Chapter 1102
Isaac had barely settled when he heard distant movement—soft footsteps accompanied by muttered curses. He sat up, squinting in the direction of the sound. A group of people descended the opposite hill, cloaked in black, except for one whose attire he couldn't discern. The curses abruptly ceased.
The distance was far greater than that of the nearby camp. Despite his sharp eyesight, Isaac could only make out their swift movements, heading towards the encampment. He stood, his expression serious. This wasn't strange creatures, but something darker—a conspiracy, perhaps. They seemed to be holding a woman who had cursed earlier.
He retrieved the sacred firearm Adrian had given him, carefully wiping it. He wasn't proficient, but he knew the legend—Adrian's two-hour laughter on the mountaintop as he created it, scattering all nearby snakes, insects, and rodents.
Moving silently, Isaac descended. The firearm wouldn't be enough; he carried other weapons. He hid in thick bushes along the road, observing the converging groups. He could distinguish men from women but not individual faces.
Crawling forward, he saw a light glimmer. A woman stood in a tree, anxiously watching. She hadn't moved, likely hampered by poor visibility. The figure… it resembled Claire, one of Winona's subordinates.
A chill spread through Isaac. Winona had left Claire with Carissa. Could the woman the black-clad group held be his guild junior? He tensed, counting the approaching figures. Their footfalls revealed their Lightfoot Skill proficiency. Good God, over a hundred! If Carissa had been taken, sacrificing his life wouldn't suffice; Adrian would punish his corpse even in death.
Chapter 1102
As Isaac strained to see if it was Carissa, Claire's branch creaked. He saw her preparing to leap down. He made soft sounds to attract her attention.
Claire spun around, eyes scanning the darkness. Unable to discern friend from foe, she stiffened, poised to strike. Isaac landed lightly beside her, grasping the tree.
“Meadow Ridge, Pathfinders Guild’s fifth apprentice!” he whispered. Their voices were low.
Claire gasped in relief. But there was no time for explanations. Black-clad figures dragged a woman toward a carriage. The lamplight revealed her face, and Isaac’s heart froze. It was Violet Spencer!
Claire explained, “Prince Yuvan’s suicide soldiers took Ms. Spencer. He’ll dishonor her, ruin her reputation, and force her to marry him.”
The weight of this crashed down on Isaac. Carissa's friend was to be violated. Failure to save her would crush Carissa, enraging Adrian, and ensuring Isaac's punishment—even after death.