I've been grounded for over a week. At first, Vlad was sensitive about it. He apologized the next day at school, after I explained what happened. He promised he wouldn't let me be late again once I was allowed outside the pack house. He was busy with his dad that night, but came over the next day. We went to my room to study after school. We were lying on my bed with our history books open when Felix barged in. Liam sent him to make us go downstairs. I went to Lea's office to plead my case with her, but V left because of the drama. Now he's avoiding me, using the excuse of not wanting to anger the Alpha.
I closed my locker and slung my backpack over my shoulder. I wasn't even going to look for V before leaving school. The only upside to being grounded is that I'm way ahead on my schoolwork. Without V to distract me, I have nothing better to do than study or play with the kids. I headed for the front doors. I didn't want to take the bus, and since I'm intentionally ignoring V, I decided to walk back to the pack house. I didn't mind. I walked down the steps and onto the sidewalk. But before I left the school parking lot, V pulled up beside me.
"Princess, what are you doing? I was looking for you!" he said through the driver's window.
"I wasn't looking for you," I replied, continuing to walk.
"You aren't really mad, are you?" he asked, surprised.
"Yes, V. I am mad! I was late because I was with you, I got grounded, and now you won't even come over. I'm stuck in that suffocating pack house, and you keep making excuses," I said. I quickened my pace. My wolf was getting frustrated. When I got back to the pack house, I planned to ask Lea if I could go for a run to blow off some steam.
"Missy, don't be like that…" he said.
"Be like what, V?" I asked, stopping and turning to him. He stopped the car and got out. He stood close, looking down at me.
"I'm sorry. I just didn't want to cause more trouble for you with the Alpha. I know he's your father, but he doesn't seem to like me much," he said, cupping my face.
"It doesn't matter if Liam likes you or not. We're mates! Let me handle Lea and Liam. You basically deserted me," I said, frustration building to tears.
His face softened. "I'm not deserting you. If you want me to come over, I will," he said. "I'm sorry, princess."
I pursed my lips. "Fine," I said.
"Will you let me take you home then?" he asked. I sighed and nodded. He smiled slightly. We walked around the car, and he opened the door for me. I rolled my eyes and got in. I wonder if Liam ever frustrates Lea this much. Mates can be a pain.
V drove us to the pack house. We went to the kitchen for snacks first. Lea has completely remodeled the pack house over the years. Now, paid cooks prepare most meals, but everyone is responsible for cleaning up after themselves and helping around the pack house if they live there. I always know when she's stressed because I find her obsessively cleaning areas she usually ignores, like the Omega floors.
After grabbing fruit, chips, and water, we went to the back patio to do homework. I was almost finished with our final English paper, but V was far from done. I didn't want to deal with the hassle of taking him to my room, so we stayed outside. It was nice anyway.
As I got out my books and V grabbed the chips, he said, "How do you still have homework? Every time I call, you're studying."
"Well, I don't have much else to do. Get your essay out. It's due this week, and I know you're not done," I replied.
He rolled his eyes. "Yes, princess," he said with a playful smirk. When he got his things out, I snatched his notebook and flipped through it to find his essay draft. I was astonished.
"V, you only have two paragraphs! This is a ten-page paper! The timeline said the first draft was due a week ago!" I exclaimed.
He shrugged. "I'll finish it," he said, looking bored.
"Do you want to go to summer school?" I asked.
"Won't matter if your warden doesn't release you before then," he countered.
"That's not fair!" I said. Delilah and Junior ran out the back door, interrupting us.
"Missy, Missy, Missy!" they yelled, running toward us.
"Missy, play soccer with us!" Junior shouted.
"Please! We need more players. Delta's on Leo's team!" Delilah whined. I sighed.
"Guys, I'm busy with V right now. Why don't you find Jacob or Hunter? Or maybe your dads?" I suggested.
"Uncle Liam has the Gammas doing something important!" she whined.
"Daddy took Mommy to the doctor," Junior said. V immediately looked at me. I knew what he was thinking: Liam and Lea weren't here.
I shook my head. "No way," I whispered. I turned back to the kids.
"Where's Beta?" I asked.
"Daddy said he had to talk to Mommy and we should play until dinner," Delilah said. That made me giggle. I don't think they were talking much. I sighed.
"Let's play with them," V said. I was surprised. He never voluntarily hangs out with the kids. He usually wants to be alone with me.
"Are you sure? What about your essay?" I asked. He stood and set down the chips. He leaned over and kissed my forehead.
"I told you, princess. I'll get it done," he said. He smiled at the kids. "Alright, let's play some soccer," he said. They cheered. I resigned myself to it and joined in.
We sat in an examination room waiting for my uncle. Azalea was fine for a few days after her party, but then she started having pains in her sides. She tried to hide it, but Lily told me. Everyone was worried and watching her closely. I knew we were driving her crazy—she hates being the center of attention—but we couldn't help worrying. I insisted she get checked today after calling my uncle to ensure he was available. I left Felix with the kids so she couldn't object.
"Pregnant women have pain, Liam. I'm growing another life. This isn't necessary," she complained. Her bump was becoming noticeable. Every time I look at it, I swell with pride. I love seeing her carrying our pups.
"Baby, I know. But we need to be extra careful this time. If you're having a problem, we need to get it checked," I said, rubbing her lower back gently.
"You're lucky I like you so much," she huffed. I laughed, giving her a mock pout, and she rolled her eyes.
Finally, my uncle arrived. "My favorite Luna," he greeted warmly. "Nephew," he nodded to me. Azalea and my uncle are close. She seems to like him more than my parents, even though we all have a good relationship now. My uncle even helped her research her wolf and White Moon heritage after she became Luna. It was the first time she showed disappointment about not having her wolf. My mate is truly special. Her wolf reincarnates through her bloodline and is supposed to be incredibly powerful. She was upset for a while, thinking she wasn't worthy. A former White Moon member, now a nurse working with my uncle and knowledgeable in White Moon history, cheered her up. She told Azalea her wolf would simply wait for the next worthy heir.
Since then, Azalea hasn't been upset about not having a wolf, only occasionally frustrated by her physical weakness. But what she lacks in physical strength, she more than makes up for in other ways. She's an incredible businesswoman. The Inn runs smoothly even without her presence. The pack house is vastly different from our childhood. And she attends to our pack members' needs with exceptional grace. To top it all off, she's the best mother to our pups. She's nurturing and attentive, but they aren't spoiled. They're strong-willed, curious, well-behaved children with good manners.
"I hear there's been some pain?" my uncle asked.
"It's nothing really," Azalea said.
"She's lying," I told him. She gave me a look.
"Let's take a look and make sure," he said, bringing over the ultrasound machine.
"Fine," she said. I helped her lie back, and she lifted her shirt, revealing her cute, round bump.
I held her hand while my uncle applied the cool gel. She shivered. He moved the wand, spreading the gel. He watched the screen as he moved the wand. We waited patiently.
Finally, he turned the monitor. "I don't see anything concerning. Hopefully, the pain is just from growing. Like last time, you're adapting to a faster-growing baby than your body prefers. Without wolf abilities, we'll have to manage the pain. But I can show you this," he said, pointing to the monitor. There was a tiny outline of a face and hand. My heart sped up. My pup. Gavin hooted in my head. He loves pregnant Azalea.
"I'll print this for you," he said, smiling at Azalea. She smiled back, her irritation forgotten. At her last checkup, he gave her a picture, but it was mostly a dot. That photo is on my desk. We cleaned up, and Uncle Ron handed us the photo.
"Should we be worried?" I asked him.
"As long as you stay on light duty, I don't think so. I'll give you something for the pain, but you must take it easy, Azalea. No chasing the kids. Don't stand or walk for long periods. No excessive chores," he said sternly. We knew she's too strong-willed to sit still. She rolled her eyes.
"Okay, okay," she said. "Am I free, wardens?" she asked sarcastically. He chuckled and nodded.
"Come back in a week or so." he said as we left. She held up the picture, smiling.
"Still mad at me, Little Luna?" I asked, wrapping my arm around her waist.
"Mmmm. A little," she said, looking up at me through her lashes. "But you can make it up to me before dinner. You might have just enough time, My Alpha."