His Redemption (Complete His Series)
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 0 mins read
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Liam shifted quickly, and Azalea grabbed his clothes. He lay down so she could climb on top of him. Before she was fully settled, another wolf joined them—his facial scar identifying him as Damien.

"We'll catch up with you," Damien told Liam. Liam nodded at Felix, and they took off toward the border, where a patrol had encountered a group of rogues. Azalea kept her arms firmly wrapped around Liam's neck as he sped through the woods.

About halfway there, two more wolves joined them. "How many are we looking at?" Damien asked.

"Ten, according to the patrol," Liam said. "Four adults and six pups."

"This is larger than the last group," Damien commented.

"There have been other groups?" Lily asked.

"Only two so far. We gave them supplies, and they moved on without a fight," Damien explained.

"Did you two tell Lea about this?" Lily asked accusingly. Their silence confirmed her suspicions. "I thought so. She wouldn't have let you just turn them away," Lily said. They all knew Azalea's compassion surpassed most. Damien and Liam had been more concerned about the rogues' origin than anything else.

"How often do we encounter peaceful rogues?" Liam challenged. "We have no idea what their true intentions are, and it's our job to protect the pack, not run a charity," he growled in irritation.

"Liam's right, Lily. We had to make the best decision for the pack," Damien agreed.

"Fine. But now that this is the third time, we need to find out more," Lily conceded. Liam was sure she understood their decision, even if she favored a different approach.

They approached the group quickly. The sight of four wolves with a human riding one was unusual. While parents occasionally shifted to carry pups, it wasn't a typical mode of travel. Damien and Liam's size certainly didn't help; Damien was massive in both human and wolf forms, and Liam, as Alpha, was also unusually large, a growth he'd noticed accelerating after marking Azalea.

Liam stopped and lay down so Azalea could slide off. Lily trotted to some trees to shift and dress. Once Azalea was safely on the ground, she stood in front of Liam as he shifted back. She handed him clothes while he dressed, then turned to find the patrol leader. Felix quickly joined them.

"Sean, can you tell me what you've found out?" Azalea asked.

"Yes, Luna. The group waited beyond the border until the patrol arrived. They asked for refuge in our pack. The Alpha and Beta conferred to decide how to proceed," Sean reported. Felix and Liam stood behind Azalea as she addressed the patrol leader. Liam couldn't help but find her incredibly attractive in her Luna role.

"I see. Do you have any reason to suspect they intend us harm?" Azalea asked Sean.

"No, Luna. They've been entirely compliant and said they would leave if not allowed into the pack," Sean replied.

Liam looked at the group: three adult women, one adult male, and three small boys, two small girls, and a teenage girl. Azalea approached them. Liam and Felix stood behind her. "Who speaks for you?" Liam asked.

"I do," the male said.

"What is your name?" Liam asked.

"My name is Graham, Alpha," he replied, bowing his head respectfully.

"Where have you come from?" Azalea asked.

"Our pack was destroyed," Graham explained. "We've been traveling a long time looking for a new home. We mean no one any harm. We simply want a safe place to live."

Azalea looked at Liam. He knew her thoughts. "Are there more of you?" he asked.

"This is everyone who traveled with us. Many escaped, but went in different directions," Graham said. Liam nodded and linked Damien.

"Do you think they could be from the same pack as the others?" Liam asked.

"It's possible," Damien replied. "We can't be sure. We didn't get their names before, and even if we had, what are the chances they'd know each other? Maybe if they came from a very small pack, but that's not guaranteed."

"When was the last time you ate?" Azalea asked.

"Yesterday, Luna," Graham said. "We've been saving food for the children. We fled with no money and none of us are skilled hunters."

"Do you think you can walk a bit further?" Azalea asked, smiling.

"Yes, ma'am," Graham replied gratefully.

Azalea turned to Liam. "We should go back and prepare. We should have enough beds. Can the patrol escort them to the pack house?" she asked. She was exceptionally adept at her Luna duties.

Liam nodded. "Sean, bring these people to the pack house. Damien, stay with them. Lily, Felix, come with Azalea and me. We'll get them accommodations for the night, and we can discuss things in the morning. Damien, please have Jacob meet me in my office as well." Everyone nodded. Liam headed towards the trees, followed by Azalea, Felix, and Lily. "Lily, when we get back, can you ensure rooms are ready and find some spare clothes?" Liam asked.

"Yes," she replied. They all began to undress.

"Azalea, you'll stay with Felix. I need to meet with Jacob, so you go to the kitchen. Don't leave until I'm done," Liam instructed firmly. He knew Felix understood.

"Okay," she said calmly. She wouldn't argue. Liam shifted and lay down so she could climb on top of him. While it might have been more efficient for Felix to carry her, she was his mate. The three of them took off, with Azalea on Liam's back. They were quickly back at the pack house. They shifted and dressed as they reached the front door.

Inside, Azalea and Felix headed straight for the kitchen, and Lily rushed to the laundry room where extra clothing was stored. Liam trusted she'd already assessed the group's sizes. He went to his office, where Jacob was waiting. Liam briefed him on the first two groups and this one, requesting Jacob keep an eye on the newcomers that night. After discussing details, Jacob left to assist Lily. Even though he hadn't always liked Azalea, he now showed her respect as Luna.

Liam took a deep breath. Something felt wrong. Pack attacks were usually devastating, leaving few survivors. If many had fled, what had happened? "We're approaching the lawn," Damien linked. Liam rubbed his face, left his office, and headed to the kitchen. To his surprise, Azalea was already there, assembling food boxes with Marci. They'd prepared stew, bread, salads for the adults, and chicken, fruit, and crackers for the children—warm, filling meals. Azalea was wrapping brownies.

"They're here," Liam said.

"Great, we're almost finished. Can your muscle help carry these?" she asked, looking at Felix. Liam rolled his eyes and nodded. Marci and Azalea finished packing. Azalea gave Felix the children's meals and Liam the adults'.

"Thank you, Marci! I'll help with breakfast tomorrow," Azalea said.

"Oh Luna, no need," Marci replied.

"No, you helped tonight, so I'll help tomorrow," Azalea insisted. Marci smiled and nodded.

"Goodnight, Alpha, Luna," she said, bowing and leaving. Marci, whose mate had died a year ago, oversaw the pack's hired cooks.

Azalea led them to the pack house's front door. Damien led the group inside, joined by Lily and Jacob. "Welcome. We have meals and rooms prepared," Azalea said.

"Eat and rest tonight. Tomorrow we'll decide how to proceed," Liam added.

"Thank you so much," Graham said. Azalea took a box from Felix and knelt before a child. Felix remained close.

"Hi. I'm Azalea. What's your name?" she asked the girl.

"Ashley," the girl whispered.

"Are you hungry, sweetheart?" Azalea asked. The girl nodded. "I have a special meal for you." The girl hesitantly took the box.

"Thank you, Miss Luna," she said, glancing nervously at Felix.

"Don't mind my grumpy friend," Azalea said. "He's not scary." The girl nodded unconvinced. Azalea and Liam distributed the food, while Lily and Jacob took the group to their rooms. Azalea joined Liam as they disappeared upstairs.

"What now, my Alpha?" she asked, taking his hand.

"Bed for tired, pregnant Lunas," he said. She laughed softly.

"Only if you come with me," she said.

He kissed her head. "Okay," he agreed.

Liam woke to Azalea trying to slip away. He pulled her closer, growling softly. "Liam, let me go," she said, distressed. He released her, and she rushed to the bathroom. He followed, hearing her retching. He got her water from a cabinet. He rubbed her back until she stopped, then gave her the water.

"You okay, baby?" he asked gently.

"Yeah," she said. "Just morning sickness."

He sighed. He wished it weren't so hard on her. He helped her up. "I'm going to brush my teeth," she said, dismissing him. He got clothes. When he came out, she sat on the bed, rubbing her bump, looking lost in thought.

"Do you want some clothes?" he asked.

"Sure. Something comfy," she said, smiling weakly. He got her leggings, a favorite shirt, and his old sweatshirt. When he returned, she sat with her eyes closed, holding her stomach.

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