His Redemption (Complete His Series)
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 0 mins read
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“Gwen was killed,” Liam said somberly. My brain froze, my mouth gaped open, and I struggled to speak. Gwen was killed? How? She’d been locked in the pack prison for years. Liam cupped my face, worry clouding his handsome features. “Azalea…” he whispered.

“I—I… what?” Coherent thought eluded me.

“She was murdered. When I arrived, the prison was on lockdown, and the guards on her floor were detained for questioning. Someone snapped her neck,” he explained gently.

“How? How did they get past security? How long was she like that?” I asked. Liam’s gaze searched mine.

“Let’s sit down,” he said. “I’m worried about you and the pup.” I saw conflict in his eyes—anger, worry about the implications, concern for me and the pup, sadness for his friend, grief. I nodded, and we moved to the couch. Liam pulled me onto his lap, nuzzling my hair. His hand rested on my bump, fingers spreading protectively. He took a deep breath before answering.

“We don’t know how they got in,” he said. “She was checked hourly and was fine during the previous check. The new shift found her. There were no other disturbances. Whoever did this evaded everyone.” Liam was frustrated. He worked hard to protect the pack; he never took anyone's safety for granted.

Numbness settled in as the initial shock faded. My nerves were frayed from hours of worry, but being in his arms was soothing. Liam’s other hand gently skimmed my lower back. We sat silently, lost in thought.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” he finally croaked, his voice hoarse. “I wanted to be with you when you found out, and I didn’t want to bring you there. Are you alright?”

I sighed, nodding slowly. “I’m okay. Just stunned. I don’t understand how this happened. Or why now?” I cuddled closer, hoping his warmth would melt the numbness.

I’d forgiven Gwen long ago. My wolf’s gift prevented me from holding ill will, but it also allowed me to consider things dispassionately. I was responsible for deciding if Gwen was ready to reintegrate into the pack. I spoke to her therapist and guards regularly, carefully considering their observations. I still wasn’t convinced she wouldn’t be a threat to me or my children. I avoided discussing the situation with Mrs. Hale (she desperately wanted her daughter back) and Damien (his conflicted feelings were evident). I didn’t want to complicate things further for him.

My biggest concern was Gwen’s retaliation for her imprisonment. After about a year, she became agitated, assuming Damien and Mrs. Hale would convince me to release her. She thought me weak, believing I’d cave to her mother’s pleas. But I had Missy to consider, then Junior and Leo, and now another pup. Her reckless actions made me fear she’d hurt my children to hurt me.

“I don’t know…” Liam gritted out, sounding tired and upset. His fingers tightened slightly around my belly. I wanted to soothe his pain. I pulled away, cupping his face.

“Take me to bed, Liam,” I said. He gathered me in his arms and carried me to the bed. He returned from the closet in shorts, carrying a shirt. I removed my blouse and bra, tossing them on the floor as he returned. He leaned down, kissing me as he unhooked my bra. I discarded it and slipped his shirt over my head. I started to pull off my leggings when he peeled them off my legs. He climbed onto the bed, hovering over me. We didn’t need sex; we needed comfort.

“The rogues will remain under observation,” he whispered.

“I understand,” I said. I doubted they were involved, but I knew it was for the pack’s safety. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he pulled me close. He lay down, resting his head on my bump. I ran my fingers through his hair, and he drifted off, holding me tightly.


Lea texted early, asking me to get my brothers ready. Junior was a brat, but Leo clung to me all morning. I sometimes forget how small they still are.

“Can we play after school, sissy?” Leo asked as I helped him into his shorts.

“Maybe, bud. We’ll see,” I said, ruffling his curls. He swatted my hand away. I carried him to the dining room. Miss Marci was with Delilah, Lucas, and Junior, but Damien, Lily, Lea, and Liam were absent.

“Good morning, Missy,” she said sadly. This was clearly related to the lockdown. I seated Leo.

“Morning, Miss Marci. Where are Alpha, Luna, Beta, and Lily?” I asked.

“They’re busy this morning. Will you help me get the kids ready?” she asked. I nodded, texting V after telling the others to wait.

-The pack house was locked down last night? -How did you know? -Rumors spread. What happened? -Whats the rumor? -Murder

I swallowed. Rumors had already started, which worried me. Lily and Lea were more distraught than I’d ever seen.

-I don’t know. Lea and I were locked in, then Felix said I could go to bed. Liam was gone. Let’s talk at school. I need to get my brothers ready.

I helped Miss Marci feed the kids, and they ate happily, oblivious to what was happening. I got them to school just in time before heading to school myself, only after promising Leo and Lucas a soccer game after school.

V waited for me outside. “Hey, princess,” he said, studying me.

“Hey,” I said, masking my worry. I needed to act normal to avoid spreading more rumors. People knew I was close to the Alpha and Luna and assumed I knew everything.

V took my hand, squeezing it. He gave a half-smile. “Crazy rumor mill, huh?”

“Yeah. Where do people get these ideas?” I laughed.

“Did you finish the math problems?” he asked. His eyes held something unreadable, but we had a normal day, avoiding the rumor topic. People whispered all day; some rumors were outlandish. The rogues were forgotten. Some claimed a long-lost relative of Azalea’s was responsible; others blamed Felix (too loyal to Liam to harm a pack member without reason). One girl even mentioned vampires.

After school, V waited until we were in his car. “Do you think there was a murder? Would the Alpha and Luna even tell you?” he asked softly.

I sighed. I didn’t know. Lea and Liam usually told me important things, but I'd overheard them once discussing my future.

“We don’t need to tell her so much, Azalea,” Liam said. (I’d been eavesdropping at the crack in his office door. I'd planned to ask about visiting Lemon at the Inn but stopped when I heard their conversation).

“Liam, you know from a young age you were privy to pack information as the Alpha’s child,” Azalea reasoned.

“Only because I was the heir. Missy isn’t my biological child, and she’s a girl. She can’t be Alpha. The title will pass to Liam; she doesn’t need this burden. My father insisted I train as soon as I could read,” he said.

“She’s smart and a good kid. As our daughter, she should know some things, especially those affecting her,” Azalea said.

“I don’t disagree. But I know the effect this had on me. I don’t want to subject her to things she doesn’t need to worry about. She has her whole future ahead of her; let her be whoever she wants,” Liam said, irritated.

“Liam, don’t you think—“

“No, Azalea. I’m putting my foot down. We didn’t have the same upbringing, and this time, I’m making the decision,” he cut her off. I ran away after that.

“I don’t know, V. Last night, Austin was worried, and then there were wolves patrolling. Upstairs, Lea was distraught. I don’t think Liam or Damien told her or Lily anything,” my voice shook. My emotions surged.

“No, you don’t, princess,” he said, pulling me close. “Your dad’s a good Alpha. He’ll keep the pack safe,” he said softly.

“No one was at breakfast. That’s not normal…” I said.

“Do you want me to stay this afternoon? I don’t like leaving you upset,” he offered. I nodded.

“Please? I promised the kids I’d play, and it’ll be easier to pretend everything’s normal with you there,” I confessed.

“Anything for you,” he said. He let me go, and we left the school.

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