His Redemption (Complete His Series)
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 0 mins read
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After breakfast, Liam took Azly with him, claiming I needed rest. When he was out of earshot, I told Azeron we were going to the clinic. Before leaving, I went to the kitchen and asked Miss Marci to help prepare something for Lily. She was two steps ahead, having already prepared something.

Azeron, though unhappy, dutifully followed. He parked the car in front so I wouldn't have to walk to the clinic, which I secretly appreciated. The receptionist waved us through immediately upon arrival.

Back in the room, Lily was lying across Damien from her seat beside him. My heart ached for my best friend. Her hair was dull and needed washing; her skin was ashen and paler than usual. She even seemed to have lost weight.

I approached slowly, not to startle her, then knelt and gently placed my hand on her back. "Lily," I whispered. She stirred, turning her head.

"Lea," she croaked.

"Hey," I said, offering a commiserating look. She sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I wanted to see you and Damien," I replied.

"You didn't need to come," Lily said sadly, glancing at Damien. "I'm sure you'd rather be with Liam and Azly."

I shook my head. "No, I want to be here with my best friend." Lily looked at me with watery eyes. I opened my arms, and she threw herself into them, hugging me tightly. I let her sob into my shoulder.

"I'm so happy you're awake, but I need him back," she cried. I patted her head, comforting her.

"I know, I know," I said softly.

"The kids. How am I supposed to tell them? It's not fair!" she sobbed.

"He'll wake up; he has to," I said, letting her cry. When she calmed down, she tried to apologize.

"Lily, you've been there for me through everything. If you think you can keep me away now, you're crazy," I told her. She offered a sad smile.

Doctor Ron entered. "Good morning, Luna," he greeted me. "I wasn't expecting you until this afternoon."

"I came to see Damien," I said. Doctor Ron smiled.

"I knew I couldn't keep you away long. I suppose you've spoken with Theodore?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yes. Has he shared his theory with you?"

Doctor Ron sighed. "Yes, he has."

"And?" I pressed.

"I'm not sure," he said. "His theory centers on a wolf with the ability to heal supernatural injuries. I'm unsure the extent of your abilities; you've only healed normal injuries so far."

"What are you two talking about?" Lily asked.

"Theo has an acquaintance who knew someone from White Moon," I began.

"Your mom's pack? The one Liam destroyed when you first came to the pack?" she clarified.

"Yes," I answered. "This wolf could supposedly heal others, like I can. Theo didn't know about my gifts, but it was the only lead."

"But you couldn't help Hiram when he was bitten," Lily pointed out.

"True, but the situation was different," Doctor Ron said.

"So you think she might be able to help?" Lily asked, hope dawning in her eyes.

"I wouldn't say that yet," Doctor Ron said. Lily visibly deflated. "We know little about Azalea's gift, let alone the toll it takes on her."

"I want to try," I said quickly. Lily stared at me, while Doctor Ron shook his head.

"I'm not sure my nephew would appreciate that, especially since you've only been awake a couple of days," he said.

"I'll deal with Liam. He'd want us to do everything to help Damien. He's Liam's best friend," I said.

"Lea, you don't have to. Like Doctor Ron said, you've only just woken up, and the physical toll…" Lily reasoned. I knew she was being logical, but deep down, she wanted me to try.

I shook my head. "No. It's the least I can do. What if I can help, even a little? I owe Damien that much."

Lily looked like she was about to cry again. Doctor Ron studied Damien thoughtfully. "I guess I can't stop you, and it's best I stay to ensure you're alright," he finally conceded.

I smiled, feeling like I could actually help. "I need you to explain his injuries. I know much was already healed, but the more I know, the better I can focus."

Doctor Ron explained Damien's injuries and treatment, both at the battlefield and back at the pack. I was always amazed by Damien and Liam's endurance; they were a different breed of Alpha and Beta.

Once he finished, Lily moved away so I could reach Damien. She stood at the foot of the bed with Doctor Ron. "Alright, here I go," I said, gently taking Damien's hand. He was cold, as Lily had said. I held his hand in both of mine and closed my eyes.

I took a deep breath and concentrated, visualizing the power within. It appeared as a bright pink orb, large and heavy. I focused on that image and then on Damien, trying to sense him.

After a minute, I could almost feel Damien, a faint light. I tried to push my own light toward him, but met resistance.

"Azalea," someone called. I kept pushing, needing to get closer.

Arms wrapped around me and pulled me back. My eyes snapped open to worried faces. A wave of coldness washed over me; I was freezing. My head swam.

"Goddess damnit, Azalea!" Liam shouted from behind me.

"I'm okay," I said, trying to regain my balance. My legs wobbled; Liam caught me.

"What were you thinking?" he shouted, setting me in a chair. "Why would you let her do this?"

I looked at Liam, his face red, a vein throbbing in his neck. I felt wetness on my lip; blood was dripping from my nose. Liam turned to his uncle.

"Did you really think this was a good idea?" he shouted.

"Liam, calm down," Doctor Ron said calmly. Lily rushed over with a wet cloth, dabbing my nose.

"She just woke up! She hasn't recovered from childbirth, and we're just going to see if she can wake Damien up?"

"Liam, I'm okay," I said through the cloth.

"Oh, no, you aren't. Azalea, you were ice cold, and your nose is bleeding! If I hadn't stopped you, who knows what would have happened!" Liam said. I shrank back. I looked down at my blood-soaked shirt.

"It's okay," Lily said. "You tried." She offered a bittersweet smile, masking her disappointment. I squeezed her hand.

"I was close, Lily," I whispered. "I think I almost got there."

Liam pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. He was distraught. I took the cloth from Lily and finished cleaning my face; the bleeding stopped. I reached for Liam's hand.

"I had to try; can't you understand? He's your best friend, and if I can help, I need to," I pleaded silently. He looked down at me, kneeling.

"I just got you back," he said. "You cannot leave me trying to save anyone. Azalea, I cannot live without you."

I cupped his cheek. "We owe it to Damien to try everything. I was close, Liam; I know it."

"Well, your effort wasn't in vain, Luna," Doctor Ron interrupted. We both looked at him; Lily was beside him. "He's oxygenating slightly better now. His breathing is improving."

Liam stared at me, speechless. "We should check you, though," Doctor Ron continued. "I certainly didn't expect any of that."

Liam nodded. He picked me up and carried me out, leaving Lily with her mate. Whether Liam liked it or not, I was going to find a way to help Damien.


I watched Robert and Lyssa play with Liam Jr. and Leo on the playground. This was our third location since leaving the pack; Robert felt it necessary to hide in plain sight. I scanned the park constantly, watching for threats. Taking the children overseas was a good idea initially, but I was now unsure.

My phone rang; I silenced it. While the children were in public, I didn't want to be distracted. Robert and Lyssa were capable, but I was responsible for their safety, and I wasn't going to let my Alpha and Luna down again.

My phone rang again, irritating me. The pack leadership usually knew not to call unless it was urgent until we checked in. I answered, keeping my eyes on Lyssa pushing Leo on the swings.

"Yea," I answered gruffly.

"Felix," Doctor Ron said. "I'm sorry to bother you, but this is urgent."

"What is it?" I asked, my stomach churning. If something happened to Lacey and the pup… I immediately dismissed those thoughts. That wouldn't happen.

"First, everything is fine. Lacey is healthy, and the pup is progressing on schedule," he explained.

"There's a 'but' in there," I growled.

"Yes. Lacey's separation from her mate is taking a toll. She just left her check-up, and I'm worried. I think it's best if you speak with the former Alpha and Luna about returning soon."

I didn't answer. My mate needed me, but I was stuck here, too far away.

"I know there are safety concerns, but if you and your mate are separated much longer, it could affect your pup."

I hung up, anger surging. Robert looked at me. "Who was that?"

"Your brother, sir," I replied.

"Is something wrong?"


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