Chapter 44
"In the Atkinson family's opinion, I caused Jennifer's death," Grace said after a long pause. She'd expected their resentment. It was a tragedy.
"Before Lily ordered my nails pulled out in prison," she continued, "I never knew people could be so vicious!"
"Compared to her sister's death, she'd probably be happier if you had died," Lina said, her furious expression unchanged. "Lily and Sean got together less than a month after your sentencing. That speed suggests she already had feelings for him."
"My past relationship with Sean was insignificant," Grace said. "I know that now, and so does the world. He abandoned me when I needed him most, siding with my persecutors."
"It was an accident!" Lina exclaimed.
"I know," Grace conceded. "But you were in the courtroom. You saw the evidence, how they painted me. It didn't matter that it was false. In reality, Lily did me a favor."
"How so?" Lina asked incredulously.
"By showing me who my true friends are."
Tears welled in Lina's eyes. Grace clasped her hand and squeezed it. "You've been a good friend. I love and appreciate you so much."
"Stop! You'll make me cry! Anyone would have done the same."
Grace laughed bitterly. "Anyone? Like my parents and half-sister? My other friends and colleagues? Or Sean, the man who vowed to love me forever?"
Lina whistled. "Wow. Okay, when you put it that way… I'm a superior human being."
They both laughed.
"So," Lina said, "we've identified the awful people in your life. Let's talk about the good ones." She steepled her fingers and rested her chin on her hands. "How's your younger brother? Do you plan to live with him forever?"
"Mm," Grace murmured, nodding. "If Jay wants to stay, I'm happy with the arrangement."
"A stranger would think you two were dating," Lina said worriedly. "He doesn't have any improper intentions, does he?"
"No," Grace replied. But when she thought of his dark eyes and strong body, her heart quickened.
"Hey, you…" Lina noticed the flush on Grace's face. "Don't tell me you're interested in him!"
"No," Grace denied. "Lina, I've been through so much. Even in prison… I don't intend to be interested in anyone. That's not in the cards for me."
Lina's face darkened at the mention of prison.
"Maybe we should see a doctor again…" she began.
"No, since I don't plan to marry, there's no point," Grace said.
Her brutal beating in prison caused internal hemorrhaging and uterine damage. Although surgery helped, future pregnancies would be extremely risky, if possible at all. Her doctor advised against it; the complications could be fatal for both her and a child.
But Grace had no intention of having a child. What kind of life could she offer? A cramped apartment and the stigma of being an ex-convict's child? She knew how cruel people could be and wouldn't subject an innocent baby to that.
Lina's heart ached for her friend, but she didn't know how to comfort her. She changed the subject. "Anyway, this younger brother is a stranger. I'm not trying to dampen your happiness—you deserve the best!—but Sean, your dad, our friends… they all knew you. He's a total stranger. Who's to say he won't change? Just be careful, okay?"
"I will," Grace said. "But I'm certain of one thing: Jay won't hurt me."
Lina smiled, but inside she panicked. Grace had shut everyone out except this young man. She cared for him deeply, lavishing on him the affection she couldn't give anyone else. If Jay hurt her… Lina wasn't sure Grace would survive.
Lily spent almost a whole night searching the Reed family pool before finding Jason's ring. She was near collapse from hypothermia when taken to the hospital, even requiring an IV drip. Of course, she had her agent take photos and post them online to garner sympathy.
Following the incident, Lily held a press conference, appearing sickly. She publicly apologized, explaining that the ring was a cherished gift from her boyfriend, Sean. She'd mistakenly believed she was wearing it when she went out; a friend alerted her to its absence, leading to her frantic search. "I'm sorry," she said. "My carelessness caused many sanitation workers to help me, while I stood by. I sincerely acknowledge my mistake."