His Redemption (Complete His Series)
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 0 mins read
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I don’t know how long I was out, but I sat on the bed for a while, legs pulled close to my chest, head resting on my knees. I didn’t want to admit it, but my whole body yearned for Liam. I didn’t know if I could forgive him completely, but he was the one I wanted to rescue me right now.

A sound came from the other side of the door. I heard the lock click, and the door swung open slowly. My mouth dropped. John stood in the doorway, holding a tray of food and a bag. He walked in and placed them on the table.

“John… what…” I stammered. Was he responsible for this? How? Why?

He chuckled. “It’s not entirely what you think, Miss Lea. I brought you some food. You should eat,” he said, his tone dark and unfriendly—a stark contrast to his usual demeanor.

“Liam won’t come for me. Taking me was useless,” I whispered.

“Don’t be so sure, Miss Lea. Eat. And there are some clean clothes for you.” He started to leave.

“Wait, John!” I called, trying to stop him. He turned. “Why me? I thought we were friends…” I said solemnly.

He smirked. “You don’t even know who you are, do you?” he said before leaving. I jumped from the bed, throwing myself at the door, grabbing the handle, hoping to catch him off guard. I wasn’t fast enough; the lock clicked as I desperately tried to open it. Sobs erupted. I fell to my knees.

I couldn’t be sure how long I’d been kidnapped. I refused to eat, only drinking small amounts of water from the bathroom sink. John came in occasionally with fresh food. He didn’t talk to me or pressure me to eat. Sometimes he dimmed the light if he thought I was asleep.

I lay on the bed, curled in a ball. When awake, I sobbed. It felt like days. The longer it went on, the less likely it seemed Liam would rescue me. He had to know I was gone by now, right?

The door opened quietly. I lay still, eyes closed, trying to control my sobs. Someone approached; I felt a large hand gently rub my side. I remained motionless.

“Eat something, little flower,” he whispered. I recognized the voice. “Eat something, and I will explain everything.” My eyes widened. I turned, and Kol stood behind me.

“Kol?” I croaked.

“Eat something, and when I come back, I will tell you everything,” he said, then left. I sat up, my head pounding. On the table was another fresh tray of food. If I ate, I might get answers. What did I have to lose?

I sat at the small table. I felt weak, my limbs heavy. On the tray were water and juice, an apple, a small sandwich, and macaroni and cheese. I took a small sip of juice. The cool sweetness felt good. I managed three bites of the sandwich and half the macaroni before feeling sick. I finished the water and juice, knowing I was dehydrated.

As if on cue, the door opened as I pushed the tray away. John stood there.

“Good. Now you should clean up, and I will take you to him,” he said, grabbing the tray and replacing it with a bag of clothes. “Everything you need to shower is in the bathroom. I’ll be back in thirty minutes.”

He left. My headache eased after eating. Knowing I hadn’t showered or changed in at least a couple of days, I did as told. I grabbed the bag and went to the bathroom.

After showering, I wrapped myself in a towel before grabbing the bag. Inside were leggings, a flowy top, undergarments, a sweater, and toiletries. I quickly changed, wrapping my hair in the towel. I brushed my teeth and applied lotion. Feeling cleaner, I let my damp hair down, gently brushing it to avoid pulling on the healing cut. I put my hair in a bun and left the bathroom, sitting on the bed to wait for John or Kol.


Three days had passed since Azalea’s abduction, and we had no leads. I was frantic; Gavin even more so.

I paced my office. Where was she? What was happening? I felt her fear and sadness through our link, but no pain. I hoped that meant she wasn’t being harmed. A knock came.

“What!” I yelled. Lily stood there, stern-faced.

“Liam, Declan asked to speak with you. He said it can’t wait.”

“Fine,” I said. I should have spoken to him days ago, but I’d been focused on finding my mate.

Declan entered, followed by Damien and Lily. I sat, gesturing for him to do the same. Declan and Lily sat; Damien stood behind Lily.

A tense silence hung in the air before Declan began. “I don’t know where Azalea was taken, but I suspect I know who has her.”

“We already know. That John guy who stalked her at the Inn for over a year!” I snapped.

“Don’t be so sure. I think he was only a means to an end,” he replied calmly.

“Means to what end? Who has her then?” I barked. Damien growled.

“Damien, it’s okay. Liam, I believe your cousin has Azalea.”

“My cousin? I don’t have any cousins. One of my father’s brothers died soon after becoming Alpha; my uncle’s mate couldn’t have children, and my mother’s sister hasn’t found her mate!”

“That’s not entirely true,” he said calmly. “Your father’s brother did die, but we don’t know exactly when or why. And you don’t know the full circumstances. Your uncle almost killed your father to claim the Alpha title. You have a cousin, roughly your age, born a couple of months before you.”

“I don’t remember a cousin; I’d remember that,” I interrupted.

“You probably haven’t seen him since you were three. Your uncle and father had issues. Your uncle was always jealous, believing your father didn’t deserve the Alpha title, despite his potential. He shifted early, found his mate early, and was stronger than your father for a time. But your father was firstborn, so he became Alpha. Around your fifth birthday, the animosity escalated. Your uncle spent less time at the packhouse, secretly plotting against your father. When your father discovered it, he stopped him, but there was fallout.”

“How does this relate to Azalea?” I asked, confused.

“Azalea’s parents were part of your uncle’s plan. He had a following supporting his coup. Some were from other packs. Azalea’s father found his mate in another pack; she was the Alpha’s daughter. Her twin brother was to become Alpha, so she came to our pack to be with her mate.”

“Wait; Azalea is of Alpha blood?”

“Yes. It makes sense she’d be an Alpha’s mate. Her family is said to have incredible power. Because her father supported your uncle, her mother made few friends. Your uncle and his followers were secretive and mostly refrained from having pups. But Azalea’s mother was of Alpha blood, making pregnancy easier. Azalea was born shortly after you and your cousin. Her father and your uncle planned for their children to become Alpha and Luna.”

“They can’t do that! What about their mates?” I said, appalled.

“Who knows? It was an arranged marriage for power. Azalea’s parents died when your uncle tried to overthrow your father. Because of the circumstances and lack of close relationships with Azalea's parents, no one could take her in. I tried to find guardians. We couldn’t take her; my mate is human, and our pups were too much for her then. Your parents reluctantly took responsibility—and were unhappy about it. I think your father’s greatest fear was that she would be your mate.”

“So, what happened to my cousin and uncle?”

“Your uncle was injured and ran away, becoming a rogue. He likely took your cousin. Your uncle’s mate died in the fallout; I doubt he survived long,” Declan finished.

“So, you think my cousin took Azalea?” He nodded.

“I think he’ll try to mate, mark, and claim your Alpha title. I think he took her to rile you up before proceeding.” I looked at Damien, wide-eyed.

“Get my uncle now!” I linked Damien. He left immediately.

“Thank you, Declan. I appreciate it. I need to attend to something. Excuse us.” I stood, gesturing to the door. “Lily, stay a moment.”

Declan left.

Lily said, “Liam, what if another wolf mates her before you mark her? You already have a permanent link!”

“I don’t know. Damien is getting my uncle. I’ll have to tell him. We have to get to Azalea before he marks her.”

Please let us know if you find any errors, so we can fix them as soon as possible.