My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict! by Anastasia Marie Chapter 73
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 0 mins read
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Chapter 73

It had been a long time since Grace had gotten two consecutive days off, especially a weekend. Normally, she worked overtime, taking whatever shifts were assigned.

Since Grace finally had some rare time off, Lina took her shopping. They hadn't gone shopping together in a long time—Grace lacked the time and money, and Lina found Grace's erratic schedule made planning nearly impossible.

While strolling through the mall, Grace felt a momentary return to her carefree past, before the accident. She’d taken so much for granted: money, time, friendships, her freedom. Now, she appreciated every moment. Her life might not be beautiful, easy, or glamorous, but she was grateful for every minute. Even in her best days before—graduating top of her class, meeting Sean, a bright future seemingly ahead—she hadn’t been so mindful.

Lina elbowed her. “All right, this has been going on for months. Spill. What’s the deal with Jay? How much do you know about him?”

Before Grace could answer, Lina continued, “Where is he from? What’s his family like? You know, some people seem nice before they swindle you.”

“Right. This could be a catfish,” Grace muttered.

“Lina, if Jay was looking to scam someone, he’d target someone with something to take. I’m poor, I have a dead-end job, and I have neither money nor a promising career.”

Lina waved that off. “Tell me about his family.”

Grace considered lying, but knew it would only encourage further questioning. “I only know his father passed away, and his mother seems to have left him. He didn’t tell me anything else, and I didn’t ask.” She shrugged.

“Are you dumb? That’s all you know? You should at least know what he used to do!” Lina exclaimed.

Grace smiled faintly. “Why would I need to know his past? I thought I knew everything about Sean—his family, schools, even his license plate and ID numbers. But in the end, it didn’t matter; I still couldn’t see him for who he really was.”

“Fair,” Lina said, biting her lip. “Sorry.”

“What’s there to be sorry about?” Grace laughed. “It’s nothing to fuss over. I know you’re worried, but I really don’t care anymore. Besides, if he doesn’t want to tell me and I keep asking, he might just make up stories, so what’s the point?”

That was a truth Grace didn't want to dwell on. She presented a good front to Lina and even Jay, but she knew he had secrets, a whole life before her. Did it hurt that he didn’t share? Yes. But she understood him, recognized a kindred soul suffering. Who was she to force him to share his pain?

“Let’s not talk about this. Let’s get some new clothes.” Grace didn’t plan to buy anything, but it seemed a good excuse to change the subject.

“My boss wants me to wear formal clothes when meeting clients,” Lina complained, pulling Grace into a large designer store.

Grace paused. She couldn’t afford anything here and didn’t want Lina to buy her anything.

“Relax. I won’t force you to buy anything, and I promise not to buy it for you if you freak out.”

Grace arched a brow. “I don’t freak out.”

Lina pointed. “Tell that to your eyebrow. I know that look!” She laughed.

Grace chuckled and relented. Besides, trying things on cost nothing. She could pretend they didn’t fit.

The women separated; Lina went to the formal wear section, while Grace remained near the entrance. She felt the saleswoman’s gaze. Her cheap clothes felt out of place. That familiar shame returned. She told herself to stop, that she’d done nothing wrong and had every right to be there.

“Well, well, well. Why would someone like you be here? It lowers the entire establishment’s standards!” a voice sneered.

Grace looked up to see Lily and Zoe Stevens, Sean’s sister. They wore expensive clothes and carried designer handbags, their contempt unmistakable. Zoe’s nose was in the air, her lips curled in a sneer. Grace once liked Zoe, but now it felt like Zoe wished her dead.

The staff greeted Zoe and Lily enthusiastically. “Miss Atkinson, Miss Stevens! New clothes just arrived! Let me show you the fall line. Champagne, ladies! Some pieces are straight from Milan Fashion Week!” The manager snapped his fingers.

“Sure,” Zoe said, smiling maliciously at Grace. She accepted a flute of champagne. “Grace, want to try something on? Oh, wait, with your salary, even saving for a year wouldn't cover anything here. How dare a sanitation worker even enter?”

The staff looked at Grace with surprise and contempt upon hearing “sanitation worker.” Grace’s face burned with embarrassment.

“What’s wrong with sanitation workers?” Lina asked, rushing over after noticing the commotion. “What law prohibits sanitation workers from looking at clothes?”

“Can she even afford them?” Zoe sneered. “Grace’s a street cleaner, yet she comes here? She’s just making trouble, isn’t she?” She turned to the staff. “Shouldn’t troublemakers be asked to leave?”

Zoe was a regular; the staff usually fawned over her. The supervisor approached Grace and Lina. “If you’re not buying anything, you need to leave. Now.”

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