His Redemption (Complete His Series)
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 0 mins read
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“I would really appreciate your help,” I said, standing in the middle of Lily and my bedroom, pulling on a fresh set of clothes.

“Sure, I’ll be there within the hour,” Langston said. “How is he?”

“Not good. He lost his mate and daughter on the same day. He won’t eat or sleep. His office is destroyed, and he won’t even go near hers,” I explained. Liam was on the verge of snapping, and I needed Langston’s help. Losing Azalea and Missy so close together was understandably taking its toll, but I’d never seen my best friend so broken and angry.

“That’s to be expected,” he said quietly.

“We’ll speak when you get here,” I replied. After hanging up, I pocketed my phone. Lily was looking at me, worry etched on her face. I opened my arms, and she immediately embraced me. I held her close, inhaling her scent.

“Da, we have to find them,” she whispered into my shoulder.

“We will, love,” I said.

“We need to find them before she has the baby,” she clarified.

“I know,” I said. Azalea’s kidnapping was severely impacting pack morale, and Liam’s uncontrolled rage wasn’t helping. I squeezed my mate, wishing I could protect her from this as well. The current theory was that Delilah and Lucas were previously taken because they were with Liam Jr. and Leo, but I felt unsafe with any threat looming over my family. Without a Luna and with the Alpha so erratic, the pack needed its next leading female to help maintain order.

Lily pulled away, and I leaned down to kiss her softly. She lingered against my lips; I felt her despair. “I’m going to go downstairs and help with lunch. Will Langston be bringing any of his warriors?” She and Azalea were so alike—even with so much on their plates, they still cared for others and worked tirelessly to support the pack.

“He may. We should be prepared to house a few, just in case. There will be a lot of back and forth until we have a better lead on the girls’ whereabouts,” I told her.

She nodded. “Alright.” With another kiss, she left my office and headed downstairs. She was trying her best, but I knew she was scared for her best friend. I vowed to stay strong for her, and for Azalea’s sake, to help Liam regain control.


“Hey, Lily,” I said, my voice lacking enthusiasm. I stood in the kitchen, helping wrap sandwiches to take to the prison where extra warriors were relentlessly interrogating the few rogue wolves spared from the attack.

“How are you holding up?” she asked. That was a loaded question. Being away from my mate was already difficult, and it had only been two days.

“As to be expected, I guess,” I said.

“Has Felix called yet?” she asked.

“He’s supposed to check in tomorrow,” I said. “For obvious reasons, communications are limited.” Lily came around the counter and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

“Hopefully, this won’t last long,” she said softly, offering comfort. I gave her a weak smile. She released me and resumed packing the lunches.

“Should we try taking something up to Alpha again?” I asked, attempting to break the heavy silence.

“Probably, though he’s unlikely to eat it,” she sighed, worry lines creasing her face. She was very close to Azalea and Liam, and I knew this weighed heavily on her.

“Maybe we should try something Azalea would make him?” I suggested. Lily shook her head.

“I think we just need to find out where they’re holding her. Damien will figure out how to get her out and channel Liam’s rage,” she said, her brow furrowed in concentration.

I sighed, thinking of Felix. I wondered how he was feeling. He wasn’t thrilled to leave me, but the former Alpha insisted on keeping the traveling party small. I’d assured him I’d be fine, but the longer we were apart, the more anxious I became. My thoughts drifted to the little box on our bathroom counter. I was too nervous to take the pregnancy test yet. I hadn’t even told Felix my suspicions before he left with Junior and Leo.

“Hey, Lily,” I said shyly.

“Yeah?” she looked up.

“When did you know you were pregnant with Delilah?” I asked hesitantly.

She raised an eyebrow. “Um, well…” she paused. “I just sort of knew, I guess. Then there was an incident, and it was confirmed. Why do you ask?”

I bit my lip. I’d definitely felt different, but I wasn’t sure if it was pregnancy or stress. “Just curious…” I mumbled.

“Is there something you’re wondering if you should tell Felix when he calls?”

“Nothing I know for sure…” I admitted. She gave me a kind smile.

“Just because we’re going through a bad time doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate something good,” she said. “We need all the good news we can get right now.” Her words were reassuring.

“I guess I’m nervous about finding out either way, and I don’t want him to feel like he needs to come back. Staying with the kids is important,” I blurted out.

“So, talk to him when he calls. Take the test over the phone if you can,” she suggested. “Or wait if you both want to. You’ll probably know soon enough anyway, but I understand wanting to wait for confirmation until he gets back.”

“I guess so, yeah,” I agreed. I decided to ask him when he called. Maybe he’d want to know immediately. Still, it felt selfish to think about pups while Azalea and Missy were captive.


A knock on the door signaled dinner. Warwick insisted I join him for every meal in his absurd dining room with its ridiculously long table. When not with him, I’d been confined to this bedroom. I worried constantly about Missy in the disgusting dungeon where most of the captured wolves were held. Every time I asked about her, I was ignored. My anger at Warwick prevented me from speaking during meals; I barely touched my food. If I still had my wolf, perhaps I wouldn’t feel so useless.

I stood and went to the door, which opened silently. I walked to the dining room and sat down. Warwick was already seated at the head of the table, five chairs separating us.

Plates were placed before us. Again, I wondered why he bothered with regular food when he was a bloodsucker. The wait for news of my and Missy’s fate was becoming increasingly agonizing. Warwick ate slowly; the only sound was the soft clinking of silverware.

“You seem troubled,” he said, interrupting my brooding. I stared at my untouched plate, fury simmering.

“Am I your prisoner, too?” I asked, without looking up.

“No,” he said thoughtfully. “You may leave whenever you wish.”

“And Missy?”

“She cannot. She hasn’t fulfilled her purpose yet,” he replied.

“This wasn’t the agreement,” I argued, finally meeting his gaze. His calmness enraged me.

“I don’t believe you were foolish enough to think you held any power in our negotiations,” he said dismissively. I gritted my teeth.

“What about the other pack members?”

“They are fulfilling their purposes, of course.”

“And their purpose is?”

“I can’t reveal all my plans, can I? You’ll leave and run back to your pack soon enough. I expect you’ll be forced to confess everything, even if it's involuntary,” he speculated. “Those Blackfur wolves can be quite ruthless.”

“I want my mate!” I demanded.

“Ah, but she isn’t yours now, is she?”

“I chose her.”

“But does she choose you?” His taunt was another blow. When she arrived, Missy didn’t recognize me as her mate. She tried to scent me, but nothing happened. I didn’t know how the mate bond would manifest for me, or if I could even feel it; I don’t know anyone without a wolf. Captured during the pack attack, I never expected this. “Nevertheless,” he continued. “You are free to leave. I am not holding you here. But you will not be taking her or her mother.”

“You have Luna Azalea?” I asked. I hadn’t seen her in the dungeon. Some doors were solid, like Missy’s; others resembled traditional prison cells.

Warwick chuckled. “You’re too naive to manipulate this feud, boy.”

“But she’s pregnant!” I exclaimed. He grinned wickedly.

“Wouldn’t it be a shame if she were to give birth before her mate rescues her?” he laughed, his eyes chilling. Terror consumed me. I knew he wanted revenge on the Alpha family, but I never imagined he’d hold a pregnant woman captive and threaten her unborn child.

Warwick put down his utensils and stood, brushing imaginary dust from his clothes before leaving silently. I watched in horror until he was gone. Alone, I stood and hurried to the door.

If I wasn’t a prisoner, I needed to leave. Perhaps I could return to the pack, explain things to my father or Beta Damien, and help rescue Missy and Luna. I’d have to avoid Alpha Liam; he’d likely tear me apart before I could explain.

I moved quickly through the empty halls. Warwick’s mansion was impeccably clean but stark. No one was in sight as I reached the front door.

No one stopped me as I left. I maintained a fast but controlled pace as I raced down the long driveway. I had to reach Blood Eclipse before Missy or Luna was harmed.

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