His Redemption (Complete His Series)
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 0 mins read
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I paced the foyer, increasingly anxious. The patrol hadn't contacted me, and it had been nearly an hour. I'd already checked Missy's bedroom, ruling out the possibility she'd slipped past me. Where could she have gone? Missy didn't understand that she was just as much a target as Junior or Leo—anyone trying to get to Liam or me. She's our daughter, after all. I couldn't forgive myself if anything happened to her because someone was targeting Liam and me.

My phone rang, making my heart leap. Damien's name flashed on the caller ID. Why was he calling so late? I'd been quiet enough, I thought, not to wake anyone in the pack house. "Hello?" I answered.

"Azalea, Missy is on her way home," he said, his voice gentler than it had been before Delilah was born.

"How do you?"

"Sean, on patrol, contacted me. He said you asked that Liam not be disturbed. I assumed you'd told him to get some sleep," he explained.

"I did. Where was she?" I asked, calming slightly, though still concerned about her hours-late return.

"I don't know. My guess? Probably the same place we found them last time. If you don't want Liam to wake up and come looking for you, you should try to stay calm," he said. I took a deep breath. He was right. During my first two pregnancies, my emotions were heightened, and Liam felt everything. I'd panicked in my sleep a few times, waking him.

"I know. I'm sorry. I will calm down; I just need a minute. Damien, what's she thinking?" I faced the door, willing Missy to appear. I needed to get her to bed, calm myself, and then join Liam.

"I don't know, Lea. I didn't even see her at the party this evening," he said.

"I know. I figured she was just over it all. You know how teenagers can be. You all used to sneak away from pack gatherings, too," I said. I gasped as an arm wrapped around me and a hand reached for the phone. Liam's familiar scent filled my senses, easing my surprise. He took the phone, holding me close, his chest against my back.

"Damien," he said, his tone sharp. I couldn't hear the other side of the conversation, but it was brief. The front door creaked open. "She's here. We'll talk in the morning. Thanks," he said before hanging up and pocketing the phone. We both looked at Missy, standing hesitantly in the doorway.

"I'm so sorry…" she mumbled.


I woke to a wave of panic. Azalea. The clock read 2:18 AM. Why was she panicking? I looked around, realizing she wasn't there. I rushed to the bathroom, then our bedroom. "Azalea?" I called, but received no answer. I checked Missy's room; the door was unlocked, the room empty. Shit.

I ran downstairs, searching for my mate. She'd be in the dining room with tea, or pacing the foyer—I hoped for the former; she didn't need extra stress.

The dining room was empty, but a mug sat beside the teapot in the kitchen. I hurried to the foyer and saw her facing the door, talking on the phone. Approaching slowly, I heard Damien's voice.

I gently wrapped an arm around her, taking the phone. I sensed her anxiety through our bond and hoped to calm her. She jumped, then relaxed when she realized it was me. "Damien," I said, taking the phone.

"Liam, she tried not to wake you. I linked Missy; she's headed home. She should be at the door any minute," he said. The front door creaked open, and Missy appeared.

"She's here. We'll talk in the morning. Thanks," I said, hanging up and pocketing the phone.

"I'm so sorry…" Missy whispered, her hair and clothes damp.

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked, restraining my anger.

"I left my phone in the car, and we lost track of time. I didn't mean to worry anyone…" she said quickly. Azalea touched my cheek.

"Not tonight, My Alpha," she pleaded, her green eyes pleading. I sighed, then looked at Missy.

"Shower and bed. Fifteen minutes. We'll talk tomorrow," I said. She nodded and hurried past us.

I looked at Azalea; her anxiety was subsiding, replaced by worry. "You should have woken me," I said softly, stroking her cheek. Her eyes glistened.

"No, you needed sleep. I'm sorry. It was the bond, right? Did I wake you?" she asked.

"It's alright," I said, hugging her. "She's safe, and she's grounded." I kissed her head as she hugged me.

"I'm sorry. It was silly to panic," she said.

"No, it wasn't. It was silly to pace for who knows how long when you shouldn't be on your feet so much," I scolded. I scooped her up. "Now, Little Luna, I'm taking you to bed, and you're not getting out again tonight." She leaned against me, accepting my words. She'd learned to pick her battles.

I carried her upstairs. Missy's light was off. I laid Azalea down, joining her in bed. She stroked my skin, relaxing. "We can't take away Vlad, Liam. She'll push us away. She's convinced they're mates," she whispered. I stroked her hair.

"We'll talk tomorrow, baby. Sleep," I said. We both needed rest. Leo was an early riser, and Azalea had been up all night.

I woke to my ringing phone. I answered quietly. "Yeah?" I whispered.

"Lily got the boys. Take the morning off, let Azalea sleep. We'll have brunch sent up later," Damien said softly.

"Thanks," I said, hanging up. I was relieved to have a few more hours with Azalea. She needed rest, and I was tired. We could discuss Missy later. Azalea stirred. I wrapped my arm around her, resting my hand on her bump.

"Mmm," she murmured sleepily.

"Shhh. Go back to sleep, Little Luna. Everything's handled," I whispered.

"But Leo should be getting up soon," she mumbled.

"Nope. Lily got him and Junior. They're taken care of. Just relax, sweetheart," I said.

"So, we're alone?" she smiled, her eyes opening.

"Just you and me," I smirked, sensing her desire.

"You know, there's something I didn't get to do on my birthday," she said, raising an eyebrow. I knew exactly what she wanted, and I intended to give it to her.


Liam and Lea were absent at breakfast. Delta Austin pulled me aside. "What were you thinking? Coming home so late and keeping Luna up? Missy, what's going on?" he chided. I'd had a crush on him, but that ended when we learned about mates. We were good friends now.

"I lost track of time, okay? I didn't know Lea would wait up and freak out!" I said defensively.

"Missy, you're their daughter. Of course, they'll wait up. Luna would be distraught if anything happened to you. And I'm woken up in the middle of the night by Damien to search for you? I was almost to the clearing where we found you last time when he told me you were back," he said, worried. Why was everyone so upset?

"I didn't know, okay? I'm sorry. I left my phone in Vlad's car; we were just hanging out. We came back as soon as Damien contacted me!" I defended myself.

"Missy, I'm worried about you. These last few months…" he trailed off. "Look, you need to be more responsible. Maybe hang out with someone other than Vlad for a while. Lily gave you time off—she got Junior and Leo so Alpha and Luna could sleep. But you better have a great apology ready." He shook his head and walked away. I sighed and got some food.

I wasn't trying to disappoint anyone, but no one understood. Other kids talked about my mom, how she didn't love me, and how Lea and Liam only adopted me for appearances. They didn't care about my mom losing her mate or how amazing Liam and Lea were. They just gossiped, and I hated it. Vlad wasn't like that.

He'd upset me once, calling me "Orphan Princess," not realizing how much it hurt. I'd run away, crying, but he found me and apologized. He'd regretted it and only called me "Princess" since.

I ate slowly, feeling bad about making Lea wait. Seeing her pale face and Liam's simmering anger was ten times worse. He was good at hiding his anger, but I knew. We were all worried about the pup.

After breakfast, I decided to hide in my room. I had homework. My phone buzzed. It was Vlad:

Hope you didn’t get in too much trouble. Wanna go to the lake?

I sighed, torn. I wanted to go with him, but felt it would make things worse if Liam and Lea found me.

Can’t go. Talk later?

I hoped that would suffice. I went to my room. Vlad replied:

What happened?

I replied:

Nothing yet. But I know it won’t be good. I will let you know more at school.

I put my phone down and started my chemistry homework.

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