They rushed Jeremy through a battery of tests. The results? Just a cold. Stacey and Hayden sagged with relief. The doctor ordered an IV.
Lying in his hospital bed, IV drip in hand, Jeremy squeezed Stacey's hand. "Ms. Becky, I'm okay," he whispered.
Stacey's heart ached. "Of course you are, sweetie. You're a blessing."
"I just need your blessing, Ms. Becky," Jeremy said seriously. Hayden watched, his gaze lingering on Stacey.
Stacey laughed, a little breathlessly. "All right, I bless you."
Jeremy's face lit up. "Ms. Becky, can I ask you something?"
"Of course," Stacey smiled.
He glanced at Hayden. "Ms. Becky… will you marry my daddy and be my mommy?"
Stacey froze. Her eyes darted to Hayden, who met her gaze with hopeful intensity. Her heart pounded. Jeremy's worry grew. "Ms. Becky, do you hate my daddy?" He tried to sit up, despite the IV.
"Don't move!" Stacey gently held him down.
His eyes filled with tears. "Ms. Becky… don't you like my daddy?"
Panic flared in Stacey. "I like him! I swear! Don't worry."
Jeremy's face cleared. Hayden mirrored his relief. Stacey was speechless.
Jeremy beamed. "Ms. Becky, since you like him, will you marry him? Then I can call you Mommy!"
Stacey looked to Hayden, flustered.
Hayden ruffled Jeremy's hair. "Easy, champ. Let Daddy propose first. Then she can decide."
Stacey stared, stunned. She’d only said she liked Hayden to comfort Jeremy. But now… Could she actually be with him? The thought both thrilled and terrified her.
They waited for the IV to finish.
"Still feeling bad?" Stacey asked, touching Jeremy's forehead.
He shook his head. "A little."
"That's great!"
Hayden fetched medicine and paperwork. They left the hospital.
Jeremy slept in Stacey's arms on the way home. At Carter Villa, she carried him inside, gently declining Hayden's help. His dependence on her surprised and touched her. Lillian and Kevin rushed over. Debra quickly silenced them.
Stacey carried Jeremy upstairs. "Can he sleep with me tonight?" she asked Hayden.
He nodded, surprised but pleased.
Stacey tucked Jeremy into bed. He'd become as precious to her as her own children. She kissed his forehead.
"Let him sleep. Dinner," Hayden said.
Stacey nodded.