise."
"But shouldn't we tell your dad about the twins? Maybe that would make him less worried."
"I do. I really want to. But Hailey and I are waiting for the right time."
Jessica nodded.
"I should go speak to the officer to get you out of here."
"Sorry, I'm embarrassing myself," Cole sniffled, pulling away from the hug and wiping his eyes.
"It's fine. I needed the hug too. And I'm so sorry about your past."
"Don't mention it. It's in the past. Some wounds never heal."
"I was overwhelmed earlier, and I didn't know how to hide it."
"I was suspicious of Cole, but it never occurred to me he was hiding something this beautiful." Hailey said.
"I apologize on his behalf. It was all my fault."
"No, you don't have to. My son took you for granted, but he always loved you. He was a coward." "You mentioned you're together now?"
Hailey nodded. "Cole, the twins, and I went on a mini-vacation. That's why you didn't see him."
"We're working things out."
Moore took Hailey's hands. His eyes were filled with sincerity and gratitude. "Thank you. Thank you."
"You don't have to thank me. I love your son. We wasted so much time. I just want to be happy with him."
"It was hard to forgive and let go, but I'm thankful I'm over that stage."
Moore smiled, nodding.
"We're sorry we didn't tell you about your grandsons. Everything happened so fast, and we were protecting them from Vanessa and the media." "Vanessa thinks they're adopted. She doesn't know they're mine and Cole's."
"Cole would have told you, but he was respecting my wish."
"Your grandchildren are fine. Their names are Enzo and Oliver. They look like you and Cole. I can't wait for you to meet them."
Moore nodded, smiling and holding back tears.
"Do you still want to see them?" Hailey asked.
"Should I?"
Hailey shook her head. "I don't think so."
"Cole isn't in the wrong. Vanessa is manipulative."
"We should go to Cole. He must be worried."
In about thirty minutes, Hailey and Moore arrived at the station. They found Jessica at the reception talking to a police officer. Hailey and Moore approached them.
"What's going on?" Hailey interrupted.
"You're here?" Jessica hugged Hailey and then Moore. Seeing Hailey's anxious look, she asked, "You want to see Cole before I tell you everything?"
Hailey nodded.
"Come with me," Jessica said, and Hailey and Moore followed her to Cole's room.
Cole rose at the sight of Hailey. She ran to him, they hugged, and then, ignoring the others, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Moore started to cry, while Jessica grinned at the couple.