Chapter 82
Sunlight streamed through the windows, and I panicked. I didn't remember the last time I'd slept until sunrise. One or both of the babies always needed me. Why hadn't anyone woken me? The second thing I registered was screaming and loud noises outside my room. My body went into fight-or-flight mode; I was minutes away from a panic attack as I fled my room without fully opening my eyes.
Luna was on the couch, Alex in her arms. "The twins? Are they okay?" I asked hastily, hurrying to the nursery. Aurora was sleeping soundly, the baby monitor in place.
"They're both okay," Luna said. "Aurora woke up a while ago, but Sir carried her around, and she fell back asleep. And this one just woke up. Sir's orders were to let you sleep as long as possible."
I nodded, approaching her and taking Alex. The noise, the shouting—it all returned, then faded as I realized it was coming from outside the house. "What's going on?" I asked, kissing my son's cheek and cooing him. He offered a half-smile, his tiny hand reaching for my cheek.
Gabriel's parents and grandparents were visiting tomorrow—the twins' one-month birthday.
"That's…" Luna informed me reluctantly, and I froze.
"What?" I demanded, not waiting for an answer. I was already up, holding Alex close as I practically ran outside, followed closely by Luna.
The sight that greeted me shocked me. Gabriel was cursing and punching Sam, who didn't even defend himself. Alice was there, flinching but making no effort to stop the fight.
"Gabriel… stop!" I called, though I'm not sure my voice carried. When Sam's nose started bleeding, Alice intervened: "Okay, I think that's enough, please."
Gabriel didn't stop.
"Stop!" I called, louder.
He didn't stop.
"Stop!" I screamed, even louder. Alex burst into tears, bringing everything to a halt.
Everyone turned to me, but my eyes remained fixed on Gabriel.
"Everything I did… I only did because I cared for you, Sophia." Sam took a step toward me but stopped when Alice shook her head. "You should have chosen me, Sophia. I'm the better man. I would never leave you, never abandon you, never choose another person because, if it were me, there would never be a choice. You would always be the only one."
His words stung, but Gabriel's silence hurt more. His eyes didn't meet mine.
I didn't turn to Sam. Instead, I offered Gabriel a small smile. "Our son is crying. Can you hold him for a little while? They both magically stop crying when you pick them up."
Gabriel said nothing, just nodded and took Alex. The little traitor was all smiles the moment his father held him. I smiled at both of them before turning to Alice. "Are you staying for breakfast?"
Alice smiled. "I've got some work to do, but how about I come back this evening to spend some time with you and the babies?"
I nodded and gave Sam a curt look before going inside. He'd been my best friend since childhood, and he'd been by my side through some very rough times. I would have forgiven him for almost anything, but not this. He was selfish, and then he tried to guilt me by calling me selfish for not letting him be my partner.
Chapter 82 (Continued)
That wound was going to take a long time to heal, if it ever did.
I stepped outside my house for the first time in a month to go to the grocery store, gathering ingredients for the twins' small cake. Gabriel, of course, had suggested the most lavish cake imaginable, but we'd settled on a homemade one.
I tossed a packet of brown sugar into the cart, and Gabriel added a packet of protein powder and some granola bars.
I fought the urge to roll my eyes. For every item I picked up, he picked up two. I'd tried to keep him focused on the ingredient list the first few times, but I soon gave up.
My eyes drifted to my phone for the sixth time in a few minutes. He must have noticed because he said, "It's been fifteen minutes, Freckles. They're okay. Luna would call if either of them woke up."
I nodded halfheartedly. "I just miss them so much."
"It's just a quick trip to the grocery store. We'll be back in no time, hm?"
For the first time, I was glad about Gabriel's men patrolling my house. At least I knew the twins were safe.
We walked through the aisles, and when we reached the chips, I grabbed a packet of Hot Cheetos.
"Weren't you just scolding me for buying a million things we don't need?"
"I craved these the whole time I was pregnant. Every time I was hungry, I just wanted Hot Cheetos," I shared, smiling at the sweet memory. "I miss being pregnant. Is that weird?"
"So you were a Cheetos monster?"
I chuckled. "No, I was usually a budgeted shopper. I couldn't always go overboard."
From the corner of my eye, I saw his face fall. "That bad?"
"Mh-hm." I added, "Between the rent and saving for the birth, there was barely anything left for essential groceries, let alone extra chips."
"I'm sorry," he said quietly.
"It isn't your fault," I dismissed his apology with a wave of my hand. "Besides, it wasn't all bad. I met this sweet girl named Maeve. She scared off any kids who tried to ring my doorbell at odd hours. And her brother, Brown, was my neighbor. Every time he made soup, he brought some over for me and Luna. There were good times, too."
"It should have been me," his soft, broken murmur hurt me.
"I'm sorry I didn't find you," I said softly, turning to him, offering a weak smile.
"No, I'm sorry I created a situation where I had to lose you. Sam was right; I should have made it clear you were the only one. I should never have made you feel insecure. I didn't deserve you then, Freckles, and I certainly don't now, but I'm going to do what it takes to be worthy of you," he promised, and the rest of the world faded away.
I took a deep breath, using all my willpower to break eye contact and keep pushing the cart, walking ahead.
I could feel his gaze on me for a few seconds before he caught up, carrying a few more packets of Hot Cheetos.