Chapter 1144
The notion of keeping family matters private had always been paramount to Riley, but she no longer cared. Nevertheless, Carissa's commanding presence cowed her. Holding back tears of frustration, she followed Carissa's instructions, leading her mother, sister-in-law, and aunt into Silverstone Estate's main hall.
Caspian was still on duty; only Luna, along with several servants and maids, was present. Overwhelmed by the number of people, Luna sent for Viola. However, upon hearing of Carissa's arrival, Viola refused to appear. Finally, Zoey, despite a high fever, insisted on intervening.
Seeing Zoey's weakened state—her visible weight loss, pale complexion, feverish flush, and unsteady gait—Carissa felt a pang of sympathy. Their closeness, intensified by Zoey's status as Isaac's sister-in-law, deepened her concern. Observing Zoey's illness and willingness to act on Viola's behalf, Carissa said, "If Ms. Prince won't come out, then please ask Madam Prince to appear. Why should a sick person be burdened with this?"
"My mother-in-law is also unwell, Your Grace," Luna replied.
Riley, not one for unreasonable demands, simply wanted to ask Viola one question to resolve her frustration. With red-rimmed eyes, she said, "I don't wish to cause further distress. I only want to ask Ms. Prince one thing: when she visited the Arcane Sanctum that day, was it to see my husband, or to buy medicine? An honest answer is all I require. If it was truly only to buy medicine, a coincidence that she encountered him, then I admit my actions were unreasonable. I apologize for embarrassing my husband and damaging General Farrell's reputation. I will accept any consequences, even expulsion."
Her clear, heartfelt words revealed the turmoil she'd endured. Her red, swollen eyes and broken demeanor caused discomfort to those witnessing her distress.
Zoey addressed Riley's mother, Bianca Langley: "Madam Claude, I've known you for years. While we don't interact frequently, you understand my character. If you and Mrs. Lewis question Viola about this, you'll receive only denials. She'll claim she went only for medicine, placing all blame on Mrs. Lewis."
Riley wept, covering her face. Viola's refusal to admit the truth was apparent. Her in-laws now labeled Riley jealous, easily upset, and prone to public displays of emotion. While regretful, Silas's mention of divorce had left her no choice but to seek Viola out. She felt unjustly cast as the unreasonable party in this rapidly unfolding situation.
Viola could remain hidden, avoiding repercussions, while Riley faced the consequences alone. This she would not accept. Initially, Riley had fully trusted her instincts, believing Viola intentionally sought Silas. If it had been solely for Snowdrop Pills, why would a married woman behave so conspicuously? She no longer resided at Silverstone Estate. Besides, many others could have run the errand. Viola's tearful demeanor, suggesting injustice, didn't align with a simple medicinal purchase.
Recent events and advice, along with Silas's insistence on her unreasonableness, had planted seeds of doubt. Perhaps her jealousy had clouded her judgment. Confronting Viola was Riley's last act of defiance. The outcome was inconsequential, but failing to confront her would haunt her. Since it had become public knowledge, Viola should not escape blame.
Now, with the Garrison Unit and the Hell Monarch's princess consort present, and even the Earl of Silverstone's household lady attending despite illness, Riley suddenly felt foolish and reckless. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered, "I'm sorry. I didn't intend for things to escalate. But I couldn't live with myself without confronting her."
Chapter 1145