At that moment, all I could think about was reaching Damon. Seeing his condition, my heart ached so violently I felt like I was having a heart attack. How could anyone be so cruel? I wanted nothing more than to inflict the same level of torture on Sebastian, if not worse.
Damon shook his head, silently urging me to flee, but this only fueled my adrenaline. I needed to reach him; he needed me. I saw it in his eyes.
"Kill every last one of them!" Sebastian roared. His allies charged. Some attacked me, but I still remembered how to fight, and it felt exhilarating to be on the battlefield again.
"Clara, stay near me!" Liam yelled from a distance, fighting Lycans. Growing tired, I obeyed, staying close while fighting as best I could. I knew I wouldn't last; my hand instinctively went to my stomach, and I gasped for breath. I needed to protect them, but I also needed to reach Damon.
Everyone was fighting for their lives. Casualties were mounting on both sides. "Luca, get Clara out of here!" Damon yelled from a distance, kneeling. He must have seen my weakening state. Luca charged towards me, but I couldn't leave—not without Damon.
"Shut up," Sebastian snarled, punching Damon hard in the face. Damon fell, coughing up blood and groaning. I clenched my fist, glaring at Sebastian. Even if I died, I would make him pay for what he did to Damon.
Without thinking, I ran toward Sebastian, knife in hand.
"Don't you dare hurt my husband, you monster!" I screamed.
"Clara, stay back!" Damon yelled. I heard others calling my name, but all I saw was red. I craved Sebastian's blood.
I fought my way to him, about to stab him in the abdomen when he grabbed and twisted my hand. I screamed in pain as the knife fell. He grabbed my neck, lifting me off the ground. I struggled, scratching at him, but his wound healed before I could blink.
"Brave or foolish?" he sneered. "Even if I weren't immortal, do you think a mere she-wolf could kill me?"
"I will kill you!" I screamed, feeling myself faint.
"Don't you dare hurt her!" Damon yelled, his murderous aura sending a chill down my spine. I'd never felt anything like it. Sebastian seemed unaffected.
"Or what? I'd love to see what you can do," Sebastian taunted, turning to Damon.
"I'm warning you, Sebastian," Damon muttered through clenched teeth. Sebastian tilted his head before abruptly releasing me.
I fell, coughing and gasping for air, when he slapped me hard across the face. I fell, spitting blood.
"Clara!" Damon roared as Sebastian grabbed me and repeatedly slapped me.
"What exactly can you do, Damon?!" Sebastian yelled, laughing maniacally as he continued to slap me. Then, Damon howled in rage, breaking free of his chains. In an instant, he was beside us, grabbing Sebastian by the neck and flinging him into a tree.
"Are you okay, my love?" Damon asked worriedly, gently touching my cheek.
I winced, forcing a smile that was more of a grimace. "I'm just glad you're okay," I murmured, caressing his face. His murderous aura, however, hadn't dissipated. He could barely keep one eye open.
"Aim for his abdomen," I told him. He nodded knowingly.
"Be careful," he said before rushing toward the charging Sebastian. Despite his condition, Damon fought back fiercely, repeatedly targeting Sebastian's abdomen, seemingly finding a weak point. He fought like a beast, and though Sebastian's wounds healed instantly, Damon seemed to be winning. It made me wonder just how powerful Damon truly was.
Our men were still fighting relentlessly. Though injured, we outnumbered Sebastian's forces. Were we going to win?
A gasp escaped my lips as someone grabbed me by the neck, pressing a knife against my throat.
"I advise you all to surrender if you don't want Clara killed. The same goes for you, Damon. Let Sebastian go." I gasped, recognizing the voice. Liam?