His Redemption (Complete His Series)
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 0 mins read
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Robert and I were led through several doors into a large room with numbered slots along the walls. Our companion located a slot, inserted a key, and turned it. "You can put your key in now," he said.

I inserted my key and turned it, faintly hearing the mechanism engage. The man opened the slot, retrieved a box, closed the door, and removed his key. I did the same. "I'll take you to a private room," he said, leading us down the hall to a room marked "Private Banking." He placed the box on the table.

"This room has no cameras; you have complete privacy," he said, eyeing Robert warily. "Cameras are outside. When finished, leave the box here. Follow the sign to the secure exit."

I thanked him. He nodded, closed the door behind him, and left. I sat at the table; Robert remained standing. I opened the box to find a small, rectangular velvet box. I carefully removed it, setting the deposit box aside. Robert frowned.

Inside the velvet box was a simple watch: a white face, gold trim, and a pale brown leather band. Engraved on the back was a single word: Exaequo.

"Do you know what this means?" I asked. Robert leaned closer, shook his head.

The watch hands were stopped. "Why would he want you to have a watch?" Robert asked, taking it from me. He examined it closely.

"I don't know," I replied. "Maybe he thought I'd take care of his things after he died." I picked up the watch box and then noticed a small piece of paper protruding from the velvet lining. The note read:

"One must only recite while adorned with the totem to bring those opposed to them to equal standing. Be warned; magic can balance the scales for but a fleeting moment."

Puzzled, I asked Robert, "Do you have any idea what this means?"

"This is magic," he said, "Directions from a witch."

"A witch?" I exclaimed incredulously.

"The language suggests it's real," he commented. "The watch is likely the totem. When you wear it and speak the magic word, it might somehow make you equal to those around you."

"Equal how?" I asked.

"Maybe reduce someone's physical strength? It's hard to know without knowing the witch's intent, but the 'fleeting moment' suggests it's temporary."

I couldn't comprehend why Mr. Greyback had a magical watch. I sighed. "Let's go. Hopefully, Azeron's back. I want to see the kids." I returned the note and watch to the box, put it in my bag, and followed Robert.

He paused at the exit. "I can't hear anything beyond the door," he muttered.

"Banks are quiet," I said.

He shook his head. "It's too still. Let's go." He grabbed my wrist, threw open the door, and pulled me out. Two vampires blocked our path. I didn't recognize them.

"You don't want to fight us, old mutt," the first vampire sneered. He was tall, dark-skinned, and dressed in business casual attire.

"Just give us the bitch, and we'll think about letting you go," the second vampire added. He was pale with long, wavy orange hair.

"I don't like demands," Robert growled. "You won't touch her."

ROBERT (Internal Monologue):

Something felt wrong from the moment we entered the bank. Azalea was too trusting. These vampires wanted Azalea, but they wouldn't touch my pack's Luna. The ginger vampire seemed easily dispatched, but the other…he smelled like a moldy library—very old. This could be a problem. I'm a retired Alpha, not what I once was. Marshall (presumably his inner wolf) urged me to shift. If I did, protecting Azalea would be harder. I tried to link with Azeron, but he was nowhere to be found. I cursed Liam's choice of bodyguard. It was up to me. I breathed deeply, preparing for battle.

"Azalea," I whispered, "I'll kill them, but if you see an opening, run. Find Azeron, or a police station, and call Liam. I'll follow."

"I don't want to leave you," she insisted.

"This will be messy," I admitted. "You need to go. My son can't lose his Luna, and I won't let my grandchildren become orphans."

She gulped. "I'll go, but please be careful."

I focused on the vampires. I began circling to control the fighting space. The ginger vampire circled with me, but the other one stopped the game.

"No more games," the confident one said. "She's not leaving without us."

"Fine," I growled, shifting into my wolf form. My growl turned murderous, and Marshall launched an attack.

AZALEA (Internal Monologue):

Robert shifted and began fighting. I searched for something to help, but it was just a bank. I felt helpless. Robert’s confidence sounded like resignation. His fight with the vampires was a stalemate. Then, I spotted a letter opener.

"Hey!" I yelled, drawing their attention. The dark vampire smiled. I plunged the letter opener into my hand, letting blood flow. The ginger vampire's demeanor changed instantly. He lunged at me. Robert seized his opportunity, killing the other vampire.

"Well, that's unfortunate," the remaining vampire said. "But I'm older, and I can still kill you."

Robert, limping, stalked towards him, blood dripping from his mouth. Would he be okay?

This revised version corrects grammatical errors, improves sentence structure, and enhances clarity and flow. It also removes unnecessary repetition and clarifies some ambiguous phrasing. The use of bolding for character names helps separate the internal monologues. Finally, the use of more impactful verbs adds tension and excitement to the scene.

Please let us know if you find any errors, so we can fix them as soon as possible.