His Redemption (Complete His Series)
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 0 mins read
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“Oh, my boy!” my mother cried over the phone.

“Mom, I’m okay,” I assured her. There was a lot of crying on the other end, and I figured I’d pretty much lost her.

“Damien?” My father’s voice interrupted the crying.

“Yes, Dad,” I answered.

“It’s good to hear your voice. Lily texted us a while ago, but we were waiting for her to tell us to come to the clinic. She asked that we give you a minute,” he said.

“Thanks, Dad. We needed it. Actually, I wanted to ask you about that,” I said.

“What is it? Is something wrong?” he asked quickly.

“No, no. Everything’s fine. I was just wondering if you two might keep the kids tonight? I really want to see everyone, especially them, but I’d like to have tonight with Lily, if that’s alright,” I explained.

“Sure, Damien,” he answered. “We’ll wait to tell them, too. I’m sure Delilah will be furious until she gets to you if we tell her now.”

I chuckled. “Yes, that sounds like my princess,” I said. “Thanks, Dad. We’ll see you tomorrow, alright?”

“Looking forward to it,” he said before hanging up. I sighed, putting down my phone. That was out of the way for now. I looked at Lily, who was hugging Azalea, then over to Missy, standing off to the side. I waved her over.

“Hey, kid,” I said. “I’m glad you’re okay. How’s that friend of yours?” I looked at her neck; there was a clear marking.

She gave me a half-hearted smile. “He’s good,” she said. Azalea didn’t quite finish telling me everything before the nurse interrupted to check on me again. I was also waiting for Liam to appear.

“You had a lot of us worried, so no more sneaking around, alright?” I said. She nodded. Then, she unexpectedly lurched forward and hugged me tightly. I laughed and hugged her back.

She was blushing slightly when she pulled away. “Don’t get yourself bitten again, okay?” she said stubbornly. “No one can function properly without you.” It was my turn to nod and smile.

“Missy, why don’t we have someone come take you home? We can call Sean or Austin?” Azalea suggested.

“Oh, Sol’s on her way. She’s going to stay the night so we can go to school together tomorrow,” Missy said.

“Sounds great. Just make sure you girls get some sleep tonight. I don’t want to hear from the principal that you were late on the first day back,” Azalea said in her “mom” voice.

“Ahem,” I looked over to the doorway to see Liam standing there. He looked a bit sheepish and dirty.

“Why don’t we give you two a minute?” Lily said, grabbing Azalea’s hand. “We’ll wait upfront with Missy.” The girls left the room, a look passing between Liam and Azalea.

“She fixed me,” I said. Liam nodded. “And you’re mad at her?” I said, raising an eyebrow.

“Don’t do that. I’m not mad you’re awake. I’m relieved to see your ugly mug,” Liam said, striding into the room. He sat in the chair next to the bed. “I’m mad that she has no regard for her own well-being or sense of self-preservation.”

“And you don’t think you’ve contributed to that?” I asked.

“You cannot possibly be blaming this on me,” he said, looking outraged.

I shook my head. “So, you held a summit. Warwick tried to sabotage it, and it ended up in your favor. Sounds like some ‘me’ type thinking.” I was impressed he pulled it off. Liam isn’t dumb, per se, but isn’t always the opportunist.

Liam snorted. “You aren’t all the brains around here,” he said.

“Just most,” I joked.

“How do you feel?” he asked more seriously.

“Fine,” I said. Except, I can’t talk to Cage, I thought.

“Really? You don’t have to pretend. Just give me the truth,” he said. I could see the guilt on his face. He felt bad about the battle and what happened.

“I’ll be good as new soon. Just need to get on the training field and shake off the rust,” I tried to assure him. He gave me a skeptical look but nodded. “So what’s happened since the summit?”

“We’ve been getting all these packs trained,” he explained. “And Greyback was killed.”

“Greyback? How?” I asked.

“I don’t know for certain, but I assume Warwick sent someone after him,” he said.

“I bet Lea took that pretty hard,” I commented. Lea and the old man were very close. She always checked in on him and pestered him to take better care of himself or move into the packhouse.

Liam nodded solemnly. “Yeah, she copes well, but I know it wasn’t easy.”

“What else?” I pushed.

“Maddox and Langston have left to track down Warwick and his movements,” he said.

I whistled. “No wonder your daughter has a chip on her shoulder,” I told him. “You think that was the best idea? He’s a bit young.”

“I think he’ll do well,” Liam said.

“Okay,” I said. “So, what have you done with Vlad?”

Liam winced. “That one’s still unresolved.”

“Unresolved?” I said, getting louder. The kid was responsible for kidnappings and deaths; he’d fed us to the bloodsucker. How had Liam left this unresolved?

“You weren’t awake. We didn’t know if you would wake up,” he said. “And Azalea may have asked that we hold off a bit longer.”

“So? Is she mad? He almost got her killed!” I roared.

“Damien, I know!” Liam yelled back. “It isn’t that simple. You reminded me of this before! He was a kid when this all happened!”

I took a deep breath. He was right; this wasn’t black and white. We’d rescued Azalea, so his worst offense was lessened by his help. “Alright,” I said. “Just tell your uncle to release me, and we can get back to the packhouse. I want tonight with Lily, but I can meet you on the training field in the morning.”

“Yeah, not doing that,” Liam said pointedly.

“Excuse me?” I said.

“The doctor says you’re here for the night. And frankly, I think you should take it easy. You’ve been out for weeks,” he said. “No one expects you to come to work tomorrow, Damien.”

I was interrupted by the girls entering the room, Lea holding a baby, followed by Azeron. Liam and Azeron had a silent conversation; I could only guess what it was about.

“Damien, we’d like you to meet Azly,” Lea said, smiling at the baby in her arms. She brought her close, and I reached out to take her. She was the spitting image of Azalea. I touched her tiny hand with a finger. She gripped it tightly and smiled at me, a precious glint in her bright green eyes. My finger felt warm in her fist. You didn’t need magic to know this little girl was special.

“You did pretty good,” I said, looking at Liam. “But I think I’m going to give the credit to Lea on this one.” Lea smiled before taking her daughter back.

“I thought Uncle Damien would like to meet his newest niece,” she said.

“I’m glad you both made it through,” I told her.


“I think maybe Liam and I should leave you guys for the night,” I said. I didn’t look Liam in the eye, but he knew my suggestion wasn’t up for discussion. Lily already looked much better, but her body needed time to recover. She’d do that best near Damien.

Now that Missy was on her way home with Sol, it was time for us to go, too. Liam stood and nodded to Azeron, who left. I turned and walked out of the room, not waiting for him.

“Little Luna,” Liam linked his arm with mine. “Please don’t run away.” I sighed and slowed until he caught up. We left the clinic and walked quietly for a minute. I propped Azly on my shoulder so she could look around.

“We need to talk about this,” he said.

“Oh, we do?” I replied sarcastically. “I wasn’t sure there was anything to talk about after you stormed off earlier. How was your run, by the way?”

“That isn’t fair, Azalea,” he pouted.

“It is. You threw a tantrum when all I did was wake up your best friend,” I stated.

“Well, I don’t want you using your power anymore,” he said. I stopped and looked at him. He slowed, too.

“You are not serious right now, Liam Blackfur,” I said. I watched him carefully. There was no way he was trying to forbid me from using my power; surely, he respected me more than that.

“I am very serious, Azalea. You have no regard for your own well-being, so I don’t want you to do that anymore,” he said steadily. My eyes widened, and I was filled with anger.

I stormed past him without another word, carrying our daughter back to the packhouse. I couldn’t believe him ordering me around! I heard him sigh and follow, but I didn’t care at that moment.

Liam stayed a couple of paces behind me, trying to get me to stop. When we reached the packhouse, I threw open the door and stomped to the stairs. I ignored my mate following me as I was brimming with rage.

Six years of marriage, a rejection, multiple kidnappings, four children, and everything else, and now he wanted to demand I not use the only ability I had to help our pack? I was so furious I wanted to break something. Upstairs, the boys were in the hallway in pajamas.

“Mommy, can I read my baby a story before bed?” Leo asked.

“Sure, let’s read Azly a story, but just one, okay?” I said, controlling my temper for their sake. Leo grabbed my hand and led me into his room, Junior following.

I let Leo hold his baby sister while I read to them. Afterward, I tucked Leo in and took Azly to her crib while Junior went to his room. I stopped to kiss him goodnight, but he was sitting on the bed looking thoughtful.

“What’s wrong, bud?” I asked.

“Nothing, Mom. It’s man stuff,” he said sadly. I stifled a laugh.

“You know, I help your dad with many of his problems. Maybe I can help you,” I said gently.

“No, I’ll ask Dad tomorrow. Night,” he said. He laid down, ending our conversation. I smiled at my little future Alpha. He was growing up too fast, and I worried this war was speeding it up. With a sigh, I went to our room; I wanted to wash the stress of the day away before bed. Luckily, Azeron had left us at the clinic, and I didn’t have anyone breathing down my neck tonight. It was a small relief after everything with Liam.

I dropped my clothes and went to the shower. I didn’t feel like picking them up. I turned the shower on hot and stepped under the stream. I let the water pound my skin, easing some frustration. I stood there a few minutes before washing. When I felt clean, I heard the bathroom door open. I stayed under the water, waiting.

The shower door slid open, and Liam stepped inside. He stopped behind me but didn’t speak. I went to leave, but he stopped me by wrapping his arms around me. He kissed my shoulder.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured softly.

“Let me go,” I said.

“No, you’re mad at me,” he said. He kissed my shoulder lightly between his statements. His mouth was cool against my heated skin.

“Yes, I am. I don’t appreciate what you said. Now, please, let me go,” I repeated.

“Will you be less mad if I tell you I’m an idiot?” he asked. His lips continued along my shoulder blades.

“No,” I said. “Gavin tells you that daily.”

“While you are correct, I actually agree with him this time,” he said. I felt goosebumps.

“Oh?” He and Gavin agreeing wasn’t normal. “And what does Gavin think?”

“He thinks I should be groveling at your feet, begging forgiveness,” he muttered.

“Hmmm,” I said, considering that image. Liam pushed my hair aside, and his lips swept over my neck, causing a thrill.

“I’m sorry, Little Luna. I shouldn’t have demanded like that. I couldn’t help it. I’m more afraid of losing you than anything else in the world. I can handle vampires or angry wolves, but I know I couldn’t survive losing you,” he admitted.

We were quiet as he kissed my skin and held me under the warm water.

“Liam, you’re so strong and capable. I know it scares you that you could lose me, but I’m not trying to run from you. Sometimes it’s so hard standing by your side; I’m such a weakness, a target for you,” I whispered. His hold tightened, and his lips paused. “I don’t blame you or anyone else for not having a wolf anymore. I accepted it a long time ago. But sometimes, I wish I could again. I wish I could so that I could feel equal to you. I wish I did so you wouldn’t always be so worried that something will happen to me. I wish I did so I could fight by your side. The only thing I can do is help our pack with this gift, and you fight me every time I try to do that.”

Liam leaned his head against mine. After admitting all that, my stomach felt like it was in my throat, but Liam stayed silent. “I just want to be your strength, not your weakness, Liam….” I said, trying not to cry.

“I’m sorry, Azalea. I’m so sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t know you felt that way. You aren’t my weakness; you aren’t weak or less than me. You are my strength, and that is why I always worry. A part of me will always hate myself for what I let happen to you, for my own part in it. But I don’t for a second think you are in any way less than.”

“Then don’t ask me to not use the one thing that makes me useful,” I said.

“I won’t,” he promised. “But it isn’t the only thing that makes you useful. I’ve never met anyone with a bigger heart than you. And you always know how to handle every situation, good and bad.”

His words filled me with warmth, flushing away my anger. His nose skimmed my neck. “Does this mean I can be freed of my babysitters?” I asked.

His laughter vibrated through his chest. “Maybe once I have Warwick’s burning head on a pike, we can discuss that.”

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