Episode 47
Mulling over their two-year marriage, Elizabeth wondered what it truly meant to Elijah. He was certainly not unemotional, yet his care and concern seemed reserved exclusively for Lise, as if Elizabeth were a ghost in their shared life. She had never been so disappointed.
“It’s fine,” she muttered, her voice raspy as she attempted to soothe Ruby. “We lost this round. Next time might be different.”
Ruby continued to stamp her feet, her frustration palpable. “It’s infuriating! With anyone else, I could leverage my family’s influence, but we’re up against Mr. James! He’s the top CEO in the country; no one matches his influence. Sandra is incredibly fortunate to have his support. It’s maddening—I wish he were in your corner instead!”
Elizabeth turned, a mix of emotions swirling within her. The notion seemed far-fetched. Sandra was the one Elijah truly cherished; he would never support Elizabeth with the same devotion. But she dismissed the thought with a shake of her head. She was no delicate flower.
“Isn’t it all just a game of power?” Elizabeth said with a light chuckle, meeting Ruby’s gaze. “I don’t need to rely on anyone. I’m capable of forging my own path, gaining my own power.”
Ruby, caught off guard, paused, peering into Elizabeth’s eyes. A fierce spark of determination surprised her. That unexpected resolve left Ruby speechless.
Then, ever the pragmatist, Ruby leveled with Elizabeth. “Sure, dreams are enticing, but let’s not kid ourselves—reality isn’t always fair. With Sandra’s unexplained grudge against you, if you snag a role she’s eyeing, she might sabotage it. That could tarnish your reputation.”