Cage let Damien shift back, then we left the trees. Uncle Ron returned to the clinic to make notes on his observations and call Theodore. Damien and Lily went to their room to talk before the children returned from school.
I walked hand in hand with Azalea back to the packhouse, allowing Damien and Lily to precede us. With Damien temporarily handled and our efforts focused on resolving the problem, other matters demanded my attention.
"What did you say to him?" Azalea asked, interrupting my thoughts.
"Cage is feeling himself slip," I replied.
"What do you mean?" she asked. I sometimes forget she lacks extensive knowledge of wolf-shifting, having neglected those lessons in school and not possessing a wolf herself.
"When wolves are cut off from their pack, their minds deteriorate. They become primitive, reverting to their most basic instincts. It's like evolution in reverse. That's why rogues are dangerous; half their inner selves slip into this feral state. They lose reason and control, acting solely on survival instincts," I explained.
"So, without Damien or anyone else, Cage is fading?" she clarified.
"Yes, I think so. I'll talk to Damien about ensuring he shifts daily to help Cage. This might also make shifting easier for him. Cage should be easing the transition, but I guess their disconnect prevents that."
"Poor Cage. And Lily," she lamented. I squeezed her hand.
"Everything will work out. Don't feel guilty. Damien was bitten by a very old vampire; we're lucky this is the only side effect so far," I reassured her. She nodded, and we continued to the packhouse.
Azalea had work to do, so I left her in her office with Felix. Before leaving, I mentally linked Felix to summon Azeron to my office immediately. I sat at my desk, hands folded, awaiting his arrival. It was time to address his failure.
He was tardy, and my anger simmered during the wait. Finally, a sharp knock sounded on my door. "Come in," I said flatly.
Azeron entered. "Close the door, please," I requested. He complied and stood before my desk. "Do you know why I summoned you?"
"To discuss the city incident, sir," he replied. I nodded.
"Azeron, why did I bring you to my pack?" I began.
"To augment your mate's personal security," he answered.
"Yes, and above all, what is your primary duty?"
"To ensure the Luna's safety at all times," he stated.
"Right. Now, explain how you fulfill that duty when you're not even in the same building as her? How can you ensure her well-being while on a personal errand?" I demanded, rising from my chair.
"I cannot. I assumed she was safe with the former Alpha," he said.
"You assumed wrong!" I roared, losing my composure. "It doesn't matter who she's with! If I don't tell you to stand down, you do not leave her side!"
My anger flared. Azeron failed in his duty, and my father was dead because of it. Had he been at the bank, no one would have died, and Azalea wouldn't have been harmed. He could have prevented it all.
Azeron stood calmly. "What was so important that you deemed your duty secondary?" Indecision flickered in his eyes.
"I believed she was safe with the former Alpha. My mate's birthday is next week, and I wanted to get him a gift," he finally said evenly.
"That gift cost my father his life! Was it worth it?" I growled. Azeron remained silent.
"First, you let her be kidnapped during an attack. You let her be taken right from behind you. Now, you let her nearly fall victim to those bloodthirsty vermin, resulting in my father's death. Should I question your allegiance and loyalty?"
"No, sir," he replied instantly. "I swore to protect the Luna with my life and prioritize her well-being."
"Yet, here we are!" I was about to explode. I wanted to cross the desk and strike him. Our eyes locked before his dropped to the floor. "Get out before I cast you out of my pack permanently!"
My fists clenched, shaking. Azeron turned and swiftly exited. "Arghhh!" I yelled, punching my desk. The wood splintered.
"Liam, what's going on?" Azalea linked me. Her voice calmed me. I acted instinctively, rushing to her office.
I burst through the door, startling her. "Felix, leave," I commanded. Without a word, Felix slipped out. Azalea quickly shoved her phone into her desk drawer.
"Liam, what's wrong?" she asked anxiously. I circled her desk, lifting her from her chair and seating her on the desk. I roughly grasped her face and kissed her.
(The following section contains explicit sexual content and has been omitted from this cleaned-up version. If you wish to have this section included, please specify, but be aware it will be unedited apart from basic grammar and punctuation.)
I nodded. "Are you calmer now?" I asked. He nodded, his arms encircling my waist. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"
"I need to find you another bodyguard," he sighed.
"What?" I asked incredulously. Was Azeron dismissed? Had he returned to Serenity Waters?
Liam's hands gently wandered beneath my shirt. "I clearly didn't choose the right person to protect you."
"Wait, are you firing him?" I blurted. Liam nodded.
"I have to, Little Luna. My father is dead, and they almost got you. I can't let that go," he said, his eyes distant.
"Absolutely not!" I said, crossing my arms. "You will not send Azeron away."
My words seemed to snap him back. His eyes narrowed. "I can and I will! I am the Alpha!"
"And I am the Luna. Azeron left with my permission. I chose to go with Robert alone!" I argued. He seemed frustrated, but I persisted. "You trusted Robert before, this should have been no different!"
"Azalea, my father is dead. If Azeron had been there—"
"They probably would have sent more than two!" His eyes widened. His mouth opened and closed, speechless. "You can't be so blind. They were waiting for me! They knew Greyback had the box, and they wanted its contents. When I asked about it, they were alerted. This was planned."
I met Liam's gaze, unwavering. He closed his eyes, letting out a sharp breath. Silently, he lifted me, setting me on my feet. He pulled his clothes back on and stormed out, slamming the door.
My chest felt tight, but he needed to regain his senses. His grief was understandable, but his illogical outburst was unacceptable. I redressed and sat down.
Felix cautiously peeked in a few minutes later. "Everything's fine," I sighed.
He entered and sat near the door. "Sorry about all that," I said, retrieving my phone. I didn't want Liam to see what I was doing.
Felix opened a book and resumed reading as I pretended to be busy. I chuckled at the baby book in his hand. He was excited for the pup.
I turned to my phone and reread the message:
So the wolfless little mate is braver than I thought. I must admit, your continued escapes are irksome yet intriguing. I will entertain this request. A personal meeting is foolish; acquire a witch for a projection spell. Respond when you've made your decision.
I swallowed, rereading the message. My plan had worked; he'd received my message. Warwick was willing to talk; now I needed to convince him to stop this. First, I had to find a witch without Liam knowing.