Chapter 80 – Clara –
Damon and I left the jewelry store after I finally chose the diamond ring the employee had suggested and had my finger sized. I felt a bit over-the-top; it was a first. I loved that I hadn't let anyone's negative thoughts affect me or make me feel bad about myself. And I loved that Damon made me feel even better. He'd once seemed annoying, but now he was my rock, my source of solidarity and assurance.
As I fastened my seatbelt, I shielded my eyes from the sun before turning to Damon, who'd started the car. "There's a carnival in town tonight," I began. He glanced at me; his gray eyes encouraged me to continue. "Delilah mentioned it, and I was wondering if you'd like to go… with me." I don't know why I hesitated, but I did. Damon let the silence linger before nodding. "Sure," he said. His words were brief, but enough. "Thanks," I said. "And why thank me, little devil?" His voice was raspy, a little gruff. I shook my head and watched him drive into town. We arrived home, and he immediately returned to work. I knew we'd do more if he weren't so busy, and if people would mind their own business.
Back at the house, I changed into a more comfortable outfit, tossing aside my yellow summer dress and Mary Janes. I let myself fall onto the bed, a smile spreading across my face. Gwen and her brothers burst into my room after working outside. I was thrilled to see them. We were all talking at once when I decided to ask a question she clearly wasn't expecting: "Gwen, do you like anyone?"
She gasped, her cheeks flushing crimson. "Why would you ask that?" Her eyes widened. "It's just a question," I pressed. She sighed, the color deepening. I tried not to laugh. Steven gave me a look before urging Gwen to speak. "Go on," Nate echoed. "Let her take her time," I added. Steven chuckled. Gwen closed her eyes, then breathed, "Luca."
"Luca?" I repeated. "Yeah, is something wrong?" She looked scared. "This is why I kept it to myself," she whispered. Steven and Nate looked to me for help. "Gwen," I laughed, shaking my head. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with liking Luca."
"Then why did you react like that?" she asked, defeated. I looked away. "I think it's best if you leave Luca alone."
"What?" she shrieked. "He's perfect."
"I know, but—"
"But what?" Gwen snarled. I'd never seen her so angry. "Look, I'm just looking out for you, but I think Luca has a thing for Delilah."
Gwen rolled her eyes. "Are you not fazed?" A smile touched her lips. "I won't be. As long as they aren't involved romantically, I'll never stop liking Luca."
I paused. I’d never seen such fiery determination in Gwen's eyes. Steven and Nate saw it too – the way her eyes lit up at the mention of Luca. How much did she like him? Now that I knew, I could see it written all over her face.
Gwen continued talking about Luca, and I admired her passion. Her hands moved gracefully, her words filled with love. She leaned forward, eager to share every detail. Her voice was soft and gentle, her eyes filled with kindness and affection. Every word was honest and sincere. She saw the world through a lens of love focused on Luca. If anyone loved like that, heartbreak would be devastating. Poor Gwen.
"You need to get over him," Nate began. Gwen glared at him. "You're way too obsessed; it's dangerous," Steven warned. I nodded in agreement. He smiled at me. I turned back to Gwen, sighing. "Oh, Gwen…"
The day stretched into early evening, the sky stained orange by the approaching dusk. I wore a comfortable blue dress and met Damon outside. He was in the same black outfit as earlier, but with a long coat concealing his broad shoulders and magnificent torso. His height and deep voice filled the space between us. "It's going to get cold; you need a jacket," he warned. "It's okay," I assured him.
He nodded, holding my gaze. I wondered if I was like Gwen. How did I look at Damon? Did I look at him with loving eyes? Did my eyes sparkle when I mentioned his name? Did I get flustered? Could he see through me? Yes. I love this man. But it would be alarming if I showed too much affection, like Gwen had.
Damon and I arrived at the carnival. I beamed with joy; Damon remained cold and expressionless, despite the bright lights and colors. This man was impossible. "What are you doing? Let's go!" I urged. We entered, and the sights and sounds of the carnival filled me with excitement: spinning rides, the sweet smell of cotton candy, laughter, music, game booths, and food vendors. It was a sensory feast.
Seeing my excitement, Damon asked, "What would you like to do first? Tonight is all ours." His words thrilled me. "That!" I pointed to a whack-a-mole game. He subtly smiled at my childish choice.
As we approached, a loud explosion shook the ground, sending debris flying. People were knocked down, smoke and dust filled the air, and screams filled the air. I don't remember much after that, only Damon moving me to safety as I watched the chaos unfold.
(Note: Some sections were unclear or contained typos that couldn't be definitively corrected without more context. For example, "watche I shook my head" and the last few lines are fragments.)