After Kol left last night, I did some laundry before sitting down in front of the fire. I drank tea and stared at the slowly dying embers until about 6:30, when Amy and Abi burst through the front doors. Abi saw me immediately, dropped her small Frozen bag, and ran to me, screaming, "Ayla!"
I opened my arms and scooped her into a hug. I was delighted to see her and hoped this would help me get back to normal. Channeling all my energy into the inn, Amy, and Abi would be a welcome distraction.
"Glad you're alive," Amy said, smiling.
"Sorry, I meant to call. How was your time off?" I asked.
"We went to Grammy's!" Abi cheered. Amy rolled her eyes.
"Mother-in-law drama?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.
"Always, but she dotes on Abi, so what can I do?" she laughed. I followed her into the kitchen. Abi babbled about her time with Grammy and Pop-Pop, seeming more talkative than before I left.
"Is she talking more?" I whispered to Amy as Abi continued her prattle.
Amy nodded, eyes wide. I giggled at her expression. Amy pulled out Abi's chair, and I settled her in. Looking at her sweet face, I bent down and asked, "So, what does Abi think we should make for breakfast?"
She beamed and shouted, "Pancakes!"
"Pancakes it is!" I cheered. Amy shook her head at us. I got Abi her coloring books while Amy started gathering ingredients. With Amy back, we lacked kitchen staff until lunch. We'd all have to adapt. The extra staff would be an adjustment.
I helped Amy prep the sides while she made the pancake batter. "So," she began, "where's he? Where's Tall, Hot, and Gorgeous?"
I paused, quickly recovering, hoping my reaction went unnoticed. "At home, I guess," I said nonchalantly.
"Wait," she stopped. "What happened? You were falling head over heels for him before your spur-of-the-moment trip, and now he's nowhere in sight? You guess he's at home when he was here almost every day before you left? Spill it. What happened?" she demanded.
I should have known I couldn't hide it from Amy. I sighed. How could I explain this? "I just don't think we want the same things right now It's not in the cards for us." I avoided her gaze as I cut strawberries.
"I don't buy it, Lea. What happened?" she asked, more earnestly this time.
Tears threatened. Just then, the old man hobbled into the kitchen. "Azalea, you might as well tell her everything. She deserves an explanation." I stared in amazement as he poured himself coffee and left. He wanted me to break wolf law and tell a human about us.
On the one hand, it might help Amy understand; on the other, she could freak out and leave. I sighed. A wolf usually needs their Alpha's permission to reveal this. That wasn't an option. I could call Lily, but I doubted she'd understand.
"Okay, what is he talking about?" Amy asked. "Tell me what? Explain what?"
"Okay. I'm going to tell you something, but you must swear to secrecy. Don't tell your husband."
"Okay why do I feel like you used to be in a cult?"
"Haha. Almost," I laughed, a little too shallowly. I took a breath. "So, I'm a werewolf. Mostly. And so are the old man and Liam. I grew up in Liam's pack; that's how he knew me."
I paused, waiting for her reaction. Her face was contorted in confusion. "Huh?" she finally said. This was going to take a while.
It took over an hour to explain everything to Amy. We did manage breakfast, but she had so many questions. She was patient the entire time. By the end, she looked ready to rip Liam's head off. Telling her I had no intention of seeing him again helped slightly. I omitted the parts Lily had told me yesterday; I wanted to pretend they weren't real as long as possible.
We sat in the kitchen, drinking coffee, as I yawned. "You look exhausted, Lea. Worse than a couple of weeks ago. You should nap," she said.
I shook my head. "I can't sleep. I don't know what it is. Plus, I want to keep an eye on things," I told her.
"All this extra help has really helped. We can probably have a couple of days off now. Take the day. Read a book and sleep," she said. I knew she was looking out for me.
"Excuse me, Azalea?" Lemon called from the doorway.
"What's up, Lemon?" I asked.
"There's a Doctor Ronald here for you," she said hesitantly.
"Uh, okay. Be right there," I told her, looking back at Amy. She raised her eyebrows. Once Lemon left, she spoke.
"So, Doctor Ronald is Doctor Blackfur, Liam's uncle, right?" I nodded. "Why is he here? He didn't bring Liam, right?"
I shrugged. "I don't think Liam's here, or Lemon would have said so. I think she has a crush on him." I stood. "I'll be back. Maybe Abi and I will play in the lobby." Amy gave me a tight smile and nodded, taking my coffee cup. I left for the front.
Doctor Blackfur was waiting. He smiled warmly. "Azalea, how are you, dear?"
"I'm okay. How are you, Doctor Blackfur?" I replied.
"Call me Ron. I wanted to check on you. Maybe talk about my nephew," he said. I felt myself pale slightly.
"Uh, sure. The dining room is empty," I said. I led him there, offering him a chair. I sat with my eyes down, fidgeting.
"So, back from your trip. How was it?" he asked.
"Uh, fine. I met Lily and Damien," I said, unsure what Liam had told his uncle.
"I get the feeling it wasn't fine. Want to tell me what happened? Doctor-patient confidentiality," he said, raising his hand.
I shook my head. "Everything was fine," I said unconvincingly.
"My nephew came home in quite a mood. But if you don't want to tell me, I won't make you. I wanted to talk about your situation." I nodded as he continued. "How have you been feeling lately since spending time with Liam?"
I thought. Honestly, I felt much better with Liam. I slept better; I felt safe and secure. I worried about the hunter but felt secure with Liam nearby. I felt light and happy with him. Since that night, I'd felt heavy and cold, a sadness and anxiety I couldn't soothe. My body yearned for him even after what happened.
"I felt much better with him," I said, smiling slightly.
"How did it feel? Did you feel physically different?"
"Um, warmer and lighter. He made me happy," I said quietly. Doctor Ron smiled.
"Good. When Liam touches you, what do you feel?"
I blushed. "Warmth. Pleasurable warmth spreading through my body. It feels amazing. And when he kisses me… it's like tiny sparks from his lips to mine."
"Fantastic. That's great news." I looked at him quizzically. "I believe your bond is growing. It's a good sign you're feeling the effects."
"So, have you found out anything about my… condition? Will I get my wolf back?" I asked hopefully.
"I'm afraid I don't have an answer yet. Give me more time; I'll keep monitoring your progress," he said, with an odd look. I nodded.
"If there's nothing else, I'll let you get back to your day. Thank you, Miss Simmons," he said, standing. I stood and walked him to the front.
Before leaving, he said, "I don't know what happened with my nephew, and I know he can be difficult. But he cares deeply for you, Azalea. He'll do anything to keep you safe and happy. Please remember that." He left me feeling conflicted.